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Volibear Build Guide by iTzToniOP

Top [10.14] iTzToniOP's reworked Volibear guide. #15 Volibear EU

Top [10.14] iTzToniOP's reworked Volibear guide. #15 Volibear EU

Updated on July 9, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iTzToniOP Build Guide By iTzToniOP 449 32 1,322,355 Views 18 Comments
449 32 1,322,355 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author iTzToniOP Volibear Build Guide By iTzToniOP Updated on July 9, 2020
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Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating

Cosmic Insight
Biscuit Delivery

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None



Hello everybody and welcome to my own Volibear guide! First of all I will introduce myself, I am Antonio "iTz ToniOP" and I'm a spanish Volibear main. If you find some mistakes please notice me so I can fix it since it is not my native language.

Im currently one of the best 15 Volibear in EUW.

I've been playing League of Legends since 2012, when I started playing rankeds. I have climb from an ELO score of 550 (worse than the actual bronze IV) in season 2 to Diamond IV 6 years later.

I will teach how do I play my main champion, I will focus on how is it played in SoloQ on my own way. This means thet you'll probably find other guides that might suit your playstyle better than this one.
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Grasp of the Undying is the best keystone I've tried, it can be activated with our Frenzied Maul and grants you a very important health bonus towards the game.

Demolish gives you the chance of getting free plates once you've killed or made the enemy go back to his base, which is so powerful.

For the secondary tree, Inspiration is insane since it allows you to equip Cosmic Insight and Biscuit Delivery, which allows us to achieve a 45% of CDR and insane sustain during the lane phase.

It's very important to also pick CDR on the third tree to get the last 10% of CDR we'll need so we'll just have to build a 30%.
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Volibear's itemization is simple I think. First of all we'll start with Doran's Shield and a Health Potion, this is the standard. If you get one early kill you can back for Bami's Cinder and a Control Ward. It's always neccesary to have a Control Ward placed on the bush and another one in the inventory because you'll receive a lot of ganks while playing Volibear.

Bami's Cinder. This is my favourite item by far, it gives you amazing stats for only 900 gold. This combines with Thundering Smash and Frenzied Maul perfectly. After it we'll go for the Iceborn Gauntlet, starting with the Glacial Shroud better than the Sheen as soon as possible.

The reason for building Bami's Cinder as our first item is that if we rush Iceborn Gauntlet as our first item, we will have no additional HP until minute 12 aproximately and that would be a little bit late.

If you're playing against an ability power champion such as Vladimir you can build Bami's Cinder aswell but before anything else you must priorize Spectre's Cowl and Spirit Visage

For the boots I choose Mercury's Treads, you cannot dash into the fight. The only way for you to get into the enemy team is to run more than they do, you need Tenacity for that. If you're playing DuoQ with a friend and he mains support, he can pick Lulu or Zilean, those combos are insane.

The key of the build is the Turbo Chemtank, it allows you to make the most savage engages.

Spirit Visage is the last core item I will be talking about, the healing you get with The Relentless Storm will be increased by a 30%. This means that if you have a maximum health of 3000 you will heal 900 once your passive procs. Combined with Spirit Visage this amount is increased to 1170 HP healed.

For the full build I really like how Sterak's Gage fits to this aggresive playstyle.

If you are not feeling tanky enough you can build Randuin's Omen as your last item.

Of course if the game is not over once you have got the full build keep buying Elixir of Iron.
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Skill Sequence

The skill sequence is also easy to remember. Unless we're invading, we will upgrade our Frenzied Maul at lvl 1, followed by Sky Splitter and then Thundering Smash. This is also the priority we will follow for the entire game.
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Pros / Cons


- Great tank with amazing individual CC.
- Easy to play.
- Nice engages, you can comeback easily by landing on the right guy.
- Unknown champion.


- Weak against kite and poke.
- Blade of the Ruined King counters him so much.
- If you run too far from your teammates looking for the engage, they won't be able to follow you up.

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Volibear is a funny champion that has been with me since I started playing this game. This guide is my way of sharing to others how I do play this champion and how did I get to Diamond for the first season since I play this game.

I hope you liked it. Share it and tell me if there are any mistakes so I can fix them.

Thanks and see you in the Summoner's Rift!

You can follow me on Twitter if you want! @iTzToniOP

Antonio "iTz ToniOP" Castillo.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iTzToniOP
iTzToniOP Volibear Guide
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[10.14] iTzToniOP's reworked Volibear guide. #15 Volibear EU

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