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Middle [10.6] YatoEUW 1.7 million xp twisted fate Masters (Dopa)

Middle [10.6] YatoEUW 1.7 million xp twisted fate Masters (Dopa)

Updated on March 18, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YatoEUW Build Guide By YatoEUW 5,804 Views 0 Comments
5,804 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author YatoEUW Build Guide By YatoEUW Updated on March 18, 2020
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1 2
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus

Perfect Timing
Biscuit Delivery

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
standard runes
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[10.6] YatoEUW 1.7 million xp twisted fate Masters (Dopa)

By YatoEUW
in-depth advanced guide
Hey guys, i am Yato, im a high elo streamer usually around masters, my main champion is Twisted Fate with in total over 1.7 million exp on 3 accounts.
My most played account is "waifu 4 laifu" with over 1 million exp on twisted fate.
currently i stream at every single day.
currently i am climbing a fresh account to masters all solo the in game name is "TwTv YatoEUW".
If you have any question about twisted fate or other champions come check it out and ask me questions in chat or join my discord at

The better you get at the game the better Twisted Fate is for you.
Twisted Fate is the only champion in the game who can consistently make things happen which give him the most oppertunities in the game to get advantages.
For example:
  • setting up ganks to win lane (flash-goldcard ignite with a bit of jungler damage usually is a kill for free)
  • split push pressure
  • setting up ganks to win lane (flash-goldcard ignite with a bit of jungler damage usually is a kill for free)
  • win every mid/jungle 2v2(due to gold card ignite lock down and all in damage pressure (his ultimate allows him to be a split pusher without teleport)
  • Waveclear
  • side lane control (his ultimate)
  • late game one shot potential


What team compositions does Twisted Fate fit well in?

the perfect team compostin would:
  • A support with follow up engage for when you ulti to their lane and stun someone you want them to follow up with another stun champions who do this very well are Braum, Leona, Morgana.
  • An ad carry who either snowball really hard like Dravenand Lucian or champions who scale really well into the late game but need help getting through laneing phase for example Twitch, Kai'Sa, Ashe, Caitlyn, Kog'Maw.
  • For the top laner i would recommend a strong split pusher like Fiora, Riven, Jax so twisted fate can help him get through lane phase without to much issue's and in the late game Twisted Fate can cover his split pusher from dying the jungler or they can kill the enemy top laner.

What team compositions should you avoid with Twisted Fate?

Twisted Fate is not a very strong blind pick, the most crucial information you need to pick him is when you either know your own jungler's pick or you know the enemy mid laner.

if your own jungler picks a weak early game jungler who doesn't like the gank it doesn't go well with tf duo to Twisted Fate's very low early game damage, that in combination with a low dmg early game jungler is a recipe for disaster even if you play it perfectly they won't die often. bad early game jungler's are Kayn, karthus]], Malphite

Any really good synergies with other champions?
i mentioned many synergies above, my favorite champions to play with are Xin Zhao, Shaco and Jarvan IV.

Are there any enemy team compositions / champions to avoid with Twisted Fate?

avoid bad early game junglers on your side or obvious bad matchups. the hardest matchups are Syndra, Orianna, Zed, Yasuo or Irelia.


standard rune page
    he also cant reliably proc
Electrocute which leaves him in the middle to take Arcane Comet which he uses quiet efficiently.
  • Manaflow Band is without exception the best and most efficient rune he can choose here in every situation
  • Absolute Focus: the most benefit this rune gives you is that clearing waves becomes quicker. which makes controlling the lane a lot easier.
    the other runes are quiet useless on twisted fate.
  • Scorch is always the best choice due to [[twisted fate]'s relatively weak trades a slight bit of extra laning phase dominance does a lot more than scaling ap which has too few situation to be good.
  • Stopwatch has a good use in almost every game especially in his hard counter like Zed, Syndra or Yasuo due to their all in potential.
    if you dont play against a champion that can possibly kill you by all inning you then go
Magical Footwear.
    if you are confident in winning trades on your own take
Minion Dematerializer for a bit more lane control.

Dopa runes: honestly i would rarely reccomendd dopa runes except a few matchup due to the immense skill you need to consistently succeed with it, the runes make your spells deal significantly less damage but they give you way more sustain so you can do extra auto attacks every now and then which dopa succeeds in because of his almost perfect lane movements. im a masters player on euw and i can't pull of movements like that in lane consistently so anyone under masters will probably be worse off.
there are a few matchups above mentioned where u dont need the movements to succeed mostly because the enemy midlaner is a melee champion like Diana, Zed and a special exception Syndra



Rod of Ages: unlike almost all other mages Twisted Fate does not rely on either spamming spells or cooldown reduction thus buying a Lost Chapter item like Luden's Tempest is not neccessary.
for less gold he gets WAY more gold efficient stats and better stats (500max hp is huge for a mid range mage) out of Rod of Ages and thus is build EVERY SINGLE GAME.

In most situations you want to get upgraded boots immediately after Rod of Ages except a few matchup where u rush Mercury's Treads first item like Syndra, Lissandra, LeBlanc.
or situatuions where u rush ninja tabi's against Yasuo or Irelia.

if your not in any of these situations you will always build your Rod of Ages before buying upgraded boots.
90% of your games you will either buy Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi

Mercury's Treads: mercs is usually the best buy buy because as a mid range control mage spells will be hitting you sometime and having the extra tankiness and tenacity will help you survive way easier.

Ninja Tabi: buy there when the main threat to killing you is auto attack based.

Sorcerer's Shoes: buy sorcs if there are atleast 2 people that are one shottable by your combo or when your team is immensely ad heavy. if these boots don't make you one shot someone they are a waste of gold

Ionian Boots of Lucidity: i only buy [ionian boots]] when i want to get lane control but im not under any killing threat so you just want to permanently shove the wave to get priority.

Boots of Swiftness: buy these when the enemy team has 3-4 champions with slows and the other boots aren't efficiently used.
these boots will rarely be bought.


if the max hp of roa is enough for you to survive the most efficient damage source is Lich Bane which you will get most of your games as a second item.

the champions i listed as hard counters are hard counters because they force Twisted Fate into building a zhonya or banshee second item.(90% of the time zhonya duo the and ultimate all in like zed ult, syndra ult,talon ult or irelia ult.
the best way to deal with it is simply buying a Zhonya's Hourglass and using the active at the right time.


If you were forced to get a Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil as second item to survive then you buy Lich Bane.

In most sceranio's you have Rod of Ages and Lich Bane as your first two items.

if that's the case then think:

do i have trouble surviving?: if you do then consider building Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil as third item.

if you dont have trouble surviving the item which feels absolutely amazing almost every single game will be Rabadon's Deathcap, this will give you one shot burst on squishie targets, relevant damage on high hp targets and most important of all the ability to kill turrets with 5 auto's due to the synergy between Lich Bane and Rabadon's Deathcap.
if you are good with macro game and understand split pushing and how to use it this is the powerspike that will take over the game withing a few minutes.


to keep the huge third item powerspike going as long as possible you need to make the choice:
is the person who i want to target building magic resistance?

if yes build Void Staff

if no build Rapid Firecannon

if your first three items were Rod of Ages, Lich Bane and either [zhonya's hourglass]] or Banshee's Veil then decice:

does the person who i want to target have magic resistance?

if yes, build Void Staff
if no, build Rabadon's Deathcap


whatever is left in the situation that you did not build

its either one of these:

Void Staff if they got magic resistance
Rapid Firecannon if you have you enough damage already and they dont have magic resistance
Morellonomicon in case they have 2-3 champions that can be one shot by your combo otherwise this is a bad item
Rabadon's Deathcap if you were force to build all defensive items and a void staff you probably messed up by picking twisted fate in the first place but get Rabadon's Deathcap at last.


Twisted Fate is a champion that is a direct reflection of your rank, every single piece of game knowledge is useable with the versatility of his kit and thus immensely rewarding to play.

even though he has many counters and is not blindpickable i'd say you get enough information in champ select about 50% of the time to pick him and secure the win with calculated and consistent gameplay


I stream every single day of the week at, if you have any question about twisted fate or any other midlane related question im happy to answer.

there are many people uncluding me in my discord to discus either Twisted Fate or other league related questions, or just to talk and mess around.

I hope you learnt a thing or two from this guide and good luck on the rift!

patch notes

[10.2] had nothing relevant impacting twisted fate
[10.3] - nothing impactfull for tf this patch even though any buffs for champions that sort of remove assassin meta champs is good for him (galio buffs)
[10.6] tf got a ap ratio buff for red an blue card which is pretty relevant duo to its immense scaling buff but it doesn't change the playstyle or build

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League of Legends Build Guide Author YatoEUW
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