I always ban him, its a nightmare to play against, he will invade you a lot and you cant do anything about it, he just runs you down and kills you.
Difficult to play, similar to yi, he has great clear and wins 1v1 against you any time.
He generally wins this matchup, early it isnt that bad, you can stun him, pop ghost and run, once he is lvl 6+ its terrible, i would recommend going zhonya 3rd item and mostly try to counter gank.
Actually not such a bad matchup, you would expect that he kills us easily, but most of the time you can win this if played right. Try to do your clear ASAP and take top scuttle before he gets there. Be careful of his invades, ward entrances to your jungle and around lvl 7-8 try to be around herald, since they often prioritize than to drake. When fighting 1v1 in jungle try to hide behind monsters so he cant shoot you and play around your mobility with ghost, your range is bigger so kiting is the best option, his pure dmg is much higher than yours so you still need to be careful even though you can win this.
Very hard matchup. Most of the game he will oneshot you and you cant do anything about it. Never try to fight him in a straight 1v1, just run and play fo counterganks and objectives.
One of the easier matchups, even though he is annoying, most of the games you can win, your clear is better, your dmg into objectives is better and you can win 1v1. When he comes after you just e+q him and then w to proc your passive, this brighs him to 1/2 hp usually, if he ults, ult him too since it bounces from his clone to him and back at least 2 times until he gets away, by that point he should be dead. He will be more productive in the early stage and will gank a lot, dont try to match him - you cant, just focus on your clear, he will be at least a level down always and at least 40 cs behind.
Even though he isnt one of the strongest champs, he can deny us pretty bad. His clear is quiet good and his cc is annoying, when 1v1 focus on dodging his q´s, once its on cooldown do your combo and kite him from a distance so cant ult you. if he is going tanky you usually outscale him and just burn him down once you have demonic, if hes going for ap build, go towards zhonyas and play on range and mobility.
In my experience this is a skill matchup. He is weak until he gets his form, you can win scuttle fights since you should be lvl 4 while he is still 3. Before 6 you can try to harass him but it can go sideways so i wouldnt rely on that. Once he gets ult and form, you cant 1v1.
If he plays blue form, you always need to be the one to hit your abilities first so you can slow him down with relys and he cant get on top of you as fast, once he is close you are pretty much dead, i would recommend buying zhonyas.
If he plays red kayn, your focus should be on dodging his w, if he lands it most likely you are dead, if you dodge it, try to kite but most of the time we just end up running away since he is too tanky to burn down on just 1 rotation of spells.
Generally you should be at least 2 levels ahead since he needs to gank a lot early. If you manage to create this advantage, your value mid-game should be higher than his and you should be able to win teamfights if you play it right.
Weird matchup, he can run you down, since he is pretty much assasin, but it´s winnable if you play good. After 6 you cant really 1v1 him since he has a great shield and a health reset with ult. You have much better clear so use that to your advantage and create lead through that. Be careful with his counter ganks since you will most likely loose, and try to avoid fighting him in a straight 1v1.
Before 6 you can kite him quiet nicely and harass him. Once he has ult he is the one in charge, go zhonyas into demonic, stay with your teammates, since he runs you down in 1v1 and be careful with his steals.
Not great not terrible. Dodging her ult is a must at all costs, if she hits it on you you are dead. If you are 1v1 always pop ghost early and try to kite her. You should kill her on 2 rotations of spells if you manage to keep her at a distance. The longer the game goes on, the gigger chance of killing her you have if you dodge ult.
Lee Sin
Not easy. He is much stronger early, you dont want to be in 1v1 situation. If you do try to run around and not let him q you, he most likely wont 1 shot you so you need to be smart about it.
Very similar playstyle, you both have great clear and damage into objectives, he will always start blue, since he is very mana-dependent, try to track him and avoid 1v1 before lvl 6. After 6 you should be winning if you use ghost and run around so you dont let him hit his q´s. He is very squishy so you should be able to burn him down fast enough. If he gets ahead early it is a problem since his q´s start hurting like a bi*ch...
Never played this matchup, but on paper you should win, only problem might be his ult, so try to stay on range and just kite him, your value through out the game should be much higher than his. We will see what happens once they rework him and people start playing him again.
Annoying but winnable. If he starts charging his jump, zig-zag so he has hard time hitting you, most of the time you should be able to kite him and eventually kill him, play for objectives since his clear and dmg into objectives is bad.
Tough matchup but winnable. You cant win 1v1 if she gets close, she has great dps and some tankiness at the same time. 1v1 you just try kiting towards an ally and eventually you will outscale her.
She is just more useful in the game and can oneshot you. If you both play good she will win, one of the only matchups you dont outscale. Go for zhonyas and use it on her ult and play for teamfights, if there is no one on your team that can deal with her, you loose most of the time.
Very annoying, she can oneshot you easily. Similar to diana, her value just isnt as big. You can try fighting before 6, this is pretty much the only time you can win 1v1. After 6 just avoid her and buy zhonyas.
We win this, just dont let her get fed. She is very annoying thanks to her move speed. 1v1 just kite and play for scaling, your value in teamfights should be bigger than hers if you play correctly.
Not a threat at all, you should be winning 100% of these games. He doesnt have a kill pressure on you. Be careful with invade lvl 1 on the other side you start, since he can insta take your buff. Your value is lot higher throughout the whole game. In higher elo it might be a bit difficult if he is good, but you should still win.
You win most times. He will try to harass you in your jungle, most of the time he will come straight towards you since he has a lot of ms, just e>q>w him, try to get dark harvest stack, if you do its a good trade for you and just let him run away. Most of the times you´ll be ahead, late game you probably wont kill him solo, but your high damage takes him low enough that he cant go onto your adc
Isolated 1v1 you lose most of the game, just kite him and run away, focus on teamfights where you have much higher value. Dont let him split push.
You should win most fights if you keep him at distance, stun him when casting his ult, if he ults run. You should be able to outdamage him later on in the game.
Not much of a threat. You should outtrade him in most situations, when he ults pop ghost and dont let it hit you, when he uses w>q, just run and kite, he doesnt have much kill pressure.
If shes AP dont fight with her when she has ult ready, she will just 1shot you. If going bruiser you can win if you keep her at distance.
Not played much anymore, but if you meet him dont 1v1. Play for scaling or try to catch him in 2v1 situation. In isolation he kills you most of the times thanks to his tankiness, damage and mobility.
Skill matchup. If shes good and hits her spells right she wins, always use ghost in 1v1s so you can dodge her abilities. Late game you want to just delete her, but be careful for her stun.
Also not played often, but a good matchup for us. His clear isnt that great, neither his gank setup. If he ults you dodge his spells, stun him and wait it out. If you are ahead a lot you might be able to kill him. Most of the times we just outscale him and bring higher value to the teamfight.
Isolated you lose most of the times but you should outscale and play for teamfights and objectives.
You dont see him often in jungle, but its bad whe you do, he can oneshot you most times, thanks to his mobility, you dont have much of a high pressure. Try counterganking if possible and play for scaling.
You outscale him hard! Dont fight him 1v1 too much, his healing is great and when he ults you, you are probably dead. After 2 items you are just stronger in teamfights.
She has no kill pressure and you outscale her hard. Just do a good job at farming and you must come out ahead.
Similar to rammus, kite him and if you get a dark harvest stack out of the trade its good for you. You outscale him.
If shes ahead its bad, she can oneshot you and you have no outplay, but in most games you should be ahead and then you just outcale a lot.
I dont recommend fighting in isolation, she is strong and her small spiders block your q. If you ult she uses her w and she is away. Play for scaling and dont let her oneshot you.
Jarvan IV
Dont let him catch you offguard. If he invades you its pretty much over. You cant really find plays against him early so just farm up and play for late, once you are teamfighting he cant tank your damage and yyou should win.
I recommend always going ghost and when you are 1v1 just run away while he is chasing you, then turn and burn him. If you let him on top of you, most of the times you die. We win late.
If he goes tank you win - he doesnt have pressure and you just outdamage him, if he plays full ap be careful with oneshots, go zhonyas and if you play right you win.
Hard matchup, but she is weak right now. If she is good you dont really have counterplays so just play for objectives and try not to die to her invades. If she is behind dont let her stack her passive.
Similar to poppy, she cant kill you solo and the longer the game goes on, the easier you burn her down even though she is hella tanky. Always recommend going for demonic.
1v1 you always lose, but you outscale him, try not to die to him a lot early so he cant snowball, once you are on 2-3 items you just bring more value to the teamfights.
Nunu & Willump
Not that bad, dont let him catch you offguard though if he is going full ap. You must dodge his snowball at all costs and then just kite him. When he starts casting ult just stun him.
Not played a lot but a difficult matchup. If she is good she will just run you down without giving you any counterplay chance, if she isnt that good, you should be able to kite her down.
Annoying matchup but not that hard, you have mutch better clear and will outscale him nicely. He will also gank a lot early and you cant do much about it, dont let it bother you. In 1v1 dodge his chains and you should be fine.
He is in a really week spot currently i think and you can outdamage him most of the times, you also outscale quiet nicely and you should come out on top in most of the games.
Even though it isnt played mutch anymore its just hard, you basically cant win 1v1 after level 6, just play for scaling,objectives since his clear and damage into objectives is not that good. Always buy zhonyas.
You have great synergy with most champs that provide slows and stuns. Ashe is one of the best since every aa and every spell she uses slows enemies so you can just easily hit your spells before you get relys.
I like playing with ori mid. If she hits her ult nicely its just easy damage output for you and you should be able to burn down most of the enemys she ults really fast.
You have great synergy with most champs that provide slows and stuns. Ashe is one of the best since every aa and every spell she uses slows enemies so you can just easily hit your spells before you get relys.
I like playing with ori mid. If she hits her ult nicely its just easy damage output for you and you should be able to burn down most of the enemys she ults really fast.
Skill matchup in my opinion, be careful with her charm, if she hits it you are on half hp. Otherwise before 6 you should win the trades. After six its just hard to kill her, if you dont burst her down instantly she just ults and runs away and be careful with blind-checking bushes, ahris like to wait there, charm and allin.
You should outscale her though and in teamfights you are more useful.
Try to harrass her as much as possible before 6 and dont let her hit her e on you so she cant all in. Once she has ult it becomes difficult, she will roam a lot and you cant really stop her and once she is on first item she will most likely win 1v1. Play for teamfights
Dont go into extended trades with him, just throw your combo and go back, once he is low you can try to burst him. Be careful though, akshan players like to come invisible into lane and all in, so dont let him catch you off guard with that.
You will most likely outpoke her, but dont get baited once she is low, remember she has passive, anivia players like to play around it. Otherwise your play style is pretty similar, both of you scale real good and are teamfighting champs
She is annoying and can 1 shot you after level 6, stay on range and poke her, going banshees is a good option, so she cant just flash+ult you.
Aurelion Sol
I dont think I played this matchup since he was reworked and you dont see him in games very often. You should be stronger early, im not sure how good is his scaling.
In low elo you dont meet many azirs that are actually good, you should win most of the times, although be careful, his dps is really good, so stay on alert. In high elo this is probably losing matchup, his skill ceiling is really high and his scaling is also really good, if the azir player knows what he is doing, we are probably doomed.
Hard matchup, if she hits her q on you, just stay away so she doesnt run you down as they always do, try to poke her from distance, might consider cleanse.
Pre-6 you will outtrade her and outpoke her, after 6 be careful for her allins and roams. I recommend going zhonyas as she can pretty much outshot you
Similar to diana, pre 6 you win, after 6 he will run you down. Be careful with turret dives, his ult gives him easy escape so dont stay low under turret for too long if you really dont have to.
Unless he messes up, you dont win, you can poke him until lvl 6, but unless you get really good advantage up until this point he will just 1 shot you. I recommend banning him or zed, these are the 2 worst matchups. Dont throw out your q before he uses his dash and jump, he will easily dodge it and will give him opening to kill you for free.
Dont let him taunt you and you can burn him down. Poke him as much as you can from distance, he is anti-mage champ but your kit does pretty good against him.
I´m jajkopajko, I´ve been playing league since season 3. I´ve been maining brand for the last 2 years and I´ve found great success with him.
I started playing him mid, because i used to be a midlaner, i found it to be quiet effective pick into most lane bullies, since you can farm from distance, poke, and provide great damage in later stages of the game.
Recently I´ve been trying him out in the jungle as it became a popular pick, I´ve been optimizing Agurins setup to what i feel like is the best.
In this guide I´ll try to teach you how to become great brand player either in mid or jungle. If you are reading this while I´m working on this guide, it might be not finished, there might still be only jungle part, but plese be patient, I´ll do my best to finish it ASAP so it covers both mid and jungle and I´ll make sure to make updates to the guide as there comes new patches. You can expect my update for the new season coming out and big changes as soon as I figure out what´s best since there are coming a lot of changes, but i can assure that the new season looks like it will make brand pretty strong :)
Also this is my first and only guide so far, so I would really like it if you leave a comment telling me what I could improve, I´m trying to do this guide the best I can :)
Thank you guys and see you on the Rift :)
Pros & Cons
+ Very good jungle clear
+ Great scaling
+ Great teamfighting
+ Easy objective control
+ Carrying potential
- Low mobility
- Weak early dueling
- Bad gank setup
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