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Recommended Items
Runes: Most Games
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Max E > W > Q
Fired Up! (PASSIVE)
Milio Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Basically Champs that can Hook, Gap Close, Stick on top of you, and burst you down are an Extreme Threat
Basically Auto Attackers, Tanks, and Bruisers Synergizes very well with you
Basically Auto Attackers, Tanks, and Bruisers Synergizes very well with you
Champion Build Guide
- Strong Shields
- Strong disruption/poke tool in Q
- Good against High CC team comps
- Synergizes decently with almost anything.
- If you're in an All AD team you increase Teams AP Damage with abilities.
- Not very good against range.
- Pretty long cooldowns.
- Very vulnerable if Q is on cooldown.
- Not Very Mobile
Regardless of whether you go Dark Harvest or Aery you will need to build at least one Mana Item.
Why Summon Aery
Aery is the go-to. Just better Utility all around and good for a team-oriented champ like Milio.
+ Summon Aery is good for early poke with Q and later on the shields.
+ Procs on Applied Ability burn Passive
+ It's good to take it on a lane where you can freely trade without dying.
+ Trades will be stronger.
+ More Consistent Damage and Shield Utility than Dark Harvest.
Why Dark Harvest
Dark Harvest is a for funsies. Probably not viable in higher ranks but totally abusable in lower ranks. Aery might actually be comparable in damage in terms of how often you'll proc aery for most games vs the Burst damage potential from Dark Harvest is definitely fun.
+ Procs on your Burn Passive - Fired Up! when an enemy team drops below 50%. This Means that your W - Cozy Campfire, and E - Warm Hug, along with your passive - Fired Up which applies bonus Burn damage to any ally champion your ability touches (including yourself) regardless of whether you or your team hits an enemy champ will proc dark harvest making it easy if you have a heavy poke ADC or APC
+ No One suspects the Burst from your Q - Ultra Mega Fire kick
+ Your Heal and Shield Scales with AP
-Cons of Dark Harvest
-Fun but you aint eva gon carry nothin
-Basically Just for Q Damage and some W and E scaling
-Reliant on hitting your Q Skill shot with 10 second cool down
-You're Squishy as hell
-You gotta be confident that you can proc and prio enemy champs with Dark Harvest.
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