is insanely strong and can be rushed first item if you manage to back with enough gold to buy The Brutalizer. Profane Hydra has an insane spike on completion and allows you to swiftly clear waves and roam!
Is a perfect item to spike up our damage output. It's very cost efficient. The slow on the passive is very usefull, the CDR also plays an important role to make sure Qiyana works as intended. The ARMOR PENETRATION allows us to deal damage even to the tankiest champions
Perfect second item while facing champions that can stop your flanks, such as Ahri, Lissandra for example. This items grants good lethality and damage out-put while also giving us a good amount of HP, wich is very rare in Qiyana builds.
Is a MUST TAKE ITEM when facing a lot of SHIELDS, examples could be Lulu, Karma, Janna, Yone, Yuumi and any other champion that plays a lot around shields, is also a great counter to ADCs with Overheal. It's very cost efficient, only 2600 Gold and allows us to damage trough enemy shields or lower their amount if we hit the target before it gets shielded!
Gives us both CDR and INSANE DAMAGE OUTPUT. It's a MUST BUY ITEM as 2nd item while playing with the Tear of the Goddess start First Strike + Resolve + Teleport build and as 3rd Item in any other build. Allowing us to spike even harder Mid/Lategame.
Really good and consistent option as 3rd Item. The CDR + HP + Armor Shredding passive is very strong against tanky champions. The HP also play a good part of the reason why you want to go Black Cleaver third Item. If you find yourself getting onetapped too often, this might be your GAME CHANGER!
The best item right now to COUNTER AP DAMAGE. MUST BUY when facing AP CHAMPIONS that can oneshot you. When you are facing 2 AP champions is a must buy, but also if there is only one and it's well fed. The passive shield Life Line allows you to not get onetapped and also turn back and heal a lot while dealing damage. Life Line gives 12% OMNIVAMP while the effect is active!
Wanna 1v9? This is the best 4th Item for you! Death's Dance is isanely strong if we are ahead. The passive allows us to HEAL HP BACK after killing an enemy. Qiyana has very high AD RATIOS and Death's Dance healing works on that. More AD, more Healing, more 1v9 potential! ALso with the Unique passive IGNORE PAIN - We can mitigate the incoming damage and avoid getting onetapped from both MAGICAL & PHYSICAL DAMAGE.
Is a good option as last item. Guardian Angel allows us to take risky engages in the lategame fights, where one mistake decides the outcome of the entire lobby. Make sure to buy it if the game is getting very hard, and you need a little bit of backup.
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