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Menace To LoL Garen: Pound Town Edition
Runes: Demacians Dunk on Dumbasses
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order B0nk
Perseverance (PASSIVE)
Garen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
my current perma ban. I hate going up against him right now because of his blind duration and the fact that it blocks Q.
Anti-magic Barbarian + Cat with a book = A large man with a sword running at mach 3 into your ADCs face, then running away to do it all over again.
Anti-magic Barbarian + Cat with a book = A large man with a sword running at mach 3 into your ADCs face, then running away to do it all over again.
Champion Build Guide
High Tenacity- Garen in general just has lots of tenacity, but with Sunfire and Merc Treads you can get up there in Tenacity amount, add on tank elixir which gives Tenacity and you're around 80-90 tenacity.
Good Wave clear- Garen has some pretty impressive wave clear with his E, allowing him to split push and put pressure on the side lanes. This can be pretty important if you can pull the carry or some other important champion off teamfights.
Extremely Fast- Garen has tons of speed with this build and summoner spells. Ghost, Q, Force Of Nature passive, and your boots all give you speed in some form and make catching enemies a lot easier.
No Gap Closer- This is the one glaring issue with Garen, as the only thing keeping him from being an S tier champion is the fact that he doesn't have any gap closers. Unfortunately, this isn't really something that can be fixed anymore now that Stridebreaker doesn't have its dash anymore, so we'll just have to make due.

Grasp is great for in lane sustain and to keep you healthy in more aggressive matchups. Paired with your passive healing it can make a pretty solid difference between winning and losing your lane.

Demolish is a good split pushing rune and works well with Garen Q. You're basically guaranteed the first plate with demolish and makes taking towers a little quicker.

Conditioning is a perfect rune for Garen because he has scaling armor and MR which means you'll have more bonus tank stats by 12 minutes than most champions.

Unflinching works incredibly well with garen as his W active gives him tenacity and seeing as you're a big nuts MAN who goes in with no hesitation you're going to be low hp a lot. This rune should help you get out of any sticky situations you put yourself in.

Triumph gives some healing and bonus gold after takedowns. Pretty helpful throughout the game.

This is pretty standard. It just gives you more tenacity as the game goes on. Pretty useful for Garen.

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