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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

New Streaming Location

For those of you who have been tuning in to my stream, I've recently switched to My new channel can be found here. Feel free to Follow if you're interested. :D

I've also switched from using xsplit broadcaster to a program called OBS (Open Broadcasting Service), which means higher video and audio quality for my future streams. Twitch chat is also pretty nice compared to own3d.

I'll be streaming mostly on weekends when I can get access to the computer labs at my college (where the internet connection is good enough to stream). Usually my stream will consist of solo or duo queue ranked games, but I might stream some ranked 5s, ranked 3s or normals from time to time as well. My elo's been floating between 1750 and 1800 recently.

Playing as Ahri

I would considering doing a guide, but I don't exactly know how to go into so much depth and detail as many of the people here seem to do. But I am considering a build I have thought up. It was a real quick one, so it may not be so fitting for Ahri, but I'm going to be trying it out on her in the next few days.

I am new to this and all, so I'm not quite understanding how it all works especially with that of those links to the item sequence, I think it is, or of the masteries.

Once I get to be quite a "master" of Ahri, I will attempt to do a full on guide, maybe a different champ also or instead. But Ahri is a new favorite of mine, and I'd like to master her.~

I don't think I can quite use a link I would think as I can, I don't really get the Item Planner thing and it's link it gives.

I'm thinking of testing out a build of Ahri I came up with in some spare time. And I'm not sure if it's a good one or not, but I hope it is, and so here it is:

+ As most builds start off with, I'd sta…

People Who Made My Sigs

So I'm making this blog to show you guys my sigs and who made them, and also so that my signature can look a bit cleaner. So here are my signatures and who made them.




My thoughts on Thresh

So I've heard a lot of chatter about thresh obviously, I myself have looked into him a lot. He seems like a really fun champion to play. I think riot did a great job of balancing all of his cc and supposedly good base damage with his low ap ratios. But I also have seen many people complain that the randomness and scaling of his passive is too strong. From one perspective I can see where this is coming from but on the other hand you have to take into account that he doesn't gain any resistances per level. My comparison of him is Nasus. If you let Nasus farm his q all day he's a late game monster, but if u zone him out he loses a lot of his power (unless he's ap then he's still some ;) ). This is the same case with thresh if you give him free reign of lane his passive will get way out of hand and its your fault when all u have to do is make him suffer for it. You might say he can use his lantern to collect them which is true but that skill is a long cd for a reason folks. All in all I'm …

ROFL (literally)

I was browsing the League of Legends forums and I stumbled upon this comment while in the Tribunal section. They were asking each other about the funniest reports they've reviewed on the tribunal.

Someone desperate to get someone banned:

"I know where you live! If you don't ban him I'll come and rape your sheep, kill your dog, cook your chickens, eat your cat, pee on your fence,kill your father and rape your mom. "
Verbal Abuse

Seriously some ppl just don't take the reports seriously enough :/

I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a comment xDD I've been on the floor laughing for the past 5 minutes xD.. "cook your chickens" ...this is the funniest one xD..

Link to the thread if you wanna laugh!

How to Counter a Jungle Yi?

Now I consider myself an avid Kha'Zix player, particularly in the Jungle. However, I've noticed that whenever there is a Master Yi that is a jungler on the other team, he constantly counter jungles me and beats me. Every time. Granted this has happened only twice, but both times I was slaughtered in the same fashion. Here's a bit of info to describe my situations...

He always catches me at red buff, killing both me and stealing my buff. I know that this is because of a ward, because he uses

Zyra, a plant hugging hippy's dream date?

So, lately I've been playing a lot of Zyra support when I'm not being forced into some other role (support has actually become popular lately, not sure if I'm happy about that due to the fail support players increasing) and I've discovered a new love in my life. It's a pity she's kind of evil, I always pictured a plant lady to be a bit more loving but then I realized, nature isn't kind.

Nature, as a mater of fact, is kind of brutal. So in the end I've found myself gravitating towards her more often than not in ranked play depending on who I'm laning against and with.

So anyway, to answer my own question, I suppose if this hippy did a lot of drugs, I might be dumb enough to try to date Zyra, but I'm pretty sure she'd be more interested in my body. No, not like that, I meant as fertilizer.

Ashe, why?

So, after much trying and different test builds, I have determined that Ashe is pretty much pointless to play in S3. She has the worst damage out of all of the ADC champs along with no escapes/mobility. All she brings to the table is a Global Stun, IF you're good with it.

I have never seen a champ that needed a rework more than her. Firstly, she has 2 abilities that add 0 damage to her kit.

I say all this but it's not like she can't win a 1v1 with a few of the other ADC champs but there's nothing she can do that another champ can't do better. Even when Varus came out and everyone was touting him as Ashe v2.0, his kit is so much better in that not only does he have an extra damage skill, his passive adds damage to his basic attacks. His burst and sustained damage is higher, what's worse, in team fights his ult actually has better spread ability than Ashe's.

Overall, I've been trying to alter her role, sticking her as a support. This does work to some degree in that she can slow, scou…

JW's First Blog

Hello readers,I'm a young LoL player from EUW,been around since like April 2012,but went inactive mid season 2 due to technical stuff.So,as this is my first blog,it will be more introductive.

My favourite roles are(in descending order)top,mid and jungle.I really like versatile heroes that can be played on more lanes,some of my favourites would be:

I have 250ish normal wins and 1399 TOP ELO in preseason 3(1351 atm) I don't want to go really deep into playing ranked for the moment,I still want to buy some heroes and runepages etc.Consider these games as a test.

My most succesful champion is Katarina,I played 8 of my placement matches with her(yeah,lame,i know)just to be sure i won't start at -200 ELO.Atm. I have like 72% winrate,wich is not really that impressive at this ELO,but it's good for me.

I am looking to improve as a player,and i'm looking to develop a unique playstyle that will leave a question mark above my enemy's head :)

I am training…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide