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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Summoner Spells
Ability Order
Reign of Anger (PASSIVE)
Renekton Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
New Guide!
Hey I'm XRVG and I have mained Renekton since season 4!
I've climbed to Diamond maining Renekton with win rates above 60%
I havn't yet tried to get masters or challenger yet but I may try this season.
When playing Renekton you MUST be confident and aggressive.
You must NOT be a KDA player.
The main goal is to hard stomp your lane, take turret platings and finally the turret. Then based on your midlaner and jungler either roam MID to help your team or take the herald to hard apply pressure TOP.
Renekton follows the same principle as most TOP laners.
Pressure. Pressure. Pressure.
People say TOP lane is an island, you do not need to leave TOP lane to carry, bring the enemies to you. Allow your team to have a free map and win through free resources.
When team fighting you want to HARD engage on the backline. Massive aoe damage which allow your team to just follow and cleanup. You want to use an empowered W on the highest damage target. Lock them down, kill them. Afterwards you wanna do as much aoe damage on the rest of the enemy team as possible.
The more you do, the less your team has to.
I hope you enjoyed this quick guide and it helps you on the rift,
Hey I'm XRVG and I have mained Renekton since season 4!
I've climbed to Diamond maining Renekton with win rates above 60%
I havn't yet tried to get masters or challenger yet but I may try this season.
When playing Renekton you MUST be confident and aggressive.
You must NOT be a KDA player.
The main goal is to hard stomp your lane, take turret platings and finally the turret. Then based on your midlaner and jungler either roam MID to help your team or take the herald to hard apply pressure TOP.
Renekton follows the same principle as most TOP laners.
Pressure. Pressure. Pressure.
People say TOP lane is an island, you do not need to leave TOP lane to carry, bring the enemies to you. Allow your team to have a free map and win through free resources.
When team fighting you want to HARD engage on the backline. Massive aoe damage which allow your team to just follow and cleanup. You want to use an empowered W on the highest damage target. Lock them down, kill them. Afterwards you wanna do as much aoe damage on the rest of the enemy team as possible.
The more you do, the less your team has to.
I hope you enjoyed this quick guide and it helps you on the rift,
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