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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes:
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Whisper (PASSIVE)
Jhin Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You have to watch out for it especially when it's paired with hooking/CCing support. Once you get flashed on with CC by enemy support it just takes iron trist player to mindlessly jump on you and start spamming autos. THERE IS NO ESCAPE THEN
Heals, MS bonus AD from her W and ult in case too many guys engage on you + Summs exclusively for you. Really nice companion.
Heals, MS bonus AD from her W and ult in case too many guys engage on you + Summs exclusively for you. Really nice companion.
Champion Build Guide
Hello, Im daudr - adc main with EUW rank 100 peak, the most stoic and composed league player you'll see.
Here i've included only what i considered most important while keeping it brief and short so you can quickly navigate and find what you need on the go.
For a lot, lot more game and bot lane related info feel free to visit my socials and i'll be glad to help you out :)
Heal - You can manipulate health and movement speed of both you and your ally for engaging and retreating faster. It's kinda bad because it gets hard countered by Ignite with Grievous Wounds and loses significant portion of it's value.
Cleanse - You lose so much by taking cleanse in early laning phase if you want to play agressive, that you should consider taking it only in cases where enemy CCs pose a real threat.
Ghost - If you want to get in and out of range while trading, chasing down and running from ganks more effectively.
You will go Boots of Swiftness most of the time, because they're cheap and synergize with his crits. Go Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads if enemies have 4 or more AD or AP damage dealers.
The Collector getthing lethality asap for most value.
Stormrazor synergizes well with Jhin's kit and MS.
Infinity Edge more dmg + necessary as crit amplifier. If enemies have a lot of armor get Dominik instead
Rapid Firecannon fits really well as 4th item giving you some overall stats boost and that extra range.
Lord Dominik's Regards because now everyone got some armor from items and leveling up. If you bought it already then get Infinity Edge.
Get Guardian Angel if you have high bounty and want to protect it.
Quicksilver Sash when you don't want to bring cleanse into the game and you're really scared of CCs.
Mortal Reminder when enemy team has mixed damage and strong healing champs like Vlad, Soraka, Samira, Red Kayn, Yuumi and no one except you is getting heal reduction.
After your build is completed you want to sell your Boots for Dead Man's Plate or Force of Nature and that depends on enemies having more AD or AP damage. If you really want more dps and less defence u can go Statikk Shiv.
That is because unlike Jhin's E his Q is a reliable source of damage and is guaranteed to hit. It might be the same with his W if you have a support with CCs so you're really maximizing your damage output.
There might be 2 exceptions to that:
Playing in low elo where many more takedowns happen and there is greater chance flower-trap popping off will deal more damage or slow someone down enough to let you finish him off.
Second one being temfights that might occur earlier or later in a game and when you participate in them there is more value to flowers as well (more takedowns can result in more AoE damage and slow from that ability)
The way I also like to use his E instead of stacking them in one place to W someone down when he steps into them is to place traps in most probable paths of enemy jungler so i can notice him preparing to gank me or it just usually results in him retreating.
Presence of Mind - only source of regaining mana (practise to utilize it and it will be enough).
Legend: Bloodline - along with Footwork and Taste of Blood allows you to heal, you then don't have to waste gold and item slot for Vampiric Scepter and BT and use it instead for more damage to close games faster.
Coup de Grace - damage.
Taste of Blood - lifesteal.
Eyeball Collection more AD = more dmg.
Keep in mind when you verse 4 AP champions in enemy team or 2AP champions on botlane you should switch last small rune from Armour to Magic Resist.
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