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Pyke Build Guide by Ghionova

Support [10.2] Pyke Build: If your ADC cant carry, take his job!

Support [10.2] Pyke Build: If your ADC cant carry, take his job!

Updated on January 31, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ghionova Build Guide By Ghionova 27,413 Views 0 Comments
27,413 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ghionova Pyke Build Guide By Ghionova Updated on January 31, 2020
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Champion Build Guide

[10.2] Pyke Build: If your ADC cant carry, take his job!

By Ghionova
Update 31.01.2020
Hey, Ive updated my build and little "guide" thats hidden in the notes. Too bad they nerfed him down to the ground of the sea.

His Q and E once dealt dmg to every target, now only Q can hit one target and E can only damage champions and youre really ****ed up if you miss your ult because you only deal 50% of the damage if the enemy is not below execution level. He became harder to play in the last months. Hes not useless, just very very limited now.

Riot removed one of his best late game items called Spear of Shojin, the item with HP AD and CD. Pyke was able to get 100 AD out of it because his passive convertes HP into AD and the rune converts overused CD into AD aswell... + the nice passive attackspeed reset on him were glory. Those were good old days.

They also nerfed Stormrazor for Pyke. You were able to hit a crit when you first hit an enemy, perfect for engages and damage boost. Ive changed some items in the section and gave few more alternatives.

Im mainly using the 2nd and the 4th build. The 2nd is a short and easy view and the 4th is a bit more detailed with items and descriptions and also includes threats. Have a nice day and enjoy the goldrain.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ghionova
Ghionova Pyke Guide
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