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Runes: GreedPlank
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Early Pressure (MONEY)
Ability Order MAKE MONEY
Trial By Fire (PASSIVE)
Gangplank Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Asshole champ, early game menace in mid. Try to farm, don't die, but really just be glad that you're greedplank and that even if you feed you'll end up 2 items ahead.
What is GreedPlank?
GreedPlank is a selfish, gold oriented play style that focuses entirely on acruing damage as quickly as possible. We don't play for hp, or for our team, we play for GOLD and for ITEMS. There's one path, one rune page for optimal money gathering. If you want to be tankier, go to a different guide. To properly, to truly, GreedPlank, you must understand that you'll be at both your strongest, and your weakest.
Gangplank's Abilities
Trial by Fire
Periodically, Gangplank empowers his next basic attack to set the target on fire, dealing them「 55 − 310 (based on level) (+ 100% bonus AD bonus true damage over 2.5 seconds, increased by 0 − 200 (based on critical strike chance). 」Turrets are dealt 50% damage.
If Gangplank successfully hits a target with Trial by Fire, he gains 15% − 30% Movement Speed (based on level) bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
Gangplank fires a shot at the target enemy that deals physical damage and applies On-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness as a ranged attack. Parrrley can critically strike for (175% + 35%) total damage.
If Parrrley kills the target, Gangplank plunders gold and Silver Serpents. Each enemy killed by a Powder Kegexplosion that was originally set off by Parrrley also counts for the plunder.
Remove Scurvy
Gangplank consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit, cleansing himself from all crowd control and healing himself.
Powder Keg
Gangplank consumes a charge to place a powder keg at the target location that lasts for 25 seconds and will connect to other kegs. The keg starts with 3 health and loses 1 every 2 / 1 / 0.5 (based on level) seconds until it is left with 1 health. Gangplank periodically stocks a Powder Keg charge, up to a maximum amount.
When an enemy destroys it, it is safely defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes and also triggers a chain reaction that explodes other nearby connected kegs.
Enemies caught in an explosion are slowed for 2 seconds, and are dealt the triggering attack's damage, dealing bonus physical damage against champions. Each enemy can only be hit once per chain and the damage dealt ignores 40% of the target's armor.
Cannon Barrage
Gangplank shoots a flare into the air, signaling his ship off-shore to fire upon the target location for 8 seconds, calling down 12 waves of cannonballs in clusters of 3 every 2 seconds, and granting Sight icon.png sight of the area for the duration. Each wave deals magic damage to all enemies within the area and slows them by 30% for 0.5 seconds.
If Gangplank successfully hits a target with Trial by Fire, he gains 15% − 30% Movement Speed (based on level) bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
Gangplank fires a shot at the target enemy that deals physical damage and applies On-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness as a ranged attack. Parrrley can critically strike for (175% + 35%) total damage.
If Parrrley kills the target, Gangplank plunders gold and Silver Serpents. Each enemy killed by a Powder Kegexplosion that was originally set off by Parrrley also counts for the plunder.
Remove Scurvy
Gangplank consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit, cleansing himself from all crowd control and healing himself.
Powder Keg
Gangplank consumes a charge to place a powder keg at the target location that lasts for 25 seconds and will connect to other kegs. The keg starts with 3 health and loses 1 every 2 / 1 / 0.5 (based on level) seconds until it is left with 1 health. Gangplank periodically stocks a Powder Keg charge, up to a maximum amount.
When an enemy destroys it, it is safely defused. When Gangplank destroys it, it explodes and also triggers a chain reaction that explodes other nearby connected kegs.
Enemies caught in an explosion are slowed for 2 seconds, and are dealt the triggering attack's damage, dealing bonus physical damage against champions. Each enemy can only be hit once per chain and the damage dealt ignores 40% of the target's armor.
Cannon Barrage
Gangplank shoots a flare into the air, signaling his ship off-shore to fire upon the target location for 8 seconds, calling down 12 waves of cannonballs in clusters of 3 every 2 seconds, and granting Sight icon.png sight of the area for the duration. Each wave deals magic damage to all enemies within the area and slows them by 30% for 0.5 seconds.
Generally speaking there are only 3 combos.
Instant "One-part" combos
Triple Barrel Combos
The one part is performed by placing a barrel at max range once you're at least level 13, Q the barrel then place one while the bullet flies to instantly blow up the second barrel on your enemy. It's easier when done diagonally, but harder for the enemy to avoid when done straight at them at the cost of it being harder to perform.
Triple barrel is exactly as it sounds, place two, place the third on the enemy. Really good for setting up early ganks as you can initiate your slow and damage from a greater distance.
The Combo. Start hiding in a bush. They can't sense your greed yet, but they soon will. Set up a barrel and auto it to apply sheen damage to the barrel. When they get near, place another barrel and auto the first to damage and slow your victim. Place a barrel on them while they struggle to collect themselves. Shoot it. While they're discombobulated, place a barrel at your feet, and one on them as they struggle to run. Auto the barrel. If they're still alive and you had enough time in the bush to regain all 5 of your barrel stacks, place your last barrel on them like before and shoot it. If performed correctly, they will despise you and you'd have made 1k gold or more off of first strike lmao.
Instant "One-part" combos
Triple Barrel Combos
The one part is performed by placing a barrel at max range once you're at least level 13, Q the barrel then place one while the bullet flies to instantly blow up the second barrel on your enemy. It's easier when done diagonally, but harder for the enemy to avoid when done straight at them at the cost of it being harder to perform.
Triple barrel is exactly as it sounds, place two, place the third on the enemy. Really good for setting up early ganks as you can initiate your slow and damage from a greater distance.
The Combo. Start hiding in a bush. They can't sense your greed yet, but they soon will. Set up a barrel and auto it to apply sheen damage to the barrel. When they get near, place another barrel and auto the first to damage and slow your victim. Place a barrel on them while they struggle to collect themselves. Shoot it. While they're discombobulated, place a barrel at your feet, and one on them as they struggle to run. Auto the barrel. If they're still alive and you had enough time in the bush to regain all 5 of your barrel stacks, place your last barrel on them like before and shoot it. If performed correctly, they will despise you and you'd have made 1k gold or more off of first strike lmao.
Strategy to farming
Always. ALWAYS. Auto the barrel you place to apply sheen, then wait for your sheen to come back up. Barrels store the damage you deal to them, which means you can double sheen damage upon blowing up a stored barrel. Do this to one shot the wave as much as you can, one barrel is enough. Place it in between the melee and caster minions as they crash into yours, the caster minions are more easily killed. If you notice that the melee minions get close to dying but don't, wait a bit for your minions to damage them then go for it. Do this for every wave you can. Abandon everything in your pursuit of gold. Steal with your ult, ult waves, push side lanes while you have tp, sit in bushes to one shot their weakest teammate. Do everything, EVERYTHING. For the bag. By 11 minutes you can have Prowler/Essence even when 0/2/0 if you have proper farm, with some First Strike Q's thrown in there.
How to trade
Every time your first strike is about to be up, and I mean like miliseconds, walk up and Q the enemy. At first it's only 5 gold, but that's 5 gold you didn't have before. 5 gold you have over the enemy. Soon, it'll be 50. Then 200, then maybe more. Q with first strike, and taste of blood will show it's true power. Chase. The. Bag.
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