Avoid fighting her at lvl 1 since you won’t have passive and her Q destroys you early on however don’t be afraid to use the minions to your advantage if she is overly aggressive. Start e and let her push you in.Use your Q to avoid her parry or your flash if you don’t have low HP minions around you.
He beats you level 1 unless you have minions set up for passive, but usually its better to start with e. Don’t be afraid to auto him because if he presses e then you can just simply stun him and run away. This will screw up the wave and it will push to you and you can keep going for sneaky autos because your auto range is a lot longer but if you just go for farm its also fine. You can use this to get level advantages which are pretty big early on. Try to keep your passive at 5 stacks and auto attacking him whenever he is in range, if he is close enough you go for an e and if you land your e don’t be afraid to q on him and auto. After lvl 6 It gets easier but it also gets very punishing if you make any mistakes after this point. At level 6 jax gets a lot of extra damage from his R passive every third auto and is really tanky with his ult. You have to start with a full passive in every fight and you also have to make sure that his passive is not stacked, if it is his full passive is stronger than yours. This is generally how the lane plays out until level 11. If you have not gotten ahead of him after lvl 11 do not try to 1v1 him unless you have help on the way. His ult passive does too much damage and his E cooldown will be very short but if you are ahead the same concept from above applies.
He is super squishy early on so you can start Q and look to build your passive and fight him early. You can also avoid all of his abilities with your Q granted you have minions around you. The only way you really lose is if you get hit by everything and he has minion advantages. Its also risky after 6 if you misstep as he can easily chase you down due to your low base movement speed and kill you. Fight with full passive and land your R and E, use minions to avoid his skill shots and you will win. Be careful of the jungler, it's the only way you really lose this lane.
Avoid fighting him at lvl 1 since you won’t have passive, start e and let him push you in. E him after he autos you so that your creeps target him. Once it pushes to tower stack your passive and look for fights, especially since it will be pushing back and you will have exp advantage over him. Don’t be afraid to fight him even if he looks spooky. Make sure he has no boneplating before all-inning him and land your E before you go in AND make sure you have passive. Save your last Q for his Q, spam your Q when they pull you if they are charging his Q. If you don’t get hit by his outer Q you will typically win, same goes later levels however I would avoid fighting him after 3 items if you are not ahead of him since it will take you too long to kill him and he will get his passive.
This will be one of the champions that you won't win even with your passive stacked. Dodge his w with your qs and keep a distance.Play around bone plating, go on him when he used his abilities and call your jungler and kill him
He is easy to fight but he can also stop you from auto attacking quite easily and keep poking you with barrels so he can be a pain. Also most of the people that will be playing Gragas tend to main him so that will also make things a bit more difficult. The way I tend to beat Gragas is stack up passive and look for level 1-2 fights because he won’t have all of his abilities that help him trade back. He is generally pretty strong at level 3 due to his high base damage. You can also juke out his Q and E easily while trading with him. It is quite easy to outplay him but you have to be careful with how easy it is for him to disengage from you after chunking you heavily. So, I’d recommend only fighting him if you have minions set up to juke him out so you don’t have to worry about him bursting you and disengaging. Be careful when committing as if you miss anything he can easily run you down so make sure you hit your abilities/have passive stacked before going for an all in.
Can be quite annoying if she goes PTA and tries to poke you out at level 1 before you can stack passive. In this case let her push which makes her vulnerable to early ganks. Once it pushes to your tower you can
stack your passive safely and look to all in her the moment you hit E. The matchup actually gets easier once you get past the early levels because you can kite her out with your Q and stick to her when she is running away. use minions to avoid her ultimate damage if need be and look to fight at all times if you can stack passive up.
Quite an easy lane, granted you don’t ever fall behind. Start Q and look to build passive and fight early on. He is fairly easy to kill until he is level 6 so be aggressive and look for a kill. After 6 I recommend using your auto range to get 2-3 free auto attacks with passive before all inning. He is pretty easy to beat until he gets a sheen and a decent amount of stacks however if you get ahead of him it is pretty easy to keep fighting him until he gets 2-3 items. Use minions to kite out wither and use your W on his Q if you can and you will be alright. He is also fairly easy to gank so if you have the wave pushing to you, freeze it and force him to over extend
He can be pretty annoying and a lot of them run ignite. He is the last person you want to fight early levels. Start E and be passive however unlike the others once you have your passive stacked don’t look for fights unless you can weave in free autos (2-3) before you all in. If you can survive to 6 without falling too far behind you can beat him a lot easier (though it is still hard). Try to kite out his W and Q his taunt if you have a low hp minion if you can. When you are fighting him post 6 open up with ult when you have passive stacked and start autoing him, use your E after he dashes as it will be easier to hit once his escape is down and you should win as long as you avoid at ALL COSTS Q’ing him when his W is down (the force field around him blocks your Q and autos, when he drops it look to auto minions to have them low enough for a Q reset or kite him out). As long as you play around his W and his passive (kiting them out with low hp minions), you should win, especially post 6
Start E and avoid fighting him at level 1, if he runs at you stun him when he autos so he tanks minion damage. Once it crashes to your tower, stack up your passive and look for fights since his rage will likely be low since your minions are at your tower (he can’t auto them safely).
You should have lane priority now and can win all ins granted that he can’t stack up his rage bar, basically look for all ins when rage bar is under half and you have full passive, wait his bar out if not. Same goes after level 6 however make sure you always have full passive before fighting and have at LEAST 3 minions you can Q reset on. Bringing him to ult is the easy part, the harder part is kiting him until his rage wears out but as long as you have minions its generally straight forward. You can fight him until 4+ items as long as you have minions, avoid showing yourself to him without minions even if you are 3/0+.
This lane can be really annoying but you do have a good chance against him. Avoid walking up to him at level 1 since they always start E and try to chunk you hard early. Start E and stun him if he starts propelling himself towards you that way you stun him when he flips you and you can minimize the damage. Once it pushes into your tower you can stack your passive and look to fight, try to avoid his little bombs and if you are fighting post level 4 try to fight with minions around because it allows you to avoid his W and jump back on him when it is down. Keep in mind that it becomes a toggle at level 9, generally you only want to fight him after level 9 if you have killed him before or you have a major powerspike like botrk. Once he gets 2 items I recommend not fighting him 1v1 unless you are extremely ahead, he shreds through anything with cleaver and death dance.
Start Q and start looking to stack passive and look for all ins lvl 1-2. He is really weak early on and you should be looking to fight him as much as possible. Irelia is a very good champion into vlad that can fight him 1v1 later on with botrk+wits end as long as you build executioners (i recommend this after you get botrk). Be careful with his pool and you will have a very easy time in this lane
Can be pretty annoying as he can windwall your E and R, start E and be passive as he beats you hard early levels. Let him push you in and once you have passive stacked, try and get him with your E. If he doesn't windwall you crush him. Be careful though as he has better mobility than you in minions (he doesn't need to last hit them, just press E on them), if he kites you and spams Q on you, you will lose. Its better to fight him when he has minions and you don't assuming its not before you have cutlass, since you will heal a lot from the minions rather than get destroyed by them. You beat him as long as you hit either E or R on him even into much later levels but he will beat you if he gets to jump on you first since he can drop windwall right where you are and you won't be able to react. Always have passive stacked before fighting.
Largely depends on how good she is, matchup is fairly even but Riven outscales Irelia 1v1 after she gets enough CDR. I recommend being passive early and starting E, if she jumps on you stun her in your minion wave and back off. Once it crashes to your tower it will start pushing back and you will have passive. This is the best time to fight her (just like any other melee lane). Try to predict where they will dash with their E, almost 80%+ they will try to dash in the opposite direction to avoid your E but make sure to drag it out enough to cover yourself if she dashes into you as well. If you clip her with your E and you have your stacks you 100% win, try to use your W on her CC (either predict her W or react to her 3rd q). After 6 the lane gets a bit bloodier, you can use minions to avoid her abilities and kite out her shield, never ever Q her shield if you can help it, its 1.5 seconds to wait out, dont let her get value out of it. To open up post 6 try to have your passive stacked or will have it stacked when you go in and ult her. If she avoids your E you can still beat her. You can continue to fight her the same way however I would avoid fighting her after 2 items if you are not ahead of her.
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