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Shaco Build Guide by fubukisnow

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Support [14.24] Shaco Support <fubukisnow>

Updated on December 17, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author fubukisnow Build Guide By fubukisnow 61 36 225,121 Views 4 Comments
61 36 225,121 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author fubukisnow Shaco Build Guide By fubukisnow Updated on December 17, 2024
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Shaco
    Burn build
  • LoL Champion: Shaco
    Damage support
  • LoL Champion: Shaco
    Peel/Poke Support Build

Runes: Normal runes

1 2 3
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


The "Example Build" is maked for ignore armor items in squish champions and burst all incluing tanks (Tanks dont take insta-kill but you do one good damage), this build have 2 letality items, and last whisper for break all armor, and have 40% cooldown reduction, for use much times the Q and E.
Fleetfoot Work is good for early game sustain, and chase others players with the mov speed that the rune give, and late game you dont need damage rune, you do instakill with the same mode, you dont lose life in the jg, with help for gank full life, but if you prefer you can use electro too, or dark harvest.
Skill Sequence
I recommend maximize E with first for do more slow in auto atacks, and slowing is more good for you do more hits and your adc hit too, first you lvl1 up the W for clear jg, lvl2 Q for pass the walls of the jg, lvl3 E for do slow in gank, invade, up the Q for lvl3 for stay 3sec invisible, after maxime the E for do more damage, minus cooldown and do more Slow in auto or in the E, the slow is very important, can do free kills in ganks, and free kills in invades, abuse of this for have more clean early-late game.
Put 1 shaco Box in Red and 2 in Krugs, if lane leash you dont need to smite, if you dont receive leash for Krugs Box dont active in Krugs and despawn, you smite the Red, put your point in Q and jump the Krugs wall and Put more 2 box after clear the camp, use another Q from wall for go clear another camp or for gank, before tiamat shaco not is too good for make jungle camps, but after tiamat you melt the jungle camps, after tiamat abuse for try invade and pick-off.
Are very important you have vision of enemy jungle, for kill here/stole her jungle, or just for make more effective ganks, use the W for give vision, put box in bushs for kill the enemy jungler, or make baits, after Draktar and tiamat and atck speed boots, and the enemy jungler dont is feed invade he infinity times.
After you reach lvl6 you solo Drag easy, but try catch vision of enemy jungler before, for dont gey killed in Drag, make your clone the target of Drag for you dont take damage, Herald is easy too, you just need ult, after ult put the box for help, and trade target for and you and for clone for clone dont die, remember aways, all time hit in backstab you and your clone for cause extra damage, versus others players too, in 15min go to herald and solo it easy too.
For win with shaco late game you need for do Pick-Offs or if you dont have damage for that, just Try split one lane, principally if you have Ravenous Hydra, with Heal you soo much, Shaco is good for splig because he have much damage, he have escape, and are soo good in 1v1, if you split and go to one Tower wait tower focus your Cannon minion and put the box and ult, you go destroy the tower soo much fast.
Shaco is one good champion for try steal objectives, in baron/drake use the W for give vision. In fights break the enemy wards for one stealth engage for one good pick off, after pick off use R for gain one "immunity" for 2secs and try escape.
Pros: Good Early game, Semi easy control of objectives, good invades, good 1v1/pick-off in early and late game.
Cons: After lvl3 Of Q is very hard for gank, much low time invisible, and dont have much cc, have just the box and more nothing, easy to counter your pick-off, very squish.
Wait for the tank of your team do engage, and the enemies use the skills/spells for you enter and do one good job in fights, if your team dont have tank, make off-tank build with titanic, trinity, sterak.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author fubukisnow
fubukisnow Shaco Guide
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[14.24] Shaco Support <fubukisnow>

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