[14.2] Poppy Support: New Season New Items (Riot please change unflinching it's so bad)
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Choose Champion Build:
- Poppy Support
Recommended Items
Runes: Phase rush (favorite)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
Horribly annoying, Faster than you and has more shields than you and has spellvamp. It's hard but just try and make it to lvl 4 without getting poked out of lane.
His early damage, follow up root, they make laning phase unplayable for the other team.
His early damage, follow up root, they make laning phase unplayable for the other team.
Champion Build Guide
Lots of changes especially to support items.
Poppy is doing okay, but she must build support items to not fall behind now.
Thankfully, most of the items feel a lot better to build now.
Evenshroud is out, enchanter items are in.
Using font of life is great for procing enchanter items consistently.
Radiant is less consistent but can buff your entire team at once.
Radiant healing is also affected by the heal and shield power from them.
The starter item buffs made it significantly harder to oneshot people without the help of your ADC
The new suppot items have givven Poppy more damage, or preferably, more movespeed and most importantly, mana regen.
However, they have changed unflinching
actual garbage rune now
The new lack of resistance rune shards makes Poppy's W even more powerful than it already was, and now her Q will be dealing more damage as well.
Don't be like Closer, you can flash during R charge up. Had he known this simple mechanic it would have made watching him so much more bearable.
You can also flash during the charge to knock up enemies if you're fast enough. To do this start your ult and then flash before you release it. If you release it before flashing you will buffer your flash, miss your ult, and then flash like a fool.
It falls in a pattern I'm sure you noticed if you've played Poppy enough. It falls toward a wall an equal distance from both you and your target. Once you have this basic idea, it should become natural.
I haven't played long (only since preseason 11), but have a majority of my games played on Poppy. I started as a jungler and was obsessed with offmeta picks, and as a result picked up Poppy. Eventually I wandered out of the jungle after 5 camp clears fell out of meta and tried her Support. The playstyle took time to get used to but I learned to use every part of her kit to it's greatest potential in the role and can say it's not nearly as situational as it's made out to be.
- High base stats
- Great base AD
- Surprisingly tanky early game
- Unique and powerful utility
- Early tower dives
- LVL 2 all in
- AD support
- Some really bad matchups
- XP reliant
- Lack of "real supportive utility"
- AD support
Full AD Poppy
I was going to talk about this in the items chapter, but I think the idea behind it is based heavily on her kit.
Don't build it in ranked, but the main idea behind it is Poppy's ridiculous AD ratios on Q( Hammer Shock) and E( Heroic Charge)
Q has a ratio of effectively 180% on about a 3 second cooldown by max rank and her E having a 100% ratio along with its 2 second stun.
As a support you shouldn't be getting enough gold to abuse these ratios
Poppy will occasionally throw her shield dealing bonus damage, this is her main source of poke in lane. If the target is killed the shield will automatically bounce back giving her a 13-18% max health shield. If the target is not killed, the shield will land next to a nearby wall equidistant from Poppy and the target. This will seem random at first but eventually you will be able to predict where it will land as soon as you throw it.
Hammer Shock is Poppy's main abilty to spam. It's a shortrange AOE damaging ability with a slow. The slow doesn't seem like much but it definitely hurts to play against. To maximize this ability's effectiveness you need to land the initial and the aftershock. Either through good placement or Heroic Charge you can guaruntee they get hit by both parts.
Steadfast Presence Passively, give 12% bonus resistances. Actively it creates a field around Poppy that when dashed through by an enemy will knock them up for .5 seconds, and then ground and slow them for 2 seconds. It is best used to peel from assassins or lock down mobile targets by using the ability on top of them. Flash W has gotten me plenty of kills on cocky players. Steadfast Presence can be activated in reaction to a dash due to its lack of a cast time. Because of this, save it for the middle of a fight rather than to engage the fight.
Stubborn to a Fault
Stubborn to a Fault is the secondary Passive of Steadfast Presence which doubles the Passive resistances given when below 40% health. This extra tankiness can add up later on when building full tank and is extremely good at baiting out flashes.
Heroic Charge is a unit targeted dash that will carry the target dealing double damage and stunning if they collide with a wall. After the charge Poppy is issued an Auto command on the unit. This ability can also be used to escape by dashing through minions or jungle camps. This can also be used over walls given the target is in range.
Additional note, both champion size and movespeed lowers the window to dodge for enemies.
Keeper's Verdict is an ability that can be charged up to 4 seconds to knockback enemies toward their fountain, the direction is not changed by what direction you hit them from.
If you release the button less than .5 seconds of charging, you will instead knock up enemies 500 units in the targeted direction as well as 180 units around Poppy.
Cancelling this ability, via death,cc, recall, or not releasing after 4 seconds will put the ability on a 15 second cooldown.
Use this ability to peel your team or turn a fight.
My build changes nearly every game, I build for whatever is killing me and then I decide if I can trust my team to deal enough damage.
Stacking health early is my priority. Typically prioritize Boots over Cloth Armor unless vs double AD bot.
Against a poke mage you should build Boots to avoid damage rather than mitigate it.
If you have several high mobility threats on a team you should build Dead Man's Plate, If ther is a fed lifestealer/enchanter you should build Executioner's Calling rather than Thornmail after the changes.
If their team has no threatening champions you can instead look to buy AD or directly supportive items if you have a fed hypercarry.( Knight's Vow, Zeke's Convergence etc.)
Turning into a tank hybrid is one of Poppy's strongsuits
Late game you can build Mortal Reminder to give a lot of penetration and complete your Executioner's Calling.
Predator is difficult to make work without any survivability in your runes, you're stuck waiting for your boots to have a the ability to go in.
Glacial Augment
Glacial is passable, still not my preffered page though.
I used to take it into poke mage matchups, but I don't think it's worth it anymore after the nerfs.
This info is based on my old playstyle heavily emphasising hexflash.
Here are some common wallstuns that you will often use. Depending on what side of the map you are playing on(Top/Bottom), these change. Most stuns will be more effective with the use of flash/hexflash
These will always result in a good chunk of damage or a kill.
From topside you can walk through river because you are guarunteed to win most level 1 fights. If the other laners try to follow you to lane through river you can wallstun and maybe even kill.
The most active part of you laning phase will be the first few levels. You won't be camping in brushes and instead need to focus on the race for level 2. You and your ADC get level 2 after the first wave and 3 melee minions. As such, save support item stacks for 2 of them and the 3rd for canon in the wave after. After level 2 is secure you can zone the othe laners and gain control of the brushes. There you will sit and be a threat, wallstunning anyone who dares to disrespect your damage.
Losing Lane
In some games, you may lose lane. This can happen if you die early against a poke mage, Morgana, Blitzcrank, or Pyke. Depending on how far behind you fall you likely will have a chance to get back into the game. Playing passively in lane you should be ducking in and out of brushes to bait abilities and make space for your ADC to farm. Your goal should be to get tanky so you can frontline for your team in the mid and late game.
Unplayable Lane
Any lane where you can be dove without trading a kill. There are few matchups that you will be unplayable from the start. Doesn't matter how you got behind, you just need to stop giving up gold. Roam with your jungler until your tower falls.
Playable w/o brush control
Most notably into Maokai. You won't have any opening to kill. Play to shove and then roam.
The durability patch definitely hurt Poppy's agressive one shot potential early. With an adc with good synergy a level 2 or 3 all in should still kill.
Tank items got some crazy buffs, making Knight's Vow actually useable, Randuin's is an option to replace frozen heart, and more health on tank mythics.
Been a while
After recent patches the resolve tree got nerfed, so I've taken a more aggreessive approach.
Domination with chemtank is very powerful right now and likeley won't be changed until the end of LCS season.
good buffs, but nothing really game changing
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