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Hecarim Build Guide by ImCarsonLol

Jungle 🐴11.8 Ultimate Hecarim Guide | Hecarim by Rank 50 NA🐴

Jungle 🐴11.8 Ultimate Hecarim Guide | Hecarim by Rank 50 NA🐴

Updated on April 20, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ImCarsonLol Build Guide By ImCarsonLol 16 15 38,801 Views 0 Comments
16 15 38,801 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ImCarsonLol Hecarim Build Guide By ImCarsonLol Updated on April 20, 2021
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Runes: Standard Runes

1 2
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Sudden Impact
Ravenous Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

🐴11.8 Ultimate Hecarim Guide | Hecarim by Rank 50 NA🐴

By ImCarsonLol
Hecarim Guide
SO YOU ARE TRYING TO PLAY HECARIM IN 11.8. The nerfs hurt but Hecarim is still a solid Champion!

TL/DR: Take Conqueror Triumph Legend: Tenacity Last Stand with Sudden Impact Ravenous Hunter and Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, and Armor.

Build Trinity Force Mercury's Treads or Plated Steelcaps Sterak's Gage Dead Man's Plate Spirit Visage and Chempunk Chainsword

Hi everyone, my name is Carson and I am a Masters Jungler and competitive player that believes Hecarim is the strongest jungle champion in the game currently.

Hecarim Stats

I used Hecarim to climb in the early season because he has insane snowball potential that allows him to carry games really hard. In this guide ill try to explain how I play Hecarim and how you can too.

For visual learners, here is a gameplay guide where I explain decision making on Hecarim

Now, when you're playing Hecarim you want to efficiently clear your camps while looking for easy kills setup by your team. Standard path on Hecarim is:

Blue Sentinel Gromp Wolves Raptors Red Brambleback Scuttle then look to gank, take Krugs, or reset.


Red Brambleback Raptors Wolves gromp Blue Sentinel then look to gank or reset.

The biggest mechanic to keep track of in Hecarim's early clear is to maintain 2 stacks of Rampage so your Rampage does more damage and is up faster.

During his first clear Hecarim is at his weakest. He can still duel other champions but has to be careful because early is when he is at his most vulnerable. If you are going to make early plays make sure you are doing it off of your laners advantage not forcing plays. Hecarim should be content to power clear camps and play for his 2 item spike of Trinity Force Sterak's Gage.

If you believe that you can push an advantage early build Mercury's Treads or Plated Steelcaps early on. If you're really spicy you can also consider Ionian Boots of Lucidity.

If you don't think you can snowball early you can build Sheen early and look to play for farm or easy kills.

No matter what, you should be building boots early on Hecarim. You can get them either before or right after your Trinity Force.

Prioritize farm early to gain large advantages unless you are certain you can get kills or assists through ganks.

Hecarim wants to find early skirmishes where he can use Devastating Charge and Ghost with Warpath to come into a fight and get a quick kill or two. Then by using Ghost's reset he wants to continue the fight with a stacked Conqueror by spamming Rampage.

Once Hecarim hit's level 6 he has access to Onslaught of Shadows. Onslaught of Shadows is an incredible teamfighting and skirmish ability that can completely change the trajectory of a game.

In the mid-game play for skirmishes and teamfights. Utilize Ghost Devastating Charge and Onslaught of Shadows to get on top of enemy squishy champions. Look to split the fight with Onslaught of Shadows and try to use Onslaught of Shadows behind enemy carries to force them into your team.

In late-game fights Hecarim can act as the primary engage for his team or follow up with other engages from his team. Once again Hecarim wants to use his movespeed and Onslaught of Shadows to attack the enemy carries directly to create space for his own team's carries to hit freely.

Hopefully this guide was helpful and let me know in the discussion section if there is anything else you would like to know!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ImCarsonLol
ImCarsonLol Hecarim Guide
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