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Recommended Items
Runes: Sustain
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Gift of the Drowned Ones (PASSIVE)
Pyke Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ban. Really hard to hook and all-in, can't AA her in shroud, has 4 dashes + flash at lvl6, you only win the trade if you hook her into the minion wave or tower. Ungankable.
Really hard matchup because of her tankiness, hook her when she jumps you with Q E combo, post lvl6 wait for her ulti pull before you E or she will drag you in with her, E lvl1 can work. Easy to setup ganks on.
Holy fk this champion, his E counters your whole kit so you have to play around it's cooldown, you don't wanna use your holdQ as much in this matchup and rather use your tapQ, can dive you easily so don't hesitate to E the ult instead of letting it hit you because the slow is heavy, E lvl1 can work if he leveled W, always keep in mind the E cooldown. Ungankable.
Really hard lane if they're good with the champ, the lane will be won or lost depending on your E usage, if you get hit by her E and goes for a trade you can hook her easily if she doesn't have a minion behind her that is low hp, keep track of your minions' HP to know where she will dash to, you win the trades if she doesn't land her E and has no passive, E lvl1 can work but it can be really dangerous and mess up your lane so i don't suggest it. Complicated to gank.
Depends on the lucian player, if he positions poorly you can hook him for the HoB autos and E away, but that's the most you can do, it's a pretty unplayable lane if the player has hands since he can dash your hook stun and sometimes ultimate, don't be afraid to hook him into you if he tries to pressure you level 1 by trying to not let you cs the first melees since he will take dmg from your minions in that lvl1 trade and maybe a towershot. Complicated to gank.
Sometimes considered hard and sometimes considered easy, I find good oriannas hard to beat because of phase rush having way too good of a synergy with the ms she gets from her shield which can make hooks and stuns hard to land, she can also run you over if you mess up your E with her enhanced autoattacks from her passive and short Q cooldown, her ultimate cancels your E if you try to dash away from it so just try your best to stay away from the ball in fights. Easy to setup ganks on.
Easy to abuse because you sustain most of the poke, her trades are only lethal if she lands the charm and you're below 40% HP, she has short CD on her ult so you have to stun her or predict the ult when you're ulting her. Easy to setup ganks on.
Has long cooldowns so she's easy to abuse, lane becomes more obnoxious at lvl6 because she'll push you in with her ult and can proc bonus E dmg with R. Easy to setup ganks on. Would be minor but buffed.
Preferable to trade when she doesn't have stun up, really strong lvl6, if she plays safe she will win the lane. Easy to setup ganks on.
Aurelion Sol
Just jump him, really really easy.
Has really obnoxious poke so it can be a hard lane, W over to him after he uses his Q for harass to hook him for a good trade, preferable to not E into him when he has ult up. Complicated to gank.
You'll win trades if he whiffs his Q, preferable to not force trades in this lane, he will fk you at lvl6 if you let him bounce his R onto you and himself. Easy to setup ganks on.
Go for trades if she misses Q, never commit too hard to an all-in when she has W up, pressure with W when she's low after lvl6 to force her ult to dodge it, her W counters your E R and Flash. Easy to setup ganks on.
Should win most trades if he doesn't land his Q, don't let him abuse his regen from passive (constant trading), abuse roam timers vs chogath since it's hard for him to keep up. Easy to setup ganks on.
Easy to jump, don't E into him when he has dash up, always ping package. Fairly easy to setup ganks on.
Pretty easy, your kit allows you to easily outplay his, you can hook him out of the dash and taunt, your regen makes his Q poke worthless, you can also force him to dash into your E which allows for an easy hook, and you're an AD champ so his ult won't be efficient against your damage, E lvl1 is strong. Fairly easy to setup ganks on.
Pretty complex since his orange counters your slow and stun, you can regen most of his poke but you win short trades. Complicated to gank.
Tbh you will spend most of this lane trying to farm the CS you can since he beats you in short trades, pokes you pretty hard and will push you in a lot, he's weaker once you get your items but you need to perform perfect trades to properly win the lane, mostly after he misses his stun. Can be hard to gank since he can 1v2 you and your jung if one of you are low enough.
He beats you in trades early on for the most part but can't actually kill you, abuse your sustain vs him to get the best results, can cancel your hook channel with his knockback so keep that in mind, you should be more useful than him in skirmishes and teamfights so don't worry about the lane too much.
She will never kill you unless you get hit by too many Qs and you get rooted when low HP, she's mostly a pick to support the jungler so she shouldn't be dangerous, your R counters her shields. Complicated to gank.
Abuse him while you can in his early stages of the game because as soon as he gets level 6 and seekers he can keep up with your trading pretty easily, this includes roaming and assisting skirmishes while also setting up ganks against him, he's a ticking timebomb so the faster you snowball the better chances you have winning the game, his Q can cancel your hook channel and be aware his R has a 4 second cooldown at lvl6.
Really hard lane because her trades are unpunishable, there's actually no way to touch her at all unless you W over to her when her W is on cooldown, stick to farming what you can and assist skirmishes, you will outperform her eventually if you keep the lane even. Ungankable.
Considered hard but can be easy if you play it right, her burst is not comparable to yours so you can pressure her pretty hard in lane, her ult is worthless if you go unflinching + merc threads. Complicated to gank.
Her poke can get annoying but not to the extent it's lethal, her Q is slow and can be juked by just using your W to zig-zag and therefore you go for a trade, her shields are countered by your ult, if she plays safe and doesn't ever get close to you like every lux player should you can't really do much to her but roam and assist skirmishes. Fairly easy to setup ganks on.
absolute degenerates whoever picks this in mid but if you ever find yourself playing against it it shouldn't be troublesome since you regen most of the harass and can outtrade him until he gets his items and becomes unkillable, roaming is efficient vs malphite. Easy to setup ganks on.
Can be really annoying because the only way you can have an efficient trade is to get close to him to auto him to get rid of the shield and hook him, but doing all of that will cause you to take a lot of harass which gets worse at level 6, if he uses his E on minions though you can W over to him and always auto before going for a hook, you can also use your E to get close to him if you think the enemy jng won't come soon. Complicated to gank.
Considered a counterpick but fairly easy to beat since your Q cooldown is way shorter than her shield cooldown, you can zig zag the Q and it also doesn't stop your hook channel if you get hit, the shield blocks the cc from your spells but not the dmg so remember that when you're going for an all-in, merc threads really efficient vs morgana. Complicated to gank.
Short cd mage that can really get on your nerves but can't kill you, her E doesn't stop your hook channel and you beat her in trades with your full combo, don't commit too hard because her enhanced auto attacks can be pretty deadly, if she uses W after she gets hooked remember that she goes invisible for a second unlike shaco who gains immunity on his ultimate for a second and comes back as two, you cannot cancel her ultimate SO PLEASE DO NOT HOOK HER INTO THE TEAM IF SHE'S ULTING. Complicated to setup ganks on.
Can be really hard because he's designed to fk you (beats you lvl1, can block your hook/stun/ult with spellshield, can countergank your roams with ult and is really good at pushing the lane and taking the tower pretty quickly), but if you stick to short trades and outperform him in teamfights and skirmishes with your ultimate it's winnable. Fairly easy to setup ganks on.
Can be really hard because he's designed to fk you (beats you lvl1, can block your hook/stun/ult with spellshield, can countergank your roams with ult and is really good at pushing the lane and taking the tower pretty quickly), but if you stick to short trades and outperform him in teamfights and skirmishes with your ultimate it's winnable. Fairly easy to setup ganks on.
Barely seen but when picked they're usually pretty good at the champion, if they utilize their skills well it's complicated to keep up with since her level 3 is better than yours so you should plan to abuse her in level 1 and level 2, you should E away when she Es on you and not try to hook her because she will dash away from your hook attempt most of the time, stay away from walls at lvl6. Complicated to gank.
Look to trade at level 1 and level 2 because his level 3 and upwards is really hard to beat, if you plan on hooking him when he dashes onto you it has to be quick because the stun will cancel your channel and he will hard win the trade, remember that his ultimate gives him HP so keep it in mind before you try to execute him. Fairly easy to setup ganks on.
If you know how the champion's heat bar works it's not an impossible matchup, his spells are enhanced when the bar's orange and he can only use melee attacks when it's red, so you're looking to trade when it's not orange, your passive is very op in this matchup as well, the more levels he gets the harder it gets to trade vs him because of his tankiness and shields. Easy to setup ganks on.
If you know how the champion's heat bar works it's not an impossible matchup, his spells are enhanced when the bar's orange and he can only use melee attacks when it's red, so you're looking to trade when it's not orange, your passive is very op in this matchup as well, the more levels he gets the harder it gets to trade vs him because of his tankiness and shields. Easy to setup ganks on.
this little worm from hell ain't as scary early on so you can look to trade with her in the first levels and her spells are really easy to dodge with your E, remember that her enhanced W will heal her and her teammates so beware before executing. Easy to setup ganks on.
Simply untradeable through the fact that he just wins every trade by using his W after tanking your whole combo but in fights you counter him incredibly well by using your ultimate since it'll just ignore the shield from his W, so playing for skirmishes and teamfights is great here. Fairly easy to setup ganks on.
Easy to jump on, not much to the matchup except for the fact that she can cancel your channel with her silence so throw the hook quick, and ignite her before she ults when you all in her to reduce the healing. Easy to setup ganks on.
If you dodge the E you will hard win the trade, his ultimate will give him HP so keep it in mind when you perform an all-in on him, ignite him in fights almost everytime. Easy to setup ganks on.
One of the best counterpicks to pyke mid since he gets to use his ultimate and that can be devastating for your own team. I highly suggest you ban him if you don't feel like banning Akali because he will win every trade using his point and click W to get all of his HP back, he can also dash away from your stun and hook and mess you up in a trade, it's not worth buying executioner's either because you need your mythic ASAP to do as much as him in skirmishes and teamfights, really dangerous. Complicated to setup ganks on.
This matchup can go really good or really bad, she has a really weak level 1 that you can abuse but at level 2 and 3 you can't use your charged hook anymore since she can E next to you to dodge it, same case when you E into her so most of your trades are gonna be walking up to her with W and reacting to her trading patterns instead of being the first one to trade, make sure you focus her in skirmishes and teamfights because her resets are extremely dangerous and can cause a really chaotic snowball for you and your team since you don't have point and click lockdown, the more you know how her champion works the easier it gets. Complicated to gank.
She can do well against you if she uses her E properly, if she messes it up you can run up to her and trade her, her Q is really low cooldown early on so she'll try to harass you with it at lvl1, you have to throw the hook quick before the stun goes through to pull her in. Complicated to gank.
She can do well against you if she uses her E properly, if she messes it up you can run up to her and trade her, her Q is really low cooldown early on so she'll try to harass you with it at lvl1, you have to throw the hook quick before the stun goes through to pull her in. Complicated to gank.
Tricky matchup that you can definitely beat consistently, you WANT him to jump on you with his Q so you can hook him and combo him and you will end up winning the trade, you can also E behind him when he Ws you so the 2nd W doesn't hit you and he doesn't proc his bleed which ends up being a huge trade for you, ping his roams the most you can because his E allows him to have perma map pressure even at level 3, sometimes you can follow up but not always, respect his lvl6 combo if you're 40% hp. Ungankable.
Another annoying ADC but she can't really do much to you because if she jumps on you she will take a pretty big trade, you can cancel her jump with your hook if you aim it properly for when she tries to jump away from you, you never want to E into her, focus her in 2v2s because she gets resets with kills and bomb procs. Really complicated to gank.
Depends on their style, if they are aggressive it's easy to punish them, if they play safe they will be unkillable in lane and outscale you, his lvl3 is weaker than yours so abuse so, ignite before he ults to reduce the healing, hook or E back after he Es you, E lvl1 is strong here. Complicated to gank.
Twisted Fate
There are some good TFs that can mess you up but usually you can just walk up to them and trade with them by hooking, the most you're gonna have to worry about is his auto attack damage early on and that's about it, ping the most you can if you feel like he's going to roam and try to be there as fast as you can since pyke is really good at counterganking. Easy to setup ganks on.
He has no way of keeping up with your trades so you can walk up to him and hook easily, the only thing you gotta take care with is his cage which you can't dash out of unless you do it at the start of the animation of the cage spawning around you, don't let the game go for too long since you won't have as much HP in midgame and will get oneshot if he has enough stacks and items. Easy to setup ganks on.
A poke mage that doesn't have much kill pressure on you and you can abuse easily until he gets his knockup which can cancel your hook channel and mess you up a little, the lane only gets bad when he gets his ultimate because he can oneshot you if he knocks you up and does his full combo, in teamfights it's easier to sneak up on him and assassinate him. Easy to setup ganks on.
Long cd mage who you can abuse early on pretty easily by walking up and trading with him, there's not much he can do about the trades but you have to keep in mind his Q is not dodgeable and the E and R are not easy to avoid in some situations and that's about it. Easy to setup ganks on.
This matchup sucks and at the same time it's pretty favorable, you can ooga booga the lane and go for a big trade level 1 and level 2 but the pool can really mess you up at level 3, the fact he doesn't use mana and heals up from just farming and also being a lategame champion feels overwhelming since you can't keep on trading with him cause you use mana, specially when he gets his items and gets tankier you're just not able to trade against him at all, just like fizz you have to play around his pool cooldown throughout the whole game and never forget about the heal he gets from his ult before executing. Ungankable.
Every wukong in the world will attempt a level 1 trade most of the time and you can fight back with your E or Q if you dont feel good about it and you'll win it, you beat him in every trade except when he gets his double Q off, if he all ins you with his ulti remember that his ult can cancel your dash and fk u, keep in mind his clone cooldown before ulting. Complicated to gank.
Easy matchup, you heal up most of the poke and you can zigzag his stun utilizing your W and then hook him over for a big trade, he has a really hard time using his ult vs pyke because you can go invis or even E one of the projectiles, easy to sneak up on in jungle fights. Easy to setup ganks on.
Really obnoxious matchup since he's got a lot of dashes and his windwall blocks your charged hook and E, he usually won't let you hook him into you if it's a good yasuo player and kill you slowly with his EQ poke and tornados, you have to use your tapQ a lot in this matchup and be careful with your ult placement against him. Complicated to gank.
Yone is way easier than yasuo but can still be a tragedy if he gets a lead, don't be afraid to trade back against him when he uses his E aggressively since you will outdmg him until he gets attack speed boots, his ultimate will cancel your dash so avoid getting hit by it. Easy to setup ganks on.
Also a tricky matchup that you can win but not consistently, you do well against him in level1 and level2 but at level 3 he can outdmg you if he lands all the spells onto you and burst you, it gets even worse at level6 when he can use his ult to juke your ult, stun, or hook and then use his W to juke the other and then kill you, can get pretty obnoxious but if you don't give him a lead early on you will outperform him in teamfights, not skirmishes though. Complicated to gank.
Not too hard to beat if you dodge most of the spells and if not you will regen most of it anyway, you can trade against him fairly easily, don't let him shit on ur tower too hard because he can take it down really quick with his bomb when it's low HP and don't underestimate his dmg. Fairly easy to gank.
Actually kind of hard to deal with since his speedup allows him to have higher chances of dodging your Q and E or even your ult, it's like a built-in phase rush, and his ultimate is extremely disgusting so keep that in mind to not mess up your ult resets in fights, other than that he can't really keep up with your damage. Complicated to gank.
Actually a pretty lame lane since her W is the reason why you don't instantly win the matchup, sometimes he gets exhaust or rocketbelt or ignite from just farming, if you get hit by her sleep you can E behind a minion before you Zzz to avoid the Q dmg, it gets better the more items you get because her R helps you land your spells in fights and lane. Easy to setup ganks on.
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