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Recommended Items
Runes: Safe vs All-In (losing 2v2)
+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
She kinda just runs your ass down. Can't reach her. Her W seems to always hit you even if you stand behind minions. And once she's level 6, you have to position so carefully in lane or die to ganks with her arrow setup.
Hard scaling ADC, scaling support, seems like a good combo.
Hard scaling ADC, scaling support, seems like a good combo.
Champion Build Guide
Main account Profile: Navcan
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Hi there! I've been playing Lulu since her release(10 years ago)! This guide is just a very general guideline of how to play Lulu, with runes and itemization. If you'd like to ask more questions, drop a comment or drop by my stream! I stream almost everyday, and still play Lulu frequently. Thank you for reading!
If you're interested in my other guides:
Lulu -> Support Lulu
Nami -> Support Nami
Karma -> Support Karma
Sona -> Support Sona
Yuumi -> Support Yuumi
Milio -> Support Milio
Soraka -> Support Soraka
Zyra -> Support Zyra
Ashe -> Support Ashe
Amumu -> Support Amumu
Heimerdinger -> Support Heimerdinger
Lissandra -> Support Lissandra
Off-Meta/Fun stuff
Miss Fortune -> Support Miss Fortune
Veigar -> Support Veigar
Trundle -> Support Trundle
Jarvan IV -> Support Jarvan
Pantheon -> Support Pantheon
- Pairs very well with hyper carries (check Synergies)
- Assassins hate her because her whole kit is designed to ruin their day.
- Lulu's laugh alone can tilt enemies (and your own teammates, be careful with this super power)
- Can't engage
- No range
- Easily poked out
Support Quest Item
Dream Maker
- Just a great choice and you'll probably get a lot of value out of this most games.
Celestial Opposition
- This makes you a much less desirable target to go after first since you'll survive burst a lot easier.
Boots/Shoes Choice
- Symbiotic Soles are an unlikely choice, especially if paired with Magical Footwear
- Mercury's Treads if there's an absurd amount of CC or vs high AP team comps.
- Plated Steelcaps if there are multiple AD threats (at least 3)
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity are a very safe choice and if you take Cosmic Insight, then you will have Flash every 4 minutes instead of 5, which is very nice for staying alive in fights.
- Boots of Swiftness if they have some very crippling slows that are hard to avoid, such as Ashe or Trundle Pillar of Ice
Locket of the Iron Solari
- There's a lot of AoE damage on the enemy team to mitigate.
- There's a lot of burst champs that can kill you easily.
- Good when you're going even or behind. Even good when you're ahead, but not as optimal.
Shurelya's Battlesong
- Most hypercarries don't have much mobility, you can give that to them so they can position to put out their damage.
- It has built-in movement speed, so it's a nice touch to keep up in team fights.
Staff of Flowing Water
- Pairs much better with AD casters, such as Ezreal or Kai'Sa, or while having multiple AP threats on your team.
Ardent Censer
- Overall, this is Lulu's best item, because everything in Lulu's kit, and her MOST EFFICIENT WAY she enchants others, is amplified by this item. If you have a hypercarry that is very auto-attack focused such as Kog'Maw Aphelios Jinx Ashe, Ardent Censer easily becomes the best item.
- Another reason why I'd buy Ardent Censer, is because I have at least another ranged Auto-Attack focused carry on my team ( Kayle, Corki, Graves, Kindred etc etc). AND/OR your hypercarry is really fed.
Mikael's Blessing
- I'd be looking to buy this if there's a bit of CC to get rid of, but if there's too much CC, then it won't feel impactful at all. The main choices of CC, usually Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow, or Twisted Fate stun card or other ranged hard CC abilities to get use against. Otherwise, better to just build other items.
- If you can self cast this by buffering it just before CC hits you, this also becomes a Cleanse for yourself, which increases the value tremendously. Here is a youtube short demonstrating that. Mikaels as Cleanse
- Relatively safe choice if none of the other items look appealing to buy.
- If there isn't too much burst damage on the enemy team, then this'll be a great buy as it'll be likely you can get the heal and damage from the active to go through.
Imperial Mandate
- This is really good if almost all of the enemy team is melee or short ranged, as 3/4 abilities can put a mark on enemies.
- If your Glitterlance can't reach enemies, then this'll probably be a bad buy.
Knight's Vow
- Very good for any of your team mates that are extremely fed and do a lot of damage (hopefully your lane partner)
- It's got a nice splash of armor too for extra survivability.
Moonstone Renewer
- Only to be paired with Ardent Censer or Staff of Flowing Water as the chain shielding/healing can chain off and give more of your team mates the buffs.
- Also can go well with Redemption
- This item does nothing in a 2v2 situation, but once team fights happen, this'll do a bit more work, but still not really worth it, as Lulu is not primarily trying to shield others.
- This does not work with Wild Growth
- The more Mana Regen items you have, the more powerful this item gets. Buy it 2rd or later for a huge power spike.
Vigilant Wardstone
- This can be your last item if nothing else looks appealing to buy.
Passive - Pix, Faerie Companion
- Your passive gets blocked by minions, so if you auto attack, try not to have the minion wave between you and your target, or just have your Help, Pix! on them before you start auto attacking. However, you usually want to put your Help, Pix! on your lane partner(hopefully an ADC), because they (usually) attack faster than you, so they can proc your passive every time they auto attack.
- If you have an Oblivion Orb, whenever anyone that (including yourself) has Pix, Faerie Companion auto-attacks an enemy, that target will apply heal cut.
Q - Glitterlance
- You want to try and get both bolts to hit the enemy(for the bonus damage), and generally, casting this at max range will rarely hit them(especially if you are walking at them). Try using your Glitterlance as you are moving away from them so that Pix, Faerie Companion trails behind you and the bolt from Pix, Faerie Companion can hit them.
- This usually ends up hitting the minion wave in some way, and you will end up pushing the minion wave. So if you don't want to push, avoid using this.
- In a situation you need to setup your jungler/mid roam/top teleport, you might be able to Help, Pix! an enemy(or ally!) minion, then aim your Glitterlance at them for a sudden slow(assuming your Glitterlance wouldn't reach initially), and that might just be enough to get the kill for your team. But be careful of your Help, Pix! killing the minion.
- Most likely, as a support, you will be maxing this skill last.
W - Whimsy
- This is your best ability in your entire kit. It is essentially a point and click stun, and that is one of the reasons why you would max this first, after putting a few points into your Help, Pix!.
- To decide whether you should Whimsy your team mate, or to use it on an enemy, generally speaking, using it on anything that does a lot of damage is a good thing. Using it against tanks is pretty pointless unless you are trying to stall a critical ability they want to use. Otherwise giving your ADC more mobility to position in team fights is better (and the attack speed)
- Every assassin hates this ability with a passion. If you have Whimsy up and you keep your eye on them, and you time your Whimsy once they jump in, they are going to mald.
E - Help, Pix!
- You usually want to use this on your auto attack carry as they will proc your passive on every auto attack they do.
- In laning phase, you may want to shield yourself and auto attack the enemy (since no one has any items yet), and you can get some favorable trades and stay healthier. And since your auto attacks will usually do more damage than the enemy's if they auto attack back, you will win the trade.
- In certain moments, you can Help, Pix! the enemy, and auto attack them once, and Glitterlance for all 3 spellthief procs and stack it quickly. You can sit back until all 3 stacks are up, and just rinse and repeat, however you usually will draw minion aggro or your enemies may just turn on you and since you only shield, but not heal, it can go pretty bad if you're not careful.
- Using this on champions that stealth gives True Sight and if you can Help, Pix! them BEFORE they stealth, you're going to ruin their day. Especially if they can be invisible and be right beside you ( Wukong, Shaco, Akali etc). Highly recommend.
R - Wild Growth
- Most effective against Assassins usually, as they are sitting on top whoever is trying to kill your target(or even yourself). Which you can then Whimsy the enemy that is jumping on you to keep them there and maybe even kill them.
- You can try using this with an engage as well, such as Zac Elastic Slingshot, to chain the CC. But if there are several threats that can turn onto your carrys, its better to hold onto this until you need to save someone.
- You COULD try to engage yourself, by Flash onto the enemy, and using Wild Growth on yourself, since it applies an AoE slow around yourself, and if you're just trying to hold someone still as long as possible, this is an option. Here's a clip of that: Flash Ult Engage
- This rune is great all-game-long. It's quite the fail-safe rune since in most cases, a strong defense, is a strong offense. But there are moments in which you have such an easy 2v2 match-up, you'll want more offensive capabilities which then you would take...
Summon Aery
- This is an offensive choice. You are looking for trades and overall, you will hit harder. But the rest of the Sorcery runes aren't as good(for Lulu), so I tend to lean towards Guardian in all match-ups, incase something happens (like an invade) or losing summoner spells/potions early will really minimize the advantage taking this brings.
Font of Life
- Purely a trading rune, similarly to Taste of Blood but works off movement impairment. Staff of Flowing Water and Ardent Censer works with this item.
Bone Plating
- Excellent vs all-in lanes, and a Short-Ranged ADC, such as Kai'Sa or Samira, but not great vs Caitlyn or Jinx because it can get peeled off you very easily.
- When you have this up, with Guardian, and the enemy decides to all-in you, you will mitigate a bunch of damage, and that will allow your ADC to put out their damage since they aren't being focused. You can actually bait Nautilus or other Hook champions to aim for you behind minion waves and suddenly turn it on them.
Second Wind
- Take this vs poke-heavy lanes, usually against Mages, and long range poke adcs. Lulu struggles vs poke/distance, so having the sustain through lane will help out a lot.
- This is if neither Bone Plating or Second Wind will be useful, and this rune is absolutely amazing once it kicks in.
- Excellent against high CC teams, and for lane. Leona, Nautilus, etc etc
- If you plan on going with E - Help, Pix! max, this is a great choice.
Manaflow Band
- This actually doesn't give you 25 mana when you hit an ability. Only your maximum mana increases. So if you can't get all 10 stacks for the bonus regen at the end during laning phase, I find this rune doesn't do a whole lot. After World Atlas transforms, and purchasing a single Faerie Charm, running out of mana is a rare occurance, if you manage your mana well.
Nimbus Cloak
- An amazing rune, being able to use Ignite or Exhaust or even Heal to help reposition in fights.
- Ability Haste/CDR is just good.
- If you are 100% buying Shurelya's Battlesong and possibly take Waterwalking, then this is a pretty good rune.
- Pure laning rune, and becomes absolutely useless after 5 minutes into the game. You MUST have kill pressure or this is NOT worth it.
Gathering Storm
- While Lulu's AP ratio's aren't particularly impressive, this is a safe scaling choice.
Zombie Ward
- Having extra vision is nice, and swapping for sweeper level 1, after dropping a ward somewhere can get you a head start on this to controlling the lane/map.
- As long as you hit any ward once, the ward will spawn, you do not have to score the killing blow on the ward.
Ghost Poro
- This is incredibily helpful for dropping at choke points/ramps/jungle entrances. But it will take a relatively long time to stack.
- Would recommend against Junglers that tend to run at you very quickly, such as Nunu & Willump Hecarim Rammus.
Relentless Hunter
- Getting around the map faster is just good. Can't go wrong with this rune.
Treasure Hunter
- If you're a bit of a no-control-wards enthusiast, taking this rune will surprisingly get you to your item completed much faster than normal.
Cosmic Insight
- Just a great rune.
Jack of all Trades
- The most efficient way to get full stacks on this is:
Ardent Censer World Atlas Locket of the Iron Solari Magical Footwear
Start with World Atlas (3 stacks)
Rush Ardent Censer (3 stacks). Aether Wisp is 2 stacks on it's own
After, build pieces of Locket of the Iron Solari, Glowing Mote Cloth Armor Null-Magic Mantle. (3 stacks)
By the time you have all these items, Magical Footwear should have kicked in, and this is the 10th stack.
25 AP (500 gold) + 10 Ability Haste (500 gold) = 1000 gold in stats.
Biscuit Delivery
- For that extra early game pressure, but there are better options.
Magical Footwear
- If you don't ever plan on roaming, then saving yourself 300 gold for this is pretty nice, on top of the extra +10 movement speed.
Laning Phase/Early Game
This will be divided into Offensive and Defensive since you'll be trying to achieve very different things in lane.
Reasons to go Offensive:
- You've taken Ignite and Summon Aery
- You have an easier match-up (look up the threats section for match-ups)
- The enemy jungler doesn't gank very well early.
- You're looking to be quite aggressive by auto attacking a lot. If your lane partner is also working with you in your aggression, you can Help, Pix! your lane partner since they likely attack faster than you, which is increasing your damage output. If your lane partner does not match your lane aggression, then you can shield yourself, and auto-attack once or twice for two World Atlas stacks and back away (so you don't take too much minion aggro damage)
- If you swapped your trinket to Oracle Lens, you can also look to sit in the lane brush and try to hit your opponents from it. Just remember, the moment you begin to auto-attack from the brush, you will be revealed. But you can use Glitterlance from the brush and hit them and you will NOT be revealed. Be careful not to tunnel vision on your aggression too much or else you may fall victim to a jungle gank or a mid roam, or even over extending too far and finding yourself 1vs2 because your lane partner isn't close enough to follow-up.
Reasons to go defensive:
- You took Guardian , Exhaust
- You have an even/losing match-up
- The enemy jungler's ganks are really hard to deal with.
- Against lanes that all-in on you, keep an eye on your Bone Plating and Guardian cooldown as that can often decide if you live or die.
- Against lanes that poke you out constantly, Second Wind will be your absolute savior, and you'll just be trying to survive laning phase and get to mid-game as soon as possible. You can look to shield yourself when you're lower hp so that Second Wind will heal you for more over time.
- After 10 minutes into the game, Teleport will turn into unleashed teleport, and you'll want to deny your opponents from teleporting onto a ward behind you in laning phase, or setup your team mates to teleport behind your enemies. By this time, you should have your support quest finished, and have Oracle Lens.
Mid/Late Game
- Whoever is performing well on your team, you'll likely be giving your resources to that player. Here's a general way of how to try to keep each role ahead:
Top - If they are on a side lane (top or bot) drop a few wards around them so that they can keep applying pressure on the side lanes and not die to the enemy team 2v1 or 3v1-ing them. Or you can even look to be near them and possibly even turn around the 2v1 or 3v1 by joining in the fight suddenly and turning it on the opponents.
Jungle - Keep an eye on your jungler so that you can keep clearing out vision with your jungler, dropping vision in the enemy jungle so that your jungle can invade and steal camps. Secure objectives like Rift Herald Dragon Baron Nashor
Mid - Similar to Top lane, since after laning phase, (in most cases) both solo laners should be on side lanes applying pressure.
ADC - Stay with them, Shield and Whimsy them, help them feel safe so they can auto-attack, warding bushes and enemy flanks.
- Identifying who is performing well and allocating your vision/abilities to them is all part of how to carry as a support! (although most of the time you won't be thanked/acknowledged for it unfortunately)
- Lulu's still a decent champion, and theres a lot of assassin players that absolutely hate play against her, and that alone can create the tilt factor.
14.8 Emerald and Below
14.8 Diamond+
Tier List Grading Points
- Winrates
- Champion Difficulty (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Counter-play (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Flex pick for draft (more relevant in diamond+)
- Early game (more relevant in diamond+)
- Late game/scaling (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Anything in the (_Letter_+) row, means it's better the higher in elo you go. Anything in (_Letter_-) row, means it's better the lower in elo you go.
Overall Points:
- Games last longer the lower in elo you go. Therefore, mage supports tend to do much better since you can buy your items, and you basically become another carry threat. This leads to enchanters/engage being weaker in lower level play since you would rely on your teammtes more often.
- Champions that are fundamentally easier to execute on will have higher win rates. Since it is more unlikely players are pilot-ing their champion runes/builds/kit efficiently, the easier the champion, the more likely to maximize their kits. This is especially apparent in Platinum and below.
- I would recommend playing any of the champs in S+, S, or A. However you can climb on almost anything, provided you always look to maximize your champion kit, mechanics, and impact on the game. Winning is the result of improving.
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And my youtube!
Cheers and thank you for reading! Good luck on the rift
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