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Karma Build Guide by Harumony

Middle [10.11] The enlighten thighs - Mid lane guide

Middle [10.11] The enlighten thighs - Mid lane guide

Updated on June 8, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Harumony Build Guide By Harumony 2,523 Views 0 Comments
2,523 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Harumony Karma Build Guide By Harumony Updated on June 8, 2020
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Runes: Main runes

Unsealed Spellbook
Magical Footwear
Minion Dematerializer
Cosmic Insight

Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


Main runes
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[10.11] The enlighten thighs - Mid lane guide

By Harumony
Hi my name is Haru!

I've been playing league since s3 ish, and ive been maining karma mid for few years now. Shes a very underrated mid laner, even tho riot nerfed her to the ground, i still beleive she is an amazing tool to have in any team.
Strengh / weaknesses
Now lets take a look at her strengh and weaknesses:

-Still good when behind
-Good waveclear
-Good trading in lane
-Nice poke
-Good utility through the whole game (slow, shields and CC)
-Can trick people and bait with mantra W
-Can quickly roam by spamming E

-No real powerspike
-Ap ratios gutted, making her unefficient when full AP
-Only 1 ability to deal damage
-Falls off HARD late game
-Vulnerable when trying to connect both ticks of W
-Is pretty much condemned to use utility items
Main goal
Lets take a look at why Karma would go mid lane in the first place.

Alot of players undervalues the utility she can offer. But remember that everybody on the team has to understand where, and how her abilities are able to shine. Shes the best in team fights, but if the team fight is getting chaotic, and unorganized, she can get picked off and deleted in a second, rendering all of her utility useless. Thats why EVERYBODY has to position properly in order for Karma to find any kind of success. wich can be hard in lower elos. Your team (and yourself) has to play around your kit in order to maximise the benefits. Using mantra E is acctually busted, the main shield is absolutely monstrous and can enable any carry basically. As a good karma main, you will have to use your other spells and your autos to reset your mantra as soon as possible.
Laning phase
This is where Karma is at her strongest, and where she stands out the most.

Her ultimate is dangerous pre 6. Empowered Qs will do alot of damage, and mantra W can save your butt. She has low cooldowns and low mana costs. That means she can abuse her Q in lane to poke and farm, and use her E to trade against an ennemy. Your goal early game is to rush athene ardent before mid game so you can have a good cdr and the utility buffs on REs. You can also manage your minion wave in order to quickly roam around the side lanes for any ganks. Since you can travel easily with E. Dont be scared against assassins, as you can deny any kind of approch they can do, and punish their offensive moves. Building support does not mean you are as weak as them. You will have the highest level of your team, in addition to a gold advantage. Do not hesitate to be aggressive on mistakes made by ennemies, playing passive is just a way of being a very bad player and to not take opportunities.
Mid to late game
This is where you wanna group, and start using RE alot more than RQ. the longer the game, the less you wanna be on your own. Unfortunately for karma, lategame will be like any support. Thats just how her kit / numbers works. Riot shifted her playstyle alot, and sadly overnerfed her damage ratios. I myself hate to see Karma in this current state of shield bot.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Harumony
Harumony Karma Guide
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[10.11] The enlighten thighs - Mid lane guide

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