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Shaco Build Guide by nZk01

Jungle [14.24] Season 14 Shaco Jungle | AD ssassin / AP Shaco Guide

Jungle [14.24] Season 14 Shaco Jungle | AD ssassin / AP Shaco Guide

Updated on January 1, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nZk01 Build Guide By nZk01 1214 100 2,869,366 Views 68 Comments
1214 100 2,869,366 Views 68 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author nZk01 Shaco Build Guide By nZk01 Updated on January 1, 2025
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Shaco
    AD Assassin
  • LoL Champion: Shaco

Runes: every game every build

Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Magical Footwear
Approach Velocity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.24] Season 14 Shaco Jungle | AD ssassin / AP Shaco Guide

By nZk01
First of all Shaco is one of the most skilled and one of the most fun Champs in the game if mastered.

Shaco can do a lot of outplays and can be played very differently, as in AD Assassin or AP poke/zoning/control, he can do a lot that other champs can't ever do and has a lot of possibilities to outplays your opponent with your Clone, your Boxes and your Q.

He's very rewarding aswell, if fed you can solo nash, literally 1 hit people or make a single box be more of a threat than half your team.


• Best ganks in the game
• Very fun and rewarding to learn
• Can Solo Nash if fed
• Insane outplay potential if mastered
• has very strong 1 shots on AD if fed
• AP is SUPER annoying to play against


highest champion specific skillgap in the game
• Defensive stats make you unable to ever 1 shot people on AD
• Item reliant
• Useless if behind
• Invades pretty much destroy your early game
• Playing Shaco teaches you how to play Shaco, not how to play the game

Passive - Backstab

Shaco's basic attacks deal an extra 20-35 (+25% BONUS AD) physical damage, this damage can crit.

If you auto attack from behind in your Q (Deceive) invisibility you will always crit for 155% (instead of 175% being a normal crit) this damage is affected byInfinity Edge

If you hit someone with your E (Two-Shiv Poison) from behind it will deal 15-50 (+10% AP) bonus magic damage, this gets amplified by the abilities empowered damage.

Q - Deceive

Using this ability blinks Shaco after a short delay to the target location (and over walls if possible) and turns him invisible for 2.5-3.5 seconds.

This invisibility breaks upon auto attacking or castingTwo-Shiv Poison orRecalling (B), but doesn't break when using Hallucinate.

Using Jack In The Box while invisible will make your character flicker for a split second and reveal your location, but it doesn't break it.

After breaking the invisibility Shaco's next basic attack in 0.25 seconds deals 25-60 (+60% BONUS AD) bonus physical damage, this damage can crit.

W - Jack in the Box

Shaco summons a Jack in the Box at the target location, lasting for up to 40 (+10% AP) seconds. The Box arms after a 2 second delay, becoming stealthed and untargetable.

Triggering the box will cause nearby enemies to get feared for 0.5-1.5 seconds depending on how many points are in the ability, this is modified to 2.2 seconds against non-champions and also roots them for 1 second.

Once triggered, the box remains for 5 seconds during which it will attack nearby visible enemies dealing 10-30 (+12% AP) magic damage, if the box only attacks a single target it's damage is increased to 25-85 (+18% AP) magic damage

The box deals 20-80 bonus magic damage to monsters and 50% reduced damage to structures.

E - Two-Shiv Poison

PASSIVE: Shaco's basic attacks slow enemies for 2 seconds for 20-30% while Two-Shiv Poison is off cooldown.

ACTIVE: Shaco throws a dagger at the target enemy, slowing them for 3 seconds and dealing 70-170 (+80% bonus AD) (+60% AP) magic damage, increased by 50% against targets below 30% of their max HP.

R - Hallucinate

Shaco vanishes for 0.5 seconds and then blinks in the target direction while creating a Clone of himself that blinks in the opposite direction, this clone is controllable for up to 18 seconds via your R key or holding CTRL and right clicking.

When the Clone dies or expires, it explodes, dealing 150-300(+70% AP) magic damage to enemies around it and fearing them for 1 second (2.2s for non champions), this also leaves behind 3 mini boxes which are linked together and activate instantly, they deal 10-30(+10% AP) magic damage around them, increased to 25-75 (+15% AP) magic damage when only hitting a single target.

There are 3 possible starts

Redbuff side

Set 2 boxes on Raptors, 1 on Krugs, then auto attack the big raptor till it dies, walk to your redbuff and place a box in front of it so the box doesn't activate.

Q over to Krugs, smite the big one and kill the camp, then just go do redbuff with 2 boxes.

After this you can choose to invade, gank or fullclear your other side.

If you decide to fullclear you can opt for 2 point into your W instead of a point in E and clear Wolves > Gromp > Bluebuff for proper respawn timers.

Bluebuff side

Put 1 Box behind your Bluebuff, 1 on Gromp and 1 in front of Gromp so it walks into the box upon being feared.

Clear your Blue > Gromp > Wolves and then opt for the same thing as before.

If you decide to fullclear do Raptors > Krugs > Redbuff for proper respawn timers.

Level 2 Invade

This point of this clear is to steal the enemy junglers camp level 1 and possibly kill them.

Set 3 Boxes up as shown below, they will clear the camp by themselves, this allows you to walk to the enemy jungle level 1 while leveling up and possibly Q'ing over the wall, stealing their Buff and possibly killing them.

You can choose for either the right or left box to be the last depending on if you want to invade their bot or topside.

(You have to be on the enemy side of the map for the raptor to walk into the box on the right)

(I personally prefer to do Bluebuff fullclear like 95% of games!)
When the game starts instantly run to either the bot or top entrance to your jungle and put down a box, this can spot and possibly stop the enemy from invading you level 1 (I like doing opposite side starts, as in W my topside entrance and start bottom side, this allows full info on either side and lets be honest if they invade me level 1 they are not going away because of a box, they will try to destroy all.
This can also bait them to think that im on that side and want to start there)

Your boxes are entities, they can BLOCK spells.
Few examples:
Lee Sin Q
Nidalee Q
Elise human E
Nunu Snowball!
EVERY HOOK IN THE GAME! (nautilus,blitzcrank,etc.)

Use your Boxes to set up for fights beforehand, they hold on for quite some time and especially on AP you want to be SPAMMING boxes in river and entrances and possibly BEHIND objectives like Dragon and Nash to stop the enemy from engaging from beyond the wall and stealing the objective.

Boxes also give vision when using them!

You can use your Ultimate to dodge or cancel A LOT of abilities.
Some crucial examples:
Darius R
Zed R (the mark not the damage)
Caitlyn R
Sejuani R
AND A LOT MORE (pretty much every skillshot or non undodgeable damage (kayn ult/yi Q))

Your Clone can BODY BLOCK and he also applies your slow from E, this can be immensely important to run down/zone people off fights.

You can use your ult to jump over small walls

You can use ult when your HoB isn't full used yet, the extra Attack speed will be on the clone and won't run out no matter how many times he autos.

You can use Tiamat or B (recall) after using Q to get it up faster again.

Don't use your E early in fights, use the slow for as long as possible and mostly only use it to kill people, the slow has a lot more value than the almost nonexistent damage it provides, especially without the execute bonus damage.

You can use your E Slow on autos to pretty much run down people for the entirety of their lane, even if very high HP

You HAVE to hit your Q backstab, this is probably the most important part of shacos kit (Atleast on AD), NOT hitting your Backstab will make you lose sooooo much damage

You can use your E Slow on autos to pretty much run down people for the entirety of their lane, even if very high HP

Most important tip for Shaco is his Q walljumps, you can pretty much jump every wall in the game if done right, theres a good video by iBronto on how you can dodge vision when ganking (

I will just show where to click on some spots

This gets it pretty consistently to be out of turret range (still in vision)

These 2 jumps are VERY timesaving and are used pretty much every game

This jump can vary between being fully on edge of the bush, which will make you pop out IN turret vision range or if not fully being on the edge makes you pop out right above the flame and OUT of turret vision

Pretty hard jump, you have to really be on the edge of the bush perfectly near the wall, but spawning in that turret can have incredible impact
Game stuff
Tiamat and Tiamat items are NOT a forced purchase, it just allows for incredible ease of clearing and allows you to catch waves VERY easily, which in soloQ just has too much impact to pass up on imo, without tiamat its playable but if you're really forced to 1v9 its pretty much impossible to without, your splitpushing is borderline impossible and you will just get less ressources/less opportunities to get those ressources.

You should choose your items HEAVILY based on how the game is going, you know you can kill the enemy jg very easily after 1st back or just need fighting strength? first base dirk. you can get value out of hubris? rush it. farming hard wins the game? tiamat. good team and good fights? eclipse. being consistently the better player? just get that hydra man.
Always have in mind Opportunity and IE are the biggest possible damage spikes.
Titanic can be fine last item if you need to be able to play without hob, or just kill someone with hob and then kill the next person with the titanic reset, the tankiness is also pretty good ngl.
Defensive items are NOT bait, get that GA if you have a 700g shutdown, get that shieldbow instead of your collector if you're going crit later on, edge of night is a must vs some champs and maw is pretty much forced vs stuff like karthus or u just die no matter what.

useless stuff about me:

hitting chall as silly shaco otp, after that playing every role and most champs and learning the actual full game not just 1 champ 1 role, I take a lot of breaks from the game I barely play multiple days in a row.

Best shaco skins:
yes soul fighter shaco looks *** and the prestige is even worse, yellow dark star chroma goated, if you disagree with this list just have in mind im right ur wrong stay mad

fav champs on every role:
top: trynda/jayce/GP/kayn
Jg: shaco/viego/karthus/kayn/warwick
Mid: kassadin/ekko
Adc: senna/kaisa/ezreal/draven(if op)
supp: senna/blitzcrank/zyra/sona

I like playing op stuff.
some examples:
top kayn when either from was unreal broken (shoutout ollip best kayn world)
ghost inspiration bork twitch 4cspm 20 kills every lobby
triforce draven
youmuus coll hob draven (mythics)
kraken sanguine blade draven (prolly the most broken **** i have ever played rip)
(ye they ruined draven)
stacking hydra shojin zed (0 skill)
eclipse crit graves
heartsteel mundo (mythics)
night harvester jg sylas (rip)
Kraken slayer Senna/bork locket senna (really overnerfed champ, now some cuck enchanter)

I also actually really like playing tanks or supportive stuff like Alistar/Ornn or tank junglers but you just lose to bad teammates and thats mad boring

Im very bad at updating or even just writing guides (as you are very well aware of) so its pretty unlikely that I will update it everytime something happens but we'll see.
This guide is supposed to just be a general overview of the most basic stuff, im not writing some 30 page google doc on everything imaginable.

If you have any questions about the game or shaco just ask them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nZk01
nZk01 Shaco Guide
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[14.24] Season 14 Shaco Jungle | AD ssassin / AP Shaco Guide

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