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Choose Champion Build:
- Standard Support
- Unsealed Spellbook
- Fun Builds
Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order R>Q>W>E
Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Draven's only form of escape increasing his mobility with Blood Rush (W) or slowing you with Stand Aside (E). Make sure if you do engage you keep him locked in CC, as he has a high damage output and can get a kill if either you or your carry engages with little health.
Besides dodging your hooks with his Relentless Pursuit (E), he shouldn't be too hard to lock down. Be cautious after level 6, and be ready to peel if he ults your carry.
Zyra is a champ you'll need to have your lantern always ready to go when fighting, as you'll need to peel your carry from both her snare and her ult. Avoid taking unnecessary damage, and make sure to stomp on her seeds to avoid her from spawning more plant turrets. Be aware she can spawn flowers to deny you hooks in lane.
He's a mid-lane support with no escape. Punish him whenever possible, but make sure to respect the damage he can do, because that's going to make punishing him very hard.
Kalista's quick dashes make her hard to hook during laning, so try and use flay to harass her until an opportunity arises. Once she's level 6 she can spit an ally out towards you, so be careful if she's paired with someone with heavy CC or damage.
While not having that much catch potential due to you being able to flay him away or pull your carry away with your lantern, he is able to disrupt your lantern pull with a well timed skullcrusher if he is between you.
Avoid walls and being behind single minions to not get stunned. If you see him cast a portal, you can hook or flay to try and push him or his carry away from it. Engage hard when he's roaming for chimes. Possibly bring ignite to counter his healing sustain.
Blitzcrank may be obnoxious person to lane against, but as long as you're mindful of when you can and cannot engage you will have no trouble. Try to punish missed hooks, and if you get hooked use this lack of follow up on his part to counter-engage.
Ezreal has the same dodge capabilities of some of the other higher threat champions. His Arcane Shift (E) will allow him to dodge virtually any attempt to hook him. You have to get a good predict or catch him out in order to land one, or engage when it's on CD to be successful.
Tristana is relatively easy as long as she doesn't Rocket Jump (W) away from your hook. If she does, simply Flay her during it to cancel it, dropping her wherever she was during the animation. She'll kite you with her stacking bombs while you run, so don't waste a flash if they're already stacked and death is inevitable. Flash preemptively, not reactively.
Ashe can burn through both you and your carry if you both aren't careful. A good engage technique against her is hooking her from behind your own line of minions (protects your from her Volley (Q) while you initiate). Be wary of a CC chain once she hits level 6.
Avoid walking into bushes without vision, as you may step into a trap. Don't stop moving either, as it will make it easier for her to drop a trap under your feet. If you do end up getting snared, you can possibly turn it around by hooking her when she goes in to headshot you. Don't forget to shield when she ults, as it may save you or your carry's life.
A nuisance in terms of damage mitigation. You can flay him mid-air when he's jumping to an ally, so keep this in mind when going all-in on his carry. Other than denying some kill pressure on his carry, you should be able to kill him easily.
He excels in far range fights, so hook him in and take away his advantage. Be cautious when backing if he's level 6.
His invisibility makes him hard to pin down, but once he's locked down he's as good as dead. The only thing close to an escape he has is his Venom Cask (W). Engage when either one of or both of these abilities are on CD.
Ensure proper positioning to avoid taking damage from her feathers. Keep a lantern ready for your carry if they get rooted. If you are ahead, you can bait yourself and attempt to hook her when she goes in to damage you after you've been rooted.
Sivir is probably the best counter to Thresh in terms of an ADC. Her Spell Shield (E) will block your hook entirely, and she can harass you from behind minion waves. Try and take down her spell shield with a flay or a carry's ability, then hook her.
While Pyke does have a lot of pick and playmaking potential, his teamfighting ability is less than stellar. Other than risking his life for a chainstun and ulting, he doesn't do much in these battles besides making picks. Also, due to his inability to get health, he is a very squishy target, albeit one who can quickly regain his health. Protect low health teammates who are in execute range, and try to pull people out of his ult to deny him his reset.
Once she hits 6, she can easily dodge a hook or flay with her ult. However, if she ults to you, this will leave her right in range for you you to cast her ultimate almost directly on her, so try to counter-engage if you aren't confident in a potential all-in.
Varus has extremely annoying poke, and will keep a high mana pool to ensure he can continually spam his arrows. Try to not stop moving so he can't pin you down, as his arrows do massive damage later in the game.
Vayne has the same base problems of Twitch, that being her slippery playstyle. Her Tumble (Q) allows her to dodge hooks if timed correctly, which will limit your initiation potential. She's extremely susceptible to CC however, so your ability to fight her relies a lot on you throughout the game.
No escape, easy to land hooks on while casting. Try to engage while her Equinox (E) is on cooldown.
Currently strong due to her poke makes for an extremely painful lane. Buy MR/sustain on your first back, and encourage your carry to invest in a Doran's Shield first item and an Executioner's Calling first back.
While Janna can mitigate some damage with her shield, she has other methods of peeling you off. Her defensive capabilities are much lower without the tornado, so engage immediately after it's fired. Be extremely cautious when going in for her under tower, as if you are a low level or low on health, her Monsoon (R) can push you back under their tower.
Morgana is a hard counter to Thresh's main engage. While her Black Shield (E) does prevent you from hooking her, it doesn't prevent you from jumping to her like Sivir's does. This is the consolation you have, as you'll be forced to peel constantly from her snares and the threat of follow up from the jungler.
Rather easy to deal with, as long as you can avoid her skill shots. Careful for her bubble being used on you as you channel your hook. Keep a lantern ready after she's level 6 to peel from her ult. Bring ignite to counter her healing sustain.
Avoid his stuns, and be prepared to peel if your carry is caught in one. His only real difficulty is past level 6, when he can save himself or his carry from an all-in with his ult. Try to bait his ult then engage before it's back off of CD. Bring ignite to counter his healing sustain.
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench is a relatively hard person to lane against in the sense that he can deny you kills by eating his teammate and bringing them to safety. I would put him higher, but he has two problems when facing Thresh. The first being he can't ult away as you can hook him to disrupt the channel. Secondly, if he tries to save his carry, you can hook him in, thus hooking him and his carry within him to you. This can turn a normal kill into a double kill for you if played correctly.
Swain is able to grab you from out of your flay distance, which makes trading with him difficult without being at risk of an all-in. Be very cautious in laning, and look for any openings where the likelihood of counterengage is low.
While she is able to poke hard, her escape options are limited. Exploit this and go in when she's low on mana or has her abilities on CD.
He may pack a punch, but his low mobility makes him all too easy to hook. Be careful in trades, but don't be afraid to exploit his slowness.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune's Love Tap (Q) will do a good amount of damage early game, so play to the side of minions to avoid being hit by it (don't put yourself in danger of being caught however). Besides avoiding her immense damage, she's a relatively easy lane. Hook her during her ult to disrupt it, or if you're too low to risk it, be prepared to peel for your carry. If she is support, try to avoid her slow, as it will make follow-up from her or ADC, as well as an incoming gank that much more deadly.
Flay her mid-air when she uses her Zenith Blade (E). If she can't get close to stun you, she's useless. If you're too low to risk an engage, always be ready to peel from her stun.
Nautilus isn't obnoxious because of his hook (which you can easily counter with your lantern), it's his relentless CC that is painful. Make sure to burn through his carry quickly, or the CC you'll have to endure while trading will get you both killed.
When he goes in for his knock-up combo, just flay him. Should have no problems, but if you're late to the flay it's an issue.
Squishy and easy to kill once locked down. Avoid being polymorphed, and be ready to peel in case you or your carry is. Be careful if engaging when her ult is up, as it can give the enemy carry the life to survive, and possibly finish you off.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune
Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order R>Q>W>E
Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
Ability Order R>E>Q>W
Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Draven's only form of escape increasing his mobility with Blood Rush (W) or slowing you with Stand Aside (E). Make sure if you do engage you keep him locked in CC, as he has a high damage output and can get a kill if either you or your carry engages with little health.
Zyra is a champ you'll need to have your lantern always ready to go when fighting, as you'll need to peel your carry from both her snare and her ult. Avoid taking unnecessary damage, and make sure to stomp on her seeds to avoid her from spawning more plant turrets. Be aware she can spawn flowers to deny you hooks in lane.
Sivir is probably the best counter to Thresh in terms of an ADC. Her Spell Shield (E) will block your hook entirely, and she can harass you from behind minion waves. Try and take down her spell shield with a flay or a carry's ability, then hook her.
Swain is able to grab you from out of your flay distance, which makes trading with him difficult without being at risk of an all-in. Be very cautious in laning, and look for any openings where the likelihood of counterengage is low.
Besides dodging your hooks with his Relentless Pursuit (E), he shouldn't be too hard to lock down. Be cautious after level 6, and be ready to peel if he ults your carry.
He's a mid-lane support with no escape. Punish him whenever possible, but make sure to respect the damage he can do, because that's going to make punishing him very hard.
Kalista's quick dashes make her hard to hook during laning, so try and use flay to harass her until an opportunity arises. Once she's level 6 she can spit an ally out towards you, so be careful if she's paired with someone with heavy CC or damage.
While not having that much catch potential due to you being able to flay him away or pull your carry away with your lantern, he is able to disrupt your lantern pull with a well timed skullcrusher if he is between you.
Blitzcrank may be obnoxious person to lane against, but as long as you're mindful of when you can and cannot engage you will have no trouble. Try to punish missed hooks, and if you get hooked use this lack of follow up on his part to counter-engage.
Morgana is a hard counter to Thresh's main engage. While her Black Shield (E) does prevent you from hooking her, it doesn't prevent you from jumping to her like Sivir's does. This is the consolation you have, as you'll be forced to peel constantly from her snares and the threat of follow up from the jungler.
Avoid his stuns, and be prepared to peel if your carry is caught in one. His only real difficulty is past level 6, when he can save himself or his carry from an all-in with his ult. Try to bait his ult then engage before it's back off of CD. Bring ignite to counter his healing sustain.
Avoid walls and being behind single minions to not get stunned. If you see him cast a portal, you can hook or flay to try and push him or his carry away from it. Engage hard when he's roaming for chimes. Possibly bring ignite to counter his healing sustain.
Ashe can burn through both you and your carry if you both aren't careful. A good engage technique against her is hooking her from behind your own line of minions (protects your from her Volley (Q) while you initiate). Be wary of a CC chain once she hits level 6.
Avoid walking into bushes without vision, as you may step into a trap. Don't stop moving either, as it will make it easier for her to drop a trap under your feet. If you do end up getting snared, you can possibly turn it around by hooking her when she goes in to headshot you. Don't forget to shield when she ults, as it may save you or your carry's life.
Ensure proper positioning to avoid taking damage from her feathers. Keep a lantern ready for your carry if they get rooted. If you are ahead, you can bait yourself and attempt to hook her when she goes in to damage you after you've been rooted.
Vayne has the same base problems of Twitch, that being her slippery playstyle. Her Tumble (Q) allows her to dodge hooks if timed correctly, which will limit your initiation potential. She's extremely susceptible to CC however, so your ability to fight her relies a lot on you throughout the game.
Nautilus isn't obnoxious because of his hook (which you can easily counter with your lantern), it's his relentless CC that is painful. Make sure to burn through his carry quickly, or the CC you'll have to endure while trading will get you both killed.
Ezreal has the same dodge capabilities of some of the other higher threat champions. His Arcane Shift (E) will allow him to dodge virtually any attempt to hook him. You have to get a good predict or catch him out in order to land one, or engage when it's on CD to be successful.
A nuisance in terms of damage mitigation. You can flay him mid-air when he's jumping to an ally, so keep this in mind when going all-in on his carry. Other than denying some kill pressure on his carry, you should be able to kill him easily.
While Pyke does have a lot of pick and playmaking potential, his teamfighting ability is less than stellar. Other than risking his life for a chainstun and ulting, he doesn't do much in these battles besides making picks. Also, due to his inability to get health, he is a very squishy target, albeit one who can quickly regain his health. Protect low health teammates who are in execute range, and try to pull people out of his ult to deny him his reset.
Once she hits 6, she can easily dodge a hook or flay with her ult. However, if she ults to you, this will leave her right in range for you you to cast her ultimate almost directly on her, so try to counter-engage if you aren't confident in a potential all-in.
While Janna can mitigate some damage with her shield, she has other methods of peeling you off. Her defensive capabilities are much lower without the tornado, so engage immediately after it's fired. Be extremely cautious when going in for her under tower, as if you are a low level or low on health, her Monsoon (R) can push you back under their tower.
Rather easy to deal with, as long as you can avoid her skill shots. Careful for her bubble being used on you as you channel your hook. Keep a lantern ready after she's level 6 to peel from her ult. Bring ignite to counter her healing sustain.
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench is a relatively hard person to lane against in the sense that he can deny you kills by eating his teammate and bringing them to safety. I would put him higher, but he has two problems when facing Thresh. The first being he can't ult away as you can hook him to disrupt the channel. Secondly, if he tries to save his carry, you can hook him in, thus hooking him and his carry within him to you. This can turn a normal kill into a double kill for you if played correctly.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune's Love Tap (Q) will do a good amount of damage early game, so play to the side of minions to avoid being hit by it (don't put yourself in danger of being caught however). Besides avoiding her immense damage, she's a relatively easy lane. Hook her during her ult to disrupt it, or if you're too low to risk it, be prepared to peel for your carry. If she is support, try to avoid her slow, as it will make follow-up from her or ADC, as well as an incoming gank that much more deadly.
Flay her mid-air when she uses her Zenith Blade (E). If she can't get close to stun you, she's useless. If you're too low to risk an engage, always be ready to peel from her stun.
When he goes in for his knock-up combo, just flay him. Should have no problems, but if you're late to the flay it's an issue.
Squishy and easy to kill once locked down. Avoid being polymorphed, and be ready to peel in case you or your carry is. Be careful if engaging when her ult is up, as it can give the enemy carry the life to survive, and possibly finish you off.
Tristana is relatively easy as long as she doesn't Rocket Jump (W) away from your hook. If she does, simply Flay her during it to cancel it, dropping her wherever she was during the animation. She'll kite you with her stacking bombs while you run, so don't waste a flash if they're already stacked and death is inevitable. Flash preemptively, not reactively.
He excels in far range fights, so hook him in and take away his advantage. Be cautious when backing if he's level 6.
His invisibility makes him hard to pin down, but once he's locked down he's as good as dead. The only thing close to an escape he has is his Venom Cask (W). Engage when either one of or both of these abilities are on CD.
Varus has extremely annoying poke, and will keep a high mana pool to ensure he can continually spam his arrows. Try to not stop moving so he can't pin you down, as his arrows do massive damage later in the game.
No escape, easy to land hooks on while casting. Try to engage while her Equinox (E) is on cooldown.
While she is able to poke hard, her escape options are limited. Exploit this and go in when she's low on mana or has her abilities on CD.
He may pack a punch, but his low mobility makes him all too easy to hook. Be careful in trades, but don't be afraid to exploit his slowness.
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