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powerful, aggressive early ADC, which is twitchs worst nightmare. play for surviving the laning phase and outscaling him. You can also take exhaust in this matchup.
be aware as he can E into you to deny you stealth, and his W can reveal your stealth aswell. try to not get poked by his Q through minions, always be aware of his positioning and know when hes trying to go in to counter it.
same deal as lucian, play for outscaling
His E can catch you off guard and cc chain you with his support, always be aware of him and his strenght, as he can burst and one shot you in seconds. don't fight him early unless short PTA trades when he doesn't have his axes (or support isn't around). Recommend exhaust in this matchup.
another very aggressive early ADC that also scales well(however you HEAVILY outscale), she's very tough to play against, limited by players not knowing how to play her to the full potential. Always be aware of her stacks on you to not get instant bursted, don't get hit by her Q as it deals a large portion of damage. She's usually paired with a strong engage support, so take your time and play patiently, don't overstep and don't get dove (no bard support kappa)
similarly to zilean, broken champion disguised by her non-existent popularity.
her W is a direct counter to you, as it can waste all your all-in, pta procs and ult for good 3 seconds. try to bait her W with your stealth surprise, but don't over-extend as it can lead to you getting bursted. Attempt to dodge her Q and take advantage of her VERY low range, abuse your W slow vs her. AP build is also very strong here, as her W no longer serves a purpose if you burst her with E. Beware of her dashes and healing, never get baited by her being low HP. I recommend taking exhaust and ignite with your support if you want to beat her, otherwise barrier with support exhaust should do.
tough matchup but definitely survivable, pre 6 you can fuck her (especially with a good engage support), but post 6 you need to be significantly more careful. AP is very strong in this matchup and recommended, as you basically throw your W down and don't risk getting engaged on. Exhaust is also recommended.
one of the biggest twitch counters on support, he deletes your entire burst and doesn't give a fuck. Similarly to nilah try to bait his E before going all-in as it has a pretty long cooldown, beware of his ult, it's slow and can be easily dodged unless you for hit by his Q. take track of his passive on you, if you get stunned it can be a death sentence or deal a good burst of damage.
way less of a threat than he used to be with the decent nerfs, however he still deals a good amount of damage which you should expect and not get bursted. dodge his Q and try to space his E when it's active.
Fortunately for us ezreal is pretty bad right now, so hes beatable and outscalable. Obviously, as everyone knows, if you dodge his Q and W you just auto win and deny him passive stacks. Beware of his mobility and burst, as it can surprise you and catch you off guard.
if you don't underestimate her passive and get ran down, you pretty much win. she gets outscaled and you can win in lane if you play well. Take cleanse in this matchup, especially since she's usually paired with heavy CC supports. if you get hit by her arrow instant cleanse, otherwise you might get CC chained. this matchup is skill based, but slightly tilted towards twitch.
dodge his stun and you win, don't stand near minions if he has blaze on them otherwise he will E, burn you and hit you with comet. Just like with every mage adc, if you dodge his abilities you're fine and can run him down.
her range and E can be annoying, but its on a pretty long cooldown. if you Q into her and expect the E (unless it's on cooldown), then you should win the trade/fight. Don't tunnel vision and be aware of her traps and support, similarly to ezreal she can burst you without any warning. keep track of her head shots. good communication with support is key.
tbh not really hard, pay attention to his 4th shot and don't get poked out by his Q/range. Beware of being CC CHAINED with his W, when he ults you can stealth and usually get away unless he guesses. Barrier is mandatory in this matchup, unless he has a heavy CC support and you need to take cleanse.
You win lane and you win late. Try to shut her down in lane as she has practically 0 counterplay, DONT walk into her traps and try to not get hit by W (it's very telegraphed).
even and skill based, a good kaisa can fuck you up but you can win. Most importantly fight her in your minions so she can't fully Q you, and try to dodge her W during fights, which might be difficult. Per passive is pretty unavoidable, but you should pay attention to it to not get surprised by your healthbar.
tough, he majorly out ranges and out-dps's you throughout the game, however is very vulnerable which can be taken advantage of. most of his DPS comes from his W, so when it's down its your time to strike. Don't get hit by his Q as it shreds your resistances, his E słows you but doesn't deal much damage unless he goes AP. His R reveals you in stealth so be careful of it.
Miss Fortune
point and click champ so pretty hard to outplay, best you can do is hope you have a good support that can lock her down and you out DPS HER. you can kite her to cancel her autos since she usually doesn't build AS.
same as every mage, you just out DPS her, don't get hit by her stuns to not get cc chained.
Don't get hit by 2 parts of her Q, beware of her E as it can cancel out your E damage but has a high cooldown. laning phase can be pretty rough due to her wave clear and bullying but you heavily outscale
easy matchup, every spell is predictable due to his weapons. if you remember what each weapon and abilitiy does you can play around it and win. he scales pretty hard so try to dominate him early.
do not let him have a free laning phase, bully him and always try to do short trades with your Q and E. all in him with R everytime theres a GOOD opportunity. he only outscales you past minute 30-40 so if you win early there's nothing he can do.
don't play quickplay
beware and careful of her all in and you should win, she can R you back when you're on her so don't waste important cooldowns when you aren't 100% sure she will die or get punished by it.
Pretty tough, you can take either cleanse or barrier for this matchup depending on the support, cleanse will help you dodge his R + Q, however he can still hit you with his stacks, and barrier is a guaranteed shield but doesn't guarantee you'll survive. beware of his Q poke, stand behind minions as it deals less damage if it goes through them. keep track of his stacks on you as it decides whether you need to focus on surviving or all-inning.
even matchup in lane but you have way better teamfighting post 6, look for roaming and skirmishing, don't stand near walls so she can't E you easily.
tough to interact with inlane and scales very hard, try to punish him whenever he overextends with your stealth, don't get caught in his trap otherwise you get very chunked or even die. be aware of his R execute.
she fucks you over in lane, especially with R. play safe and play for scaling, don't EVER stand behind her feathers as they will chunk or root you. you can go for short trades as long as you don't get hit by her feathers. always stand diagonal of her.
his W iz tough but when it's on cooldown hes defenceless. keep in mind his good engage and don't overextend as botlane is a very long lane (perfect for yasuo). most important tip is to kite him, don't get in melee range and dodge tornados.
she's not hard, don't get hit by her W and weave left and right to do dodge her autos (I know, dodging autos, crazy concept.) you outscale crazily.
yuumi isn't as good as she used to be, but still synergizes very well with twitch, especially with his stealth.
we all love our lulus. amazing AS, onhit and movement speed, with some good security and shielding aswell.
works well with twitch and provides very good security and slows.
overally a very good engage support that excels in a lot of fields.
good support, you can follow up with your W to his hooks and it always results in a kill/summoner
one of my favorite supports in the game, amazing engage, great cc, exceptional peel and allows you to play more aggressive with his lantern. a good thresh is a dream to every adc.
good surprise factor with your Q and her stealth, but there isn't much to it except that. shes a great mage but twitch doesn't really like working with mages.
contrary to popular belief, sona is a good, scaling support. the thing is that she's only useful lategame and is a Canon minion early unless played by an OTP. she doesn't give twitch anything except the ms from her E
one of the best engage and lockdown champions, love playing with leonas!
she can be a good enchanter with recent changes and brings a lot of slowing to her kit, but her E isn't much useful with twitch.
good peel and good lockdown, allows risky dives with his ult.
heimer is pretty dooky rn and doesn't work with twitch well.
good damage. works very well after rylais. his stun is usually a kill or a summ.
she's good, allows you to scale freely with her dis-engage.
don't like it, only healing and a very situational stun. she can help but won't be of much use for the entirety of the laning phase.
nami is an amazing support champion, brings a lot ot CC, heals, MS and shields (aery) to the table. she excels in disengage, engage and lockdown. also slow and onhit on autos is really good.
nautilus is always great, the go-to engage support.
excels in mobility and engage, can be very good with you if you play with him well
not really good..
good synergy with your R and her R, her ms and shield is really good. as long as she knows what she's doing its a good synergy.
similar to neeko but quite worse.
milio is good, his bonus AA range and disengage really help twitch.
yuumi isn't as good as she used to be, but still synergizes very well with twitch, especially with his stealth.
we all love our lulus. amazing AS, onhit and movement speed, with some good security and shielding aswell.
works well with twitch and provides very good security and slows.
overally a very good engage support that excels in a lot of fields.
good support, you can follow up with your W to his hooks and it always results in a kill/summoner
one of my favorite supports in the game, amazing engage, great cc, exceptional peel and allows you to play more aggressive with his lantern. a good thresh is a dream to every adc.
good surprise factor with your Q and her stealth, but there isn't much to it except that. shes a great mage but twitch doesn't really like working with mages.
contrary to popular belief, sona is a good, scaling support. the thing is that she's only useful lategame and is a Canon minion early unless played by an OTP. she doesn't give twitch anything except the ms from her E
one of the best engage and lockdown champions, love playing with leonas!
she can be a good enchanter with recent changes and brings a lot of slowing to her kit, but her E isn't much useful with twitch.
good peel and good lockdown, allows risky dives with his ult.
heimer is pretty dooky rn and doesn't work with twitch well.
good damage. works very well after rylais. his stun is usually a kill or a summ.
she's good, allows you to scale freely with her dis-engage.
don't like it, only healing and a very situational stun. she can help but won't be of much use for the entirety of the laning phase.
nami is an amazing support champion, brings a lot ot CC, heals, MS and shields (aery) to the table. she excels in disengage, engage and lockdown. also slow and onhit on autos is really good.
nautilus is always great, the go-to engage support.
excels in mobility and engage, can be very good with you if you play with him well
not really good..
good synergy with your R and her R, her ms and shield is really good. as long as she knows what she's doing its a good synergy.
similar to neeko but quite worse.
milio is good, his bonus AA range and disengage really help twitch.
DISCLAIMER: i havent played all matchups in existance which is why some might be missing here. if you want tips or advice on a certain matchup be sure to leave a comment.
[midlane, toplane] Very tough matchup, his swing ignores your W slow, he has a shield for every HOB trade and outdamages you early-midgame. try to avoid his Q as best as you can, don't play too aggressively as he WILL punish you. his stealth range is higher than yours, so you will see him while he won't. play for safety and roaming, as long as you dont let him snowball he will be a minion compared to you.
[midlane] absolutely ignores your most important spell (W) and one shots you. Take exhaust and take advantage of her being meele--auto her when you can, throw down W below yourself when she jumps on you, avoid daggers as best as you can. you outscale her hard but she can still one shot you while being 0/10 if you make one missplay
[midlane] point and click one shot, but can be easily countered with banshees. shes low mobility and pretty low range so dont overstep and you win.
[midlane] easily dodgable stun, but her R and W is problematic for engaging, just farm it out and scale, you can try to suprise her with your stealth but always expect her to instant Q and dodge it.
Aurelion Sol
[midlane] he scales really hard but you can bully him in lane and try to stop it. dont stand in his E and dont let him get his Q proc on you, when he Q's you can W him as he stands still during it. try to do short trades with your passive and E burst as he wins extended ones.
[midlane] big mobility and big burst, shes pretty painful in lane but you can out-roam her and secure the victory of other lanes. beware of her Q>E>Q2 combo, if she walks up to E/Q you throw down your W and disengage.
[midlane] farming and roaming lane, dont let him poke you out and survive to outscale him.
[sup] your W is the tool of success here, whenever he tries to engage just throw it down and run and he cant do anything.
[top, mid] pretty easy matchup, dodge his Q's and you win, your W basically deletes his entire engage, always walk out of his chains sideways so it doesnt pull you into his combo. zhonyas is good here to deny him his 3rd Q. fight when your ignite is up and you win if you play well.
[sup] one hook is a death sentence, play behind minions and use your W to your advantage, if he misses Q you automatically win the trade.
[jg, top] throw down your W and its gg, a briar that cant get on top of you is a minion. go ignite smite in this matchup and you can probably perma kill her with your team
[top] probably worst top matchup for twitch, this is a shove>roam lane, if you overstep she WILL E on you and kill you, always hold your W for safety incase she jumps on you.
[top, mid] shove and roam, theres nothing you can really do to kill him unless hes bad and underestimates you. try to poke him out and make him lose minions if possible, otherwise playing around the map is your go-to
[mid] play for map, she will non-stop dive you in lane with her 100 dashes. do your best to dodge her E and she cant kill you as easily, use your W correctly incase she does get on top of you. pay attention to your minions incase she plans to use them to jump on you.
[mid] easy. suprise her and she will throw her stun directly on you which will allow you to easily dodge it. dodge her abilites and you win every trade.
Master Yi
[jg] throw your W down when he Q's you, its important to wait for his Q otherwise he will use it to dodge your W. you out-gank him and can invade his jungle constantly with him kinda having 0 counterplay unless hes fed/scaled
[sup, mid] kite her abilites out, you outdamage her in every way and can probably run her down easily. similarly to shaco clone, when she W's the clone wont have any stacks on it.
[sup] he has lots of mobility which ignores your W, always try to focus his adc and not him as he will just dash away outscathed, beware of his ult.
[sup] same deal as blitz, dont overextend and beware of his lantern.
Hello, i am BigBallsLarry, and this is a new guide format that im trying out, that focuses on notes inside the actual guide and not on explanations below it. I tried to appeal to the average player and not over-complicate things.
All runes, items and matchups are based on personal experience and ingame statistics. If you have any questions feel free to comment
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