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Runes: Loggit Special 1
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Too much CC, and a fair amount of AoE. Really hard to engage on, difficult to kill.
Pyke can keep the enemy in Aphelios's damage range, and Aphelios has strong enough damage to get them down to ulti range quickly.
Pyke can keep the enemy in Aphelios's damage range, and Aphelios has strong enough damage to get them down to ulti range quickly.
Champion Build Guide
Hi! I am Loggit, a player from NA. I have been playing League of Legends for some time now, since season 3. I am a Pyke main, M7. 41008 mastery points on the Bloodharbor Ripper himself. I love playing Pyke--the engage, the burst, the combos, the tilt. I even had somebody ask me for my youtube/twitch once, to which I replied truthfully that I have neither. However, if you want to see me in action, you can check out JoltikVizier's channel here: JoltikVizier And here is my Loggit
A video featuring some of my Pyke gameplay thanks to Vampy Cat Anyon: Here
The Lore
The Champ
Strengths and Weaknesses
The Runes
Lesser Runes
What Summoners?
Game Start and Spectral Sickle
To start the game, you want to take Steel Shoulderguards. Spectral Sickle also works, but it is not as easy to use. There is one situation where Spectral Sickle outperforms the Steel Shoulderguards: early roaming. The early roam strategy is honestly very bad, and should not be performed on a regular basis, only when playing with or against a certain champion/set of champions. For example, Ezreal is literally worthless in the early game, which essentially makes Pyke equally worthless--both when playing with and against--forcing early roaming to keep kill participation and presence. Ashe/Soraka is another such instance, where they play passive and poke. Otherwise, take Steel Shoulderguards. ALWAYS take two health pots.
Core and Early Purchases
Pyke's core is shown above, but there are some other items that can be used to replace these, the two particularly well mentioned being Duskblade of Draktharr and Black Cleaver. I almost always purchase both of these anyways instead of situationals just because they are so strong, but can replace the Umbral Glaive if you need the situational spots in your inventory. Your early purchases are usually going to be tier 2 boots ASAP! This helps with roaming. I personally will buy Youmuu's Ghostblade second over the Umbral Glaive after boots, but you should probably be taking Umbral Glaive afterward--I don't expect you to roam as much as I do. So don't worry about it! :)
Honourable Mentions
Some honorable mentions: ANY ITEM YOU THINK YOU MAY NEED! Pyke is special, since as long as the item has health he can scale. So in regards to items such as Iceborne and Frozen Heart, I suggest NOT buying them as they don't scale you at all--but if it works for your it works. Pyke is one of the few champions that can do this, so experiment with items after you get comfortable with the basic build!
Passive: Gift of the Drowned Ones
Gift of the Drowned Ones is a recreation of Vladimir's passive, Crimson Pact, as well as Tahm Kench's E, Tough Skin .
The first part is that a percentage of all damage taken from champions is stored as grey health, and when outside of enemy vision Pyke rapidly regenerates this value.
The second part is that Pyke does not gain excess health--instead, all excess health is converted into bonus AD in a 14:1 ratio.
Q: Bone Skewer
This is your bread and butter; the most of your damage outside of your ultimate. This can be used as pure damage, engage, OR peel for your carries. You can flash while charging, and therefor you can surprise someone quite easily by charging q behind minions then flashing into their face and pulling them behind you.
Bone Skewer has two casts: tap and hold. By tapping Q, Pyke gives a quick jab of his harpoon dealing damage to the first unit it hits, prioritizing champions. This applies a strong slow for a short duration. By holding, Pyke increases the range of his jab, pulling the first unit hit towards him, increasing in distance with time charged. By holding until max range, Pyke can actually throw the target behind him by hooking from point blank--this is how you isolate a target.
W: Ghostwater Dive
This is your primary way to roam as it gives you a camo and heavily increased movement speed. Ghostwater Dive is also useful for chasing.
Pyke is seen through the camo when near a Control Ward or when an enemy champion is within the radius.
E: Phantom Undertow
Phantom Undertow is going to be your primary source of engage and mobility. It's also your strongest CC, as it is a solid stun allowing you a guranteed Death from Below.
Phantom Undertow is a mid-sized dash, with a stun after a short duration following from the starting point of the dash. The dash AND stun can be extended by flashing, and passes through most walls. Phantom Undertow is also how you disengage for yourself, so do not waste it.
Ultimate: Death from Below
Death from Below is your most important ability--mobility and a chain execution. It works the same way as Darius ulti, Noxian Guillotine, but is also AoE and has WAY more range.
How to play Pyke
Early Game:
In the early game, levels pre-6, Pyke acts as engage and wave pressure. Against other engage comps, it is good to start an engage with your e, Phantom Undertow, instead of starting with q, Bone Skewer. Ghostwater Dive is not very useful early game, unless you are attempting to leave swiftly. Walk up to apply pressure as well as push by making use of your Spoils of War passive on the Steel Shoulderguards to execute minions. When against any bottom comp that is not engage based, it is better to use Bone Skewer to begin an engage and following up with Phantom Undertow.
Mid game:
In the mid-game, Pyke begins the assassin part of his kit. Once you get your ultimate Death from Below you need to start roaming to increase kill participation and get lane pressure in mid. The same engage exists, but now Ghostwater Dive becomes one of the most important abilities you have access to. You use it to go unseen by wards and to move FAR faster--after which, you use Phantom Undertow to stun and Bone Skewer for the damage. That Death from Below is Pyke's defining factor, as it allows him to get EVERYONE very large amounts of gold, while snowballing to that assassin stage as intended. You can even roam top for kill participation, however it loses you out on a lot of exp.
Late game:
In the late-game, Pyke goes full-on assassin, destroying squishies and anyone dumb enough to splitpush. During teamfights, what you want to do is move fast and Bone Skewer people to isolate them. Ult ANYONE, and I mean anyone, who gets low enough. You can easily get away with Phantom Undertow, so there really isn't much to worry about other than chain-stuns. The supportive aspect of Pyke is completely gone by now, and you simply assassinate--peeling is too dangerous, disengage is the same way, and full engage is super sketchy during teamfights.
Thank you all for reading!
But just remember,
No. More. Captains!
See you out on the Rift!
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