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The threats are made by my own experiences and varies to other players. Timing and mindset can influence the threats.
He is able to silence, knockup and stun you. In other words: He can interrupt all your abilities. When you get hooked, wait until he knocks you up and then use your E to dash away, otherwise it will be interrupted aswell.
Burst Dmg Support, forced aggressive lane playing. You negate the dmg output by healing up from passive.
Previous lvl 6 you can have a chance to pick her out. When shes lvl 6 and ahead, shes able to pick you out very fast with her adc.
Her W has a huge range and hitbox, stay behind minions when you play against Ashe. Easy predictable ult. Once you have 3 items, she will no longer exsist in the game.
He can counter everything in your kit. Prepare your Q when his Q is on cd. Use E to dash forward and destroy the shrines when the enemy adc tries to run into it and save your ult up because he will ult themself when their low on hp to avoid the execution.
Depending on the enemy adc he can be very strong or useless. In general you can pull him behind you when his E is active so he wont be able to block damage. When you get hit by Q, use E into them and try to stun both. They will concentrate on the Braum-marked champ first.
Outranging you easily. Her W and E detect you so you cant heal up and thats really annoying against Cait. She can put a trap in front of you while you charge Q or she can E away.
High damage scaling. His E interrupts your Q and E. His W is a perfect kite ability and this movementspeed can be a little problem. Depending on enemy support he will be a big or a lesser problem.
He can E out of your R or Q. Even if you hit him while he uses E, you wont pull him to you, whats kinda annyoing when you want to start an engage.
Good counterpick against Pyke. He can fear or silence you while you charge q or he forces you to move back and he its also possible that he dodges your E when youre feared and walk back. Just check when his q and E are on cd, without them he is a freekill and down with 2 hits. At least you have one good thing against Fiddlesticks: You can cancel his ult with your stun and hook.
Annoying movementspeed and slow. She can ruin your whole combos. Dont chase her, shes fast enough to escape to team mates.
All he has is damage but you can handle it easily when you play extremely aggressive. His ult is useless against your abilities and he has nothing that can stop you by your plans.
Same as Jhin. When she uses E, activate yours to avoid getting stunned.
Early easy game = Late hard game
Impossible to hit your charged Q
Annoying outranging stun. Shields are useless against your ult execution. You heal very fast enough dmg from her charged Q. No big deal.
Easy kill. Just make the experience on your own. You will see he has nothing to stand against your kit. He will be dangerous when he has max attackspeed so if that happens, only attack from an ambush.
She is an engager, forced to go aggressive. Cant be better. When you stay near by your turret and she pokes with E, use your E and hook her. Just act like you dont know whats gonna happen and she will E you. Many Leona players felt for that
He has nothing but dmg and dash. You can dash in the opposite direction of his ult when you stay near enough.
Hard counter. She can interrupt your abilities and make your ult worthless by giving her ult target more hp. Be careful with timing.
Easy target. Squishy and desperate when she missed Q.
Miss Fortune
Dont stay behind minions and the game is yours. Dash out of her E because the slow can be annoying for you.
Her E is such a powerful ability. You have no magical damage so you cant break the shield and you are forced to wait till the shield is gone. You are unable to hook and stun then. If she uses the shield, focus the other one.
Predictable skillshots. Save your ult till she used her W.
Pyke kinda counters himself because his abilities can be countered with his own kit. NEVER charge your Q when the enemy Pyke is already charging. Better use a "non charged" Q on him after he dashed and then dash in the same direction as him. The slow from Q wont make it possible to dodge your E.
Hes an annoying rabbit who jumps multiple times. Save your Q for the adc and he will be forced to protect him and it will be a safe hook. When he engages, expect he will use ult and save your own abilities after the charm is over.
Big waveclear, block shield but once used shes totally desperate. Use W to get close enough and hit her with a non charged Q. She wont expect that and after that, use E so she has to block it with her shield and you have your ult ready for her.
Not a big deal. Squishy and low healing.
You only have to worry about the silence field. The rest is easy going once you bought executioners calling (or your adc)
Immortality and alot heals, weak heals but a high chance to avoid you executing them. His E can be dodged very easy and after that he can only use aa.
The slows, hooks and slides can be very stressful. Really strong against your kit. Never engage when his Q is ready and youre detected, otherwise he has more posibilities in the fight.
Easy match up. Your hook interrupts her jump and her ult wont stop you from teleporting. When you engage and are close enough, watch her animation and use E to get pushed in her direction. That will help out in the most cases.
A fed Varus can oneshot you. Try to play aggressive in early and he wont be a problem once youre fed.
Same as Varus, shes a late game monster. Once she hit you with E, its over. Also same situation with Tristanas ult.
High damage, large hitbox cage...
Always check his actual AP to avoid getting onshot. His Cage needs time to show up, good timing for you E to dash through, till it stuns you.
High range but wont be a problem when youre invisible. He is squishy and not a big deal. His ult can be dodged or canceled easily. Use your movementspeed from W and ITEMS to dodge as much as you can, true dmg hurts ;)
Impossible to kill when fed. Care for her ult, she will dodge yours with it.
Cant be executed when low hp and inviolable. Her Heal is strong so keep in mind if you want to execute the adc.
Only his ult is a bit hard to play against. Focus the other target until the ult mark of his ult is gone. Never kill an ulted target! Never!
She can cast plants to protect themselfs. So try to get closer and hit her with non charged Q's
Same as Kog Maw. He only hase invisibility and is easy to kill. Also a good trade when hes the jungler.
Care for her stun and try to hit them first, to be sure its not Neeko with full hp.
Perfect match up. She is an engager and has to go full in. Your healing is good against her Q damage. Run into her spear and she will jump to you. This is the perfect timing to dash away and she wont be able to dodge your stun.
Tahm Kench
When hes behind, the game is yours. You can dash out of him when he spits you out. Never use your E when hes close to you, otherwise he will devour you while you use E. Shield is no problem but his tongue is because of the slow and cooldown. If he uses ult and youre near by, its perfect to hook one of them out after they arrived.
Easy to kill but it can be stressful when he blinds your adc.
Predictable abilites. You have enough time to charge your Q while he tries to taunt you.
His true damage can one shot you, he can interrupt your abilities. He can literally pick you out of a team fight where you are supposed to farm gold.
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion is predictable and you can negate his stars 2 times. If he isnt fed, you can kill him easily.
You cant use E and R in her miasma so be careful.
Take care of crescendum, the traps. That hook may be the reasonm why you live.
Very squishy and weak if she does not play with high ranged adc (Ashe, Cait, Aphelios etc)
If youre not pre, ask Cait to put traps in front of you, so you hook them into the trap. This can change alot in a fight.
Damage brothers. Easy execution gold. Only watch out for his E. It interrupts when he hits the pulled enemy.
If youre not pre, ask Cait to put traps in front of you, so you hook them into the trap. This can change alot in a fight.
Damage brothers. Easy execution gold. Only watch out for his E. It interrupts when he hits the pulled enemy.
Hey, Ive updated my build and little "guide" thats hidden in the notes. Too bad they nerfed him down to the ground of the sea.
His Q and E once dealt dmg to every target, now only Q can hit one target and E can only damage champions and youre really ****ed up if you miss your ult because you only deal 50% of the damage if the enemy is not below execution level. He became harder to play in the last months. Hes not useless, just very very limited now.
Riot removed one of his best late game items called Spear of Shojin, the item with HP AD and CD. Pyke was able to get 100 AD out of it because his passive convertes HP into AD and the rune converts overused CD into AD aswell... + the nice passive attackspeed reset on him were glory. Those were good old days.
They also nerfed Stormrazor for Pyke. You were able to hit a crit when you first hit an enemy, perfect for engages and damage boost. Ive changed some items in the section and gave few more alternatives.
Im mainly using the 2nd and the 4th build. The 2nd is a short and easy view and the 4th is a bit more detailed with items and descriptions and also includes threats. Have a nice day and enjoy the goldrain.
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