Hard lane because he is strong vs engage. Be careful of his hexflash angles and he should never be able to reach you.
You beat him in your first item and in short trades. If you win early then it's really hard for him to comeback.
Don't force extended trades vs her. You always win short trades if you stand behind minions. After 1-2 items you beat her in skirmishes and 2v2s.
If you win early then it's really hard for her to comeback.
He is really durable support that can catch you offguard with his R and E abilities. Be carefull cause you don't have real escapes except for your movement speed from W passive.
If he lands grab at you or your squishy support you will most likely lose. But if you have an engage support you can win 2v2 if he grabs your support.
Dodge his poke while farming with bonus MS from W passive and try to force a trade in his cd windows.
She outranges you hard so you have to make her miss her E,Q abilities by moving towards her baiting these abilities. Dodge them and force a trade/ping your support to all-in in her cd windows.
Draven most of the times will have lane priority over you. But you can win this lane by trading smartly. He will most of the times stand aggressive so you can abuse his positioning when he tries to lasthit.
Make sure to stand behind minions and you will have perma prio in this lane. Use your prio to complete your powerspikes faster, dive him, force objective fights, move faster to drakes, roam etc.
It's really a skilled matchup like draven. You should avoid getting hit by his Q into W and try to land your Q bounce when his q is on cd.
This matchup was more on the side of Trist in the crit meta but now you can oneshot her. Don't die before completing yuumu's, and only play for short trades in lane.
He cancels your ultimate and he is a good choice vs engage supports that MF is typically paired well with.
Pretty tough opponent. If Maokai locks you with his W then you're pretty much dead after laning phase or you're wasting flash. His ultimate is great in zoning MF and her team in teamfights so it's hard for MF to take a good positon she can actually use her ultimate.
Very hard matching Taric because he is good vs engage supports and most of the times you will pair with high engage supports. You need to make sure you have enough burst for enemy adc to win this matchup.
Hard matchup because he zones you in laning and can easily reach you with his W. Also trading vs Pyke is benefiting him cause of his passive. If he lands a hook you're pretty much dead or wasting flash. His weakness is that he is squishy.
Hard lane because you cant kill her and she can lock you down easily when you R or she can burn your flash easily again. Building edge of night is essential vs her.
Avoid her rocket Qs and force short trades. You can't lose if you complete items first. And you can't lose short trades. If you win early then it's really hard for her to comeback.
You beat her in lane by standing in wave and abusing her CDs. Even if you have an advantage she can kill you in 1v1 unlike other ADCs post 6 cause of her R reposition. Try to not make it possible for her to reach you not even for an auto. She will most of the times trap you in a bush cause that's the only way she can kill you if you're ahead early. She will also go exhaust most of the times.
Be careful because if she is able to force a long level 1 trade you will most likely lose lane. try to only short-trade her.
Short-trade with lucian and you beat him if you're on item advantage.
Obnoxious lane. She will poke you hard in lane and she has small cds and good range. Try to force all-ins if you have an all in support or the lane will be hard. Don't forget that you can't do much 1v2 if your supp is bad and you get hit by skillshots, so try to survive laning.
You can beat her in lane with a decent support. If she roams dive her adc and if your support roams too you will most likely win the lane 1v1 vs most of the adcs so make sure to have prio and follow their roams.
Obnoxious, but you can beat her if your supp understands they can all-in if you bait her mantra Q and dodge it.
Every enchanter is an easy matchup.
Just don't die in levels 1-6 if your support sucks. If your support is good you can beat Kog by short trading and abusing his CC windows.
Has strong trade so bait her W,E and then fight.
If he Rs you you're deadge. If he has a strong skirmish ad like draven, kalista, kai sa be extra careful as one death can lead to instant defeat.
Poke, avoid all in, repeat.
walk in and out of his w effective range. bait this spell and you'll always win pre 6.
she has to reach you to be useful and your ms makes it difficult for her to catch you offguard. take care of her hexflash.
Renata Glasc
dodge her poke, poke her back = easy lane.
poke on cd, avoid all in, repeat. she has 0 chance if her supp cant all in. Don't take exhaust. Take heal and never fight all in. Tether in her supports' effective range, dodge their abilities and then poke her.
If she has a strong duo it's hard for you. if they are both squishy you can win with a decent support.
if she takes tp and just farms, don't panic. try to force her out of wave and ping your supp to all in pre 6 so you can at least have prio. You can take tp too, buy cull, build serpent's and hope for the best in early skirmishes. Don't ever let her move first for objectives.
it sounds funny but it's hard to win lane if your support is not good and smart enough. After 6 she has 0 chance to win so make sure to stay viable and not die pre 6.
all-in her.
dodge q, poke only her, repeat.
You win pre 6 by dodging his E and post 6 if you have enough lead to oneshot enemy bot and leave him low after using your R from safe distance.
If he hooks you early you're doomed. if he hooks you and buys mobis early you cant play lane, just wait to get carried or play smart early so you build a lead post minute 5.
Wait for 6 and only short trade him pre 6. Watch out for his invisibility. Mid/late care for his invisibility don't show until he is on the map. The only ad matchup that is really hard for MF cause his range is insane with his R mid-late game. you should beat him early and it's hard if your supp isn't good. If that's the case keep calm and try to be as useful as you can in teamfights and don't get caught.
Lethality can beat you, on hit can't if you short trade. You should have prio and if you cant have just play extra safe for his R cause he will reach his spikes faster. You win skirmishes post 6.
Poke poke poke avoid all ins. Follow your teammates when they engage on her.
Support dependant matchup. She will have prio and she is generally stronger in all-ins from you cause of her R. you can win pre 6 by baiting her spells and make her miss.
Ping your support for trades.
Bait his Spells on CD so you can play the game. Walk like a bonobo so he's frustrated and dodge.
Ban this champ. MF has statistically her lower winrate vs this champ. If Zac is in your game don't be an easy target for him. You just have to play like a pu$$y which sucks.
When she uses all of her W plants you can all-in. Dodge her root and Q damage (tether in and out of her effective range). Play from her ad-side and if she focuses you and your supp does nothing play on her side and try to trade with her.
bait and dodge his bombs,short trades, repeat
Tahm Kench
If he pairs with senna or Kai sa, Draven, Samira, Kalista it's really really hard lane. You have to dodge him and poke him as much as you can and he is really tanky.
We still don't have enough data and insights for this matchup but this champ seems to underperform.
One of the best supports to pair with. You beat every lane at level 1 and after level 6 you wombo combo your ultimates!
Very good synergy can't lose lane 80% of the times if he decides to stay with you, if he decides to leave, it is frustrating sometimes but you have to survive alone so care! You lose only from poke long range bot lanes. When playing vs them try to survive until 6 and then tell bard to catch them with his ultimate.
If he lands Qs it's pretty easy since you always have damage to kill enemies. You can help him by putting control wards into bushes that he is in. If he is bad tell them to stay in fog most of the times so enemies are zoned.
"Win-lane. Lose-Game." You win most of the standard meta bot lanes. You lose to enchanters with hypercarries if you dont get a lead early, and to poke long range bot lanes. Braum is good vs engage supports since he can block a lot of damage when they engage on you. However he has no real engage so hypercarries+enchanters have free scaling into him and he has a hard time facing xerath, velkoz since he cant really reach them.
You don't need poke supports to win lane with MF. He needs to be really good so he doesn't get caught later when warding. Try to help him with wards later on.
She is strong cause she can poke with you and survive burst from all-ins unlike other mage/enchanter supports.
w/e. she is only useful for the team cause she roams and help other while you stay alive bot. but cant offer consistent laning results and can't help with engage in teamfights.
Used to be the perfect combo, but after yuumi nerfs it's just ok. you only poke and avoid all-ins early.
Fun combo if you manage to survive this lane. He speeds you up and you oneshot squishes and run away. It's really fun in soloq.
After level 2-3 you win almost every 2v2. So always be ready to respond to her engage.
Ideal synergy. Very good laning. Try to poke and avoid getting caught. You should always push with vision, get plates and have CS lead by denying creeps when you crash waves into enemy tower. Very good scaling too in teamfights. Just make sure to help her with vision and try to stay close to her because she is squishy and she needs help with that.
Same as leona
try to poke enemies with q, and slow them when he walks up to hook.
very strong duo, he is really durable, he can poke, has good setup for your R with his R so he is a strong synergy.
try to abuse her W and help her with vision.
if pyke is good you will have some of the most enjoyable lanes with him. Make sure to follow him and you almost always beat enemies 2v2.
sona is bad bad at least her ultimate can cc enemies so she sets you up for a good R.
One of the best supports to pair with. You beat every lane at level 1 and after level 6 you wombo combo your ultimates!
Very good synergy can't lose lane 80% of the times if he decides to stay with you, if he decides to leave, it is frustrating sometimes but you have to survive alone so care! You lose only from poke long range bot lanes. When playing vs them try to survive until 6 and then tell bard to catch them with his ultimate.
If he lands Qs it's pretty easy since you always have damage to kill enemies. You can help him by putting control wards into bushes that he is in. If he is bad tell them to stay in fog most of the times so enemies are zoned.
"Win-lane. Lose-Game." You win most of the standard meta bot lanes. You lose to enchanters with hypercarries if you dont get a lead early, and to poke long range bot lanes. Braum is good vs engage supports since he can block a lot of damage when they engage on you. However he has no real engage so hypercarries+enchanters have free scaling into him and he has a hard time facing xerath, velkoz since he cant really reach them.
You don't need poke supports to win lane with MF. He needs to be really good so he doesn't get caught later when warding. Try to help him with wards later on.
She is strong cause she can poke with you and survive burst from all-ins unlike other mage/enchanter supports.
w/e. she is only useful for the team cause she roams and help other while you stay alive bot. but cant offer consistent laning results and can't help with engage in teamfights.
Used to be the perfect combo, but after yuumi nerfs it's just ok. you only poke and avoid all-ins early.
Fun combo if you manage to survive this lane. He speeds you up and you oneshot squishes and run away. It's really fun in soloq.
After level 2-3 you win almost every 2v2. So always be ready to respond to her engage.
Ideal synergy. Very good laning. Try to poke and avoid getting caught. You should always push with vision, get plates and have CS lead by denying creeps when you crash waves into enemy tower. Very good scaling too in teamfights. Just make sure to help her with vision and try to stay close to her because she is squishy and she needs help with that.
Same as leona
try to poke enemies with q, and slow them when he walks up to hook.
very strong duo, he is really durable, he can poke, has good setup for your R with his R so he is a strong synergy.
try to abuse her W and help her with vision.
if pyke is good you will have some of the most enjoyable lanes with him. Make sure to follow him and you almost always beat enemies 2v2.
sona is bad bad at least her ultimate can cc enemies so she sets you up for a good R.
Hello, I'm Coach Sagou and this is my Miss Fortune Guide.
I will teach you not only how to play MF, but how to climb with her from the average MMR that most people have in League to at least Diamond or above. If you're a good student you will climb at least to Master Tier with this guide!
Before, I start let's answer the most common questions I get for this guide!
1. Why Miss Fortune?
This guide wasn't made to convince you that MF is the best ADC to climb. If you have fun playing this champ then this guide is for you. MF is probably not the best ADC to climb with BUT if you want to climb by being good at the game I think it's probably one of the easiest ADCs to climb with. Be careful, MF is not a hard champion in terms of mechanics but this is also the reason why after reaching Diamond is harder to climb with than most ADCs. However, if you learn the concepts I'm going to teach you and manage to climb with MF then you will also be able to climb with any ADC you want.
2. Why should you trust me?
The only actual reason you should trust me is because I've climbed to Master+ with MF from multiple accounts and with multiple ways (I mean by playing lethality and critical).
Some Accounts I've climbed with MF are the following: Sagou | Master 300LP Peak inting acc | Master 60LP Peak Spristan | D1 Peak
Besides that, I've put so much effort into this guide. Everything I write here comes from more than 500 hours of playing Miss Fortune ONLY in the last season. I've literally tested everything (or almost everything), I talked with a lot of MF one tricks and watched tones of pro players playing MF. I even watched and studied other guides to make sure my guide doesn't miss anything important. So if you need a Miss Fortune Guide I'm confident enough to say that this one is the ONLY Miss Fortune Guide you need to climb to Master+.
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