Try to keep the wave on your side of the map, never push unless necessary to generate priority. Pay attention to your minions HP, as she will use her Q on them if they have low HP, so keep your distance from minions with low HP. Don't fight her alone in the side lanes, if she appears to contest, unite with your teammates. Be careful with her Blade of the Ruined King's power spike.
Try to keep the wave just in front of your turret's range to limit his E and wait for ganks. Yasuo's most important thing is his W, which can block Twisted Fate's W, so try to bait his W by Pick a Card and then using Q, the animation of Q and Twisted Fate's auto attack is similar.
You can poke him in early levels, especially pre-level 3. But make sure you manage your waves correctly. When he has his ultimate, he can definitely kill you easily, so don't try to stay in front of him below his turret after pushing the wave, same thing for when he has Stormsurge's power spike. Be aware that his E can dodge Twisted Fate's W.
You generally won't beat her in the laning phase. As Twisted Fate is a champion that needs to use a lot of auto attacks and doesn't have escape abilities like dashes, she will easily hit you with her abilities. So try to farm using Q from a distance and when you have your ultimate, go roaming.
Since he's a melee champion, he'll only win trades if he gets melee with you, so don't let him jump on you with his E. Sylas is only an extreme threat because of his ultimate, which can copy Twisted Fate's ultimate and have the same presence on the map and follow your roaming. Try to push the wave as much as possible from level 6 to make him decide to either follow the roaming, or farm the wave.
She has a good wave clear and can poke you very easily. The best way to play against her is to not face her, poke her with Q and W in the laning phase when you can, and look for roaming opportunities from level 6 onwards. Avoid teamfights in tight spaces because of her ultimate. Shurelya's build could be a good option, because of the extra movement speed to dodge her abilities.
This champion can kill you easily in her level 3 and 6 all-ins, so be careful. Also, you can't kill Naafiri's Packmates easily. When she buys Profane Hydra, she increases her wave clear and has even more kill pressure. So try to poke her pre-level 3 and keep the wave on your side of the map. Exhaust is the best choice against her. Plated Steelcaps is also good here.
Nocturne is not a mid laner, but his ultimate cancels yours. Furthermore, he can also follow your ganks with his ultimate and his W blocks Twisted Fate's W. Basically, there is no counter play.
Hwei is a champion who needs to hit his abilities to deal damage, as they are skillshots. That's why the best way to play against it is with a lot of movement speed, which is why Shurelya's build is a good option against Hwei. Rod of Ages with Celerity and movement speed shard is also good. Control the wave according to the game state until level 6, then start pushing the wave and start looking for roaming opportunities. Buy boots as fast as possible.
Consider going with Exhaust or Spellbook to swap Teleport to Exhaust for his level 6 all-in. If the enemy team is full of AD, buy Plated Steelcaps at your first base. In the early levels, especially pre-level 3, you can poke him. After level 3 keep the wave on your side, from level 6 try to keep pushing the wave to stop him from roaming, but don't stay in front of him below his tower. Zhonya's Hourglass is an excellent item against him.
Be careful with her level 3 all-in, generally people don't imagine she has much damage at this point, but believe me, she does. This is a good matchup to go Exhaust. You can poke her pre-level 3, so try to abuse this as much as you can, to reduce the chances of her trying to kill you from level 3 onwards. I like to go with Resolve on the secondary runes against her, using either Bone Plating, or Conditioning.
LeBlanc is very strong against low mobility champions, and Twisted Fate has no escape abilities. Shurelya's build and Spellbook with Resolve is a good option against her. If you prefer the Rod of Ages's build, consider buying Mercury's Treads in your first base. In both builds, Banshee's Veil is a good third item option. Always try to dodge her E.
Akshan is known for having one of the biggest pressures in the laning phase, because of the additional damage from his passive, the range of his Q, and he has E as an escape route or way to go close to you. Try to keep the wave close to your side of the map. If you want more safety, get Bone Plating from secondary runes. His W allows him to become invisible, be careful with that and also, whenever he disappears in the laning phase, notify your teammates through pings. There are many Akshans who usually invade Junglers from level 3 onwards. Going with Exhaust is also a possibility.
Aurelion Sol
This champion has good wave clear, good roaming, and great scaling. However, at earlier levels he is quite weak. Especially if he makes the following two mistakes: pokes you with Q more than hitting the wave, and using his E to poke you instead of stack minions. The objective in this matchup is to roam more than him, so go with Shurelya's build and Spellbook, and always try to push the wave from level 6 onwards.
Viktor has a better trading than Twisted Fate if he starts with Q. If he starts with E, he lost that potential at level 1, so try to abuse it before level 2. Be aware that Viktor's ultimate has a silence, so he can stop Twisted Fate's ultimate if he casts it on top of you. I also prefer Shurelya's build here to look more at roaming instead of trading with him in lane. Try to match his wave push, as he also has an incredible wave clear.
Overall, Zoe doesn't lose the laning phase in this matchup. Pay attention to her positioning in relation to her E. You just want to scale in this matchup and set up ambushes for your teammates. Mercury's Treads is a good item against her. Banshee's Veil is also a good item if there is more magic damage on her team.
Yone is similar to Yasuo, but he does not have the Wind Wall. You can poke him a little in the early levels, especially pre-level 3. But pay attention to his E, because if he jumps at you and stays in melee range, he can win easily, so keep your W ready to either stun or slow him. Let the waves come to your side of the map, and don't let him freeze. Bone Plating is a good option against him.
Try not to get poked too hard by his soldiers early on. You will be much more useful than him by playing in the side lanes. Focus on farming and roaming.
Trading with her will be hard, especially when she has E. Teleport and Spellbook are a good choice against her. Be careful with her level 6 all-in. Mercury's Treads is a good option against her. Focus on farming and roaming.
Kassadin scales better than Twisted Fate, however, you can poke him during the laning phase and abuse Twisted Fate's wave clear to force him to farm under his turret. If he's starts with Doran's Shield, just focus on farming. Look for roaming opportunities from level 6 onwards.
The laning phase against him is easy, poke him when you can, especially pre-level 3. Always try to dodge his E and Q. Push the wave and force him to stay under his turret. He can follow your roam with his ultimate, so be aware of that. If you don't force him to decide between wave and roam, this will be a free game for him if he plays correctly.
When the enemy picks Morgana support or even as mid lane, you have to wait for her E. When she uses her Black Shield, she can cancel your Gold Card. If you use your Q first, most Morgana players will panic and use the Black Shield at the wrong time, allowing you to Gold Card the proper target.
Many players tend to back away when Brand uses his abilities to poke. However, an effective strategy is to counterattack when he uses his abilities. If he makes a mistake, you gain an advantage in the negotiation. If he gets it right, you can try to trade even while his abilities are in cooldown.
Pantheon is a champion with a lot of kill pressure. He has great potential from level 2 onwards, especially if he is using PTA and Ignite, which I would say is the correct way to play him. However, he is still a melee champion and because of this, you can punish him at level 1 and keep attacking him whenever he goes to last hit a minion. Be careful when he has 3 passive marks, as he will probably use the W on you, do an auto attack and a Q with his stacked passive, depending on your HP and if he still has Ignite, this could be enough to kill you. He can also follow your roaming with his ultimate, be aware of this. Plated Steelcaps and Zhonya's Hourglass are good options here.
Akali is like other melee assassin champions. You can definitely win trades pre-level 6 if you play correctly. Poke her whenever she goes to farm, and move away a little when she uses her W. Keep the wave on your side of the map to force her towards you to farm and make herself vulnerable to ganks. However, be careful with her 2 biggest power spikes, the level 6 all-in and when she buys Stormsurge.
Tristana is strong in lane phase and side lanes, but her biggest weakness is her lack of utility and roaming. Because of her passive, she will almost always push the wave, which is good for you. From level 6 onwards, try to reverse this and push the wave and stay in Fog of War and look for roaming opportunities. Exhaust is a good option here, use it whenever she jumps on you for an all-in. Spellbook is also great, you can go with Teleport and swap to Exhaust at level 6.
All of his abilities are skillshots, so you should buy boots at first base, so you can dodge his abilities very easily. Shurelya's build is good against him because of the extra movement speed. Mercury's Treads is also an option outside of Shurelya's build.
Mercury's Treads is a great item against Ahri when you go with Rod of Ages's build. If you go with Shurelya's build, Banshee's Veil is your third item. Even if you're doing the Rod of Ages build, Banshee's Veil is an option if the enemy team has more magic damage. Try to dodge her abilities and flash her E, if necessary, on an enemy gank or a possible all-in from her.
Be careful with her level 3 all-in. Always stay away from her daggers on the ground and try to poke her when she goes to farm, especially pre-level 3. Ping your teammates on side lanes when she roams. Try pushing the wave carefully from level 6 and look for roaming opportunities.
Bait her Q and E and dodge her abilities. Stand behind at least two minions to block her Q. Lux's abilities have long cooldowns early game, so use this window to punish her. Level 6 she can use her ultimate to clear the wave, so be aware of that. Mercury's Treads is a good option against her. Look for roaming opportunities from level 6 onwards.
In the laning phase, try to stay on the same side of the lane as her so she can't easily E you though minions. She has a good wave clear and will try to push you to stop you from roaming. So punish her when she has her abilities on cooldown to stop her from pushing.
Be careful with her level 6 all-in and her Stormsurge or Lich Bane power spike. Play to scale and try to play the map with your teammates. I like Spellbook here to swap Teleport to Exhaust for her level 6 all-in.
Second Wind as secondary runes is a good option against her. Focus on farming until level 6 and try to dodge as many of her Q as you can. From level 6 onwards, push the wave and look for roaming opportunities, the longer you stay in the lane, the more she will punish you.
Ping your teammates when he is roaming. Also, be careful with his level 2 and 3 all-in. Exhaust, Plated Steelcaps, Zhonya's Hourglass and Bone Plating are good options against him.
Try to avoid trading with her when she has her poison on you. Be careful with her W, as it reduces your mobility even further. Besides this, focus more on farming and looking for roaming opportunities.
Be careful with his level 6 all-in. Buy Oblivion Orb if no one on your team is getting anti-healing. Play to scale and look for roaming opportunities.
Both Veigar and you will want to scale, but you can do this faster with your passive, so focus on farming. Be careful with his E and buy Banshee's Veil as your third item if you feel like you need or if the enemy team has more magic damage. Veigar is a very easy champion to gank, so if you have the opportunity, when he doesn't have Flash for example, ping your Jungler to gank him.
She can roam and wave clear, but not as well as Twisted Fate if you play correctly. Be careful with her W and try to dodge her Q.
Don't trade with her in the laning phase. Play to farm and look for roaming opportunities from level 6 onwards. Bait her abilities and play on her abilities cooldowns. I prefer Shurelya's build here because of the movement speed, it makes it easier to bait and dodge her abilities.
Poke him as much as you can pre-level 6. From level 6 onwards, start pushing the wave as much as you can and look for roaming opportunities. Mercury's Treads is a good item to buy at first base, it offers you more movement speed to dodge his abilities, magic resistance and tenacity.
This matchup is pretty standard. Play to farm and poke him when you can. Be careful with long trades, this is something Ryze wants more of. Look for opportunities to roaming from level 6 onwards. But remember that he can try to follow you with his ultimate, although it is less effective in the first few levels, but he can take along allies in his ultimate, so be aware of this.
Buy Boots as your first item to dodge his Q. Shurelya's build is a good choice, more movement speed and Boots of Swiftness are good against Karthus W. He also has presence on the map through his ultimate, so be aware of this.
Ekko has better push than Twisted Fate, which is rare. But you still have your ultimate to follow him when he roams. Try to poke him in the early levels, especially pre-level 3. If you use W on the wave, he will have the opportunity to trade in lane, be careful. Be aware that Ekko can do a lot of damage when he has 3 points on Q, so be careful with his possible level 5 and 6 all-ins.
Ziggs' strength lies in the destructive power he has against turrets, so if you use your ultimate to go side lanes, he can destroy your turret with his passive and W. Ziggs can use his ultimate on the river and hit the side lane, so be aware of that when you use your ultimate.
Once you get in range, Swain can easily do his full combo on you, so bait his abilities and play on his cooldowns. Focus more on farming and look for roaming opportunities.
Lissandra is a champion with many CC and AoE abilities. In the early game, focus on dodging her abilities and forcing her to spend as much mana as possible, as she needs to use her abilities to push the wave but doesn't have the resources to recover it like Twisted Fate does with his Blue Card. Additionally, maintain safe positioning and control her vision to avoid her initiations. Mercury's Treads is a great choice here.
Play on her abilities cooldowns. Try not to trade when she has her passive. Be careful with her engage at level 6 with her ultimate and Flash. Other than that, Twisted Fate's wave clear and roaming are better than hers, so look for this.
In lane, he's not much of a threat. He will always try to permanently push the wave and hit your turret. Make sure you push the wave and destroy his turrets before considering roaming. Otherwise, he will rush to destroy your turret with his ultimate and Q.
Malzahar is one of the easiest matchups to play as Twisted Fate. Kill his Void Swarm to get more gold with your passive and stop him from push the wave. Just be careful with his ultimate, other than that, just farm, poke him and roaming a lot to win the game.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin perfectly complements Twisted Fate's Gold Card setup, ensuring Lee Sin can land his Q effortlessly for an easy kill. Additionally, as an AD champion, he puts pressure on the enemy team's itemization, as they won't be able to build magic resistance as effectively as they could against AP Junglers champions.
This combo is effective because it enables you to execute double ultimates gank in side lanes, is perfect to pick offs. Also, since his ultimate causes darkness, it's difficult for the enemy to know where Twisted Fate is going. As an AD champion, he puts pressure on the enemy team's itemization.
Be ready to grant Viego a reset on his R during teamfights. Once he's fed, focus on playing around him. Also, you can easily set a gank for him during the laning phase. As an AD champion, he puts pressure on the enemy team's itemization.
Kha'Zix benefits greatly from your Gold Card setup, granting him a free engage opportunity. Furthermore, being AD, he puts pressure on the enemy's itemization.
With Rengar, you can dominate the side lanes. This combo excels at catching out those who lack of map awareness, great for pick offs. He is also an AD champion, making enemy's itemization difficult.
Xin Zhao
If you hit your Gold Card, Xin Zhao's combo can delete the enemy. If you have Rapid Firecannon, you and Xin Zhao may end up catching a target out of position before the teamfight starts in a 5v5 situation.
Gold Card guarantees your enemy a box. Furthermore, since Shaco can turn invisible, the enemy doesn't even see the gank coming. He is also an AD champion, making enemy itemization difficult.
Taliyah synergizes smoothly with Twisted Fate. Use your Gold Card on the enemy, allowing Taliyah to freely unleash her combo.
Twisted Fate's Gold Card sets up an easy gank for Zac to use his E behind walls. The enemy doesn't even see it coming.
Briar is good because of her stun and reduced armor and magic resistance through its Q. Her ultimate also allows her to follow up Twisted Fate, despite being quite slow. She's also an AD champion, so she puts pressure on the enemy's itemization.
Rek'Sai can be very strong alongside Twisted Fate, since it is very easy for her to uses her engage combo on the target of Gold Card.
Gold Card can lead into her W's knock up. Besides her knock up, she has no other CC abilities, but she deals physical damage, which is good for making enemy itemization difficult.
The Gold Card guarantees a perfect engage combo for her. Basically, the enemy can't move.
Master Yi
Master Yi has basically zero utility. But he does a lot of damage and is generally a monster in the late game. If he gets some kills early game, he will probably carry the game, so play around him if this happens.
Gold Card sets the target up for his Q. Even though Twisted Fate and Amumu are champions that deal magic damage and use crowd control, the amount of CC ends up compensating even if the enemy team buys Mercury's Treads, but there are better synergies.
Your Gold Card will basically be the only CC. She can become very strong through her marks, but if that doesn't happen, she will be practically useless by your side. Even though she is an AD champion, there are still better synergy options.
As you and Evelynn are champions that deal magic damage and have crowd control abilities, the enemy team only needs to buy Mercury's Treads and your effectiveness is greatly reduced.
You and Elise, both magic damage dealers with crowd control, become significantly less effective if the enemy team buys Mercury's Treads.
While she can coordinate her spear with your Gold Card, if the enemy team buys Mercury's Treads, both of you will struggle to have an impact.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin perfectly complements Twisted Fate's Gold Card setup, ensuring Lee Sin can land his Q effortlessly for an easy kill. Additionally, as an AD champion, he puts pressure on the enemy team's itemization, as they won't be able to build magic resistance as effectively as they could against AP Junglers champions.
This combo is effective because it enables you to execute double ultimates gank in side lanes, is perfect to pick offs. Also, since his ultimate causes darkness, it's difficult for the enemy to know where Twisted Fate is going. As an AD champion, he puts pressure on the enemy team's itemization.
Be ready to grant Viego a reset on his R during teamfights. Once he's fed, focus on playing around him. Also, you can easily set a gank for him during the laning phase. As an AD champion, he puts pressure on the enemy team's itemization.
Kha'Zix benefits greatly from your Gold Card setup, granting him a free engage opportunity. Furthermore, being AD, he puts pressure on the enemy's itemization.
With Rengar, you can dominate the side lanes. This combo excels at catching out those who lack of map awareness, great for pick offs. He is also an AD champion, making enemy's itemization difficult.
Xin Zhao
If you hit your Gold Card, Xin Zhao's combo can delete the enemy. If you have Rapid Firecannon, you and Xin Zhao may end up catching a target out of position before the teamfight starts in a 5v5 situation.
Gold Card guarantees your enemy a box. Furthermore, since Shaco can turn invisible, the enemy doesn't even see the gank coming. He is also an AD champion, making enemy itemization difficult.
Taliyah synergizes smoothly with Twisted Fate. Use your Gold Card on the enemy, allowing Taliyah to freely unleash her combo.
Twisted Fate's Gold Card sets up an easy gank for Zac to use his E behind walls. The enemy doesn't even see it coming.
Briar is good because of her stun and reduced armor and magic resistance through its Q. Her ultimate also allows her to follow up Twisted Fate, despite being quite slow. She's also an AD champion, so she puts pressure on the enemy's itemization.
Rek'Sai can be very strong alongside Twisted Fate, since it is very easy for her to uses her engage combo on the target of Gold Card.
Gold Card can lead into her W's knock up. Besides her knock up, she has no other CC abilities, but she deals physical damage, which is good for making enemy itemization difficult.
The Gold Card guarantees a perfect engage combo for her. Basically, the enemy can't move.
Master Yi
Master Yi has basically zero utility. But he does a lot of damage and is generally a monster in the late game. If he gets some kills early game, he will probably carry the game, so play around him if this happens.
Gold Card sets the target up for his Q. Even though Twisted Fate and Amumu are champions that deal magic damage and use crowd control, the amount of CC ends up compensating even if the enemy team buys Mercury's Treads, but there are better synergies.
Your Gold Card will basically be the only CC. She can become very strong through her marks, but if that doesn't happen, she will be practically useless by your side. Even though she is an AD champion, there are still better synergy options.
As you and Evelynn are champions that deal magic damage and have crowd control abilities, the enemy team only needs to buy Mercury's Treads and your effectiveness is greatly reduced.
You and Elise, both magic damage dealers with crowd control, become significantly less effective if the enemy team buys Mercury's Treads.
While she can coordinate her spear with your Gold Card, if the enemy team buys Mercury's Treads, both of you will struggle to have an impact.
Twisted Fate is excellent at poke thanks to his Wild Cards (Q), which not only poke enemies, but also serve to clear the wave. His Pick a Card (W) ability brings versatility and mana sustain to him. His ultimate, Destiny (R), grants him incredible macro play potential, allowing him to participate in teamfights from basically anywhere on the map and reveal enemy positions.
Early on, Twisted Fate is squishy and lacks mobility, which makes him an easy target for ganks. This forces him to play defensively in most matchups to avoid being camped. Misusing your Pick a Card (W) ability can cause problems, as enemies can exploit your cooldown to trade or gank you. Incorrect timing or targeting of his ultimate, Destiny (R), can result in fatal mistakes for both Twisted Fate and his team.
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