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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

How would you feel if I made a ERBOLOL VS ERBOH ERB?

Hello, I am Mintleaves but some of you may call me Mint. I have made 9! Epic Rap Battles of LoL. For my Tenth ERB, I have an idea. How would you like to see an Epic Rap Battle, between my...


and NicePeter's and EpicLloyd's...


Please leave your vote and comments below. Any questions? Leave them below or PM for more details. :) <3


Im sick. And it sucks. The only good thing is that i can play lol. One problem though is that i can't really move. It hurts like deaaaam, so i have to play in my bed lol on my wooden laptop. Well, its better then nothing i guess.

If ur bored, plz visit my other real blog :)

Hugs, Bella

Mini guide blog #1: Support Nidalee

I've been meaning to somehow put together some very short guides on the basics for a few champions in certain roles...seeing as short guides won't ever get any votes/views, I figure...why not make them blog posts instead.

so, without any further ado, here's my mini guide about support Nidalee.


Nidalee is a harass support, this means playing more aggressive than one would play with a support like

Champion Epiphany

So I am in a little "jam". I need help, badly.

I want Koggie, Ez, and Syndra. I only have enough for 1 as of now.

I want to play AP Ez; Get Koggie since MM said to; and get Syndra because she looks cool. What would you guys recommend doing?

Nusaik's Tier Lists (Rengar)


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. I'm currently using it to post tier lists for the five main roles in the game. This is the first post in my new format. I have completely remade the tier lists so I haven't listed the changes from the previous lists. This post is updated for the Rengar patch. I will try to make a new one each patch.

The lists

These lists were started by me, but they will probably change a lot. I will edit them based on my personal experience and patches. I can also make changes based on feedback. If you have a suggestion, please post a nice comment with an explanation. I will look into it and see what I can do. I try to take all possible aspects of the champions and the game into account when making or editing the lists but it's not easy. I am not a pro player but I've done my best to make the lists as accurate as possible. I know they are far from perfect but I hope you will find them useful anyway. Don't blame me if you completely disagree wi…


Well, if you are at 1200 elo and think 1500 will be much better, It's not really that much better, there will always be people who put you down, and I can't say that's not me all the time. Sure, I have my weak points in anger sometimes, but that's what makes competition, well, competition :p

Either way, I couldn't come up with a generic blog name so I just used my summoner name (how original, right?) I have a few quests I wish to accomplish...

Starting from finding someone who's equally or even better skilled than me who is willing to dedicate their time in playing with me when I am available, I'm around 1500 elo but I'll drop and gain, you never know.

I have to say in the recent games I have been carried a lot, I don't feel like I'm doing a lot anymore, sure I play a few characters from there and there but every time I face the selection I'm having trouble in choosing who to play, It's like I'm not sure who I like anymore.

It would be awesome if I could maybe find a community that…

Quest to 1200

Well I've been on a ranked kick as of late, and pretty soon I'll be working to get my ELO up to a "respectable level" As of right now it is sitting at a dismal 965 or something like that. So now I will be using this nifty blog feature to better track my ELO changes and possibly vent a little bit. Don't expect too much for a while since I am on Vacation. bu tduring this vacation time I hop eto learn another Solo Mid CHampion ( Cassiopeia) and possibley Sona since I will be attending PAX.

This game...

About this game. I got three kills by 4 minutes and had a great ult that got my friend a kill when he should have died counter jungling. Our top was a Garen who fed a

I'm out

I suppose that between the life and the game one should always chose the former.

After losing one of my closest friends over the stupid matter of gaming, I say, "**** it, it's not worth it".

Idk, I'll have fun in college. And good luck to you, guys.

PSPSPSPSSS. Tell that noob Fruyti to fix his stupid magic penetration mistake in LeBlonk guide :D

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide