If you are new, use Grasp rune page. This is a harder match up as Renekton is really strong early game. If you are comfortable with Fiora, you can take conqueror/pta. Dont fight him if he gains lane prio. Look to trade when you have the wave pushing and he has no rage bar. Look to riposte his stun or Q if u miss the stun. Be careful as he can dodge your riposte with his E. If you cant find a good opening, play lane safe and outscale. Renekton is a very snowbally champion so play slow if you are struggling in lane and cant find a good opening to win trade.
You can start Corrupting Potions or Dorans shield. In laning phase try to avoid his Qs and be mindful of how many shock stacks he has applied to you. Do not let him harass you early with poke. Farm and try to go for short trades and learn the pattern of his stun. Once you have 2 shock stacks, wait about .5 seconds to parry as he will most likely use his W then. Try to play for late game, and buy Quick silver sash for team fights
This matchup is harder past lvl 6 so try to gain your lead lvl 2-5. Her E which is her escape is on a fairly long cd (24sec) so play off of that. Use your parry about .5 seconds after engaging on her with your Q and E. It is hard to predict her W but it is okay to Parry her Q since it slows and deals a large amount of damage.
You can take ignite into this matchup as Darius doesnt take teleport 90% of the time. I would suggest getting used to taking teleport as the summoner is much better. Dont look to take too long of trades as his bleed does massive damage and heals him. Look to Q inside of his Q so he doesnt heal or get a bleed stack. Pre lvl 6 look to riposte his w, after lvl 6 riposte his ult.
My ban. The only real time that you can take advantage of him is when he is low on mana and before he gets bramble vest. Aside from that you mainly want to just farm the lane. Riposte his Q in laning phase to negate slow and damage. You can get tiamat early to shove waves fast to roam into jg/ mid/ tp
Do not fight her when she is in her shroud. Try to bait out the shroud and fight her when it is down. Riposte the empower aa after her E as it does the most damage and is one of the only abilities that is predictable. You can riposte her R2 as well if you can time it. You out scale so if you are not confident, just farm it out and don't die.
She scales hard and she is fairly strong against Fiora early game. Attack when lvl 3 and and try to riposte her Q or any of her venom damage. She is very fast and good at kiting so try to land the riposte mainly for the slow. Predicting her ult with your riposte will come naturally. You can also see her turn around before the ult fairly easily.
This is an iffy matchup and you might want to take Grasp runes. You can also take corrupting potions or dorans shield. His early game Q pokes with his grasp will hurt bad so you have to play around this. On his first back hes going to get sheen and do a TON of dmg from this point on. The only trades against him will be when you all in him with your full combo. Try to riposte barrels/ grasp Q/ passive burn, as these are the majority of his damage. If you use E to slow, wait for him to use an orange before riposte, and vice versa to make sure you keep him locked down. When he sits on a barrel, try to Q him and aa the barrel to disarm it and then go all in on him.
Early game dont worry about her E as it doesnt do a ton of damage pre 6. If you get hit by it, dont run away, fight her. Dodge her Qs and tentacle attacks with Q and walking. Pre 6 since her E is useless you can riposte any Q or W dmg, whichever is higher. After 6 be carefuly of her all in dmg. Try to bait out her ult and then disengage and rengage when her ult is down. She will be strong later in team fights due to her ult. Just play around it.
Usually against range matchups I wait till lvl 3 or lvl 2 to engage. You want to focus on parrying his 3rd W ring if he isnt going to be turning to mega gnar soon. You can also parry his Mega Gnar W or ult. His E jump is on a fairly long cooldown (22sec) so keep that in mind when looking to kill by doing your full combo. Try to make him use his E then reengage when he steps up again
Optional to take ignite plus Nimbus cloak rune. Personally i stick with tp and standard runes. Do not fight him when his rage bar is full and you win. When you land a riposte he will stare at you like an idiot and you just demolish him. When he ults make sure you ult and riposte when he has ultd, not earlier. Pre 6, riposte whenever he spins on you as you insta win. If you have ignite, use it when he ults and run around in your ult until his ult ends.
NEVER trade with him when he has his empowered Q (the red bar filled under his health bar). You can parry his empowered Q or the delayed damage from his ultimate. Buy executioners if you've fallen behind but isn't necessary if you get lead. Never tower dive unless his pool is down. Try to pressure him early game as he will scale HARD into the late game.
If he takes E lvl1 dont fight him and possibly even Q out of the range if necessary. His counterstrike can be triggered early and there is about a .75 sec window of failure. I usually count 1 sec in my head and then parry, but it depends on the player. You have to get used to their style as this is a skill match up. lvl 3 and on, look to riposte as soon as he Q dashes onto you. You will negate all the high dmg, and when he Es after, Q out of the way or walk (since he should be slowed by riposte) and then rengage on him and you win.
This is a skill matchup so you have to adjust to your opponents play style. You can trade lvl 1 with your Q poke, but make sure to hit a vital to escape her return damage with your movement speed. You want to parry her 3rd Q or her W stun. If you dont have parry, you lose the trade. Her ult is very strong combined with her full combo, so be cautious of her damage.
Be careful of Cho silencing you before knocking you up. If he does this, try not to parry the knock up but use it on his ult or silence in general. This isn't that hard of a match up if you work around both of those abilities. He has high sustain and tankiness as he scales. Try to fight him lvl2. Pre 6 he is fairly easy to kill.
Kayle will scale HARD. Start Dorans blade. Try to abuse her early game as much as possible. Q poke her as much as you can and parry her Q to avoid the slow. She is hard to catch when she has fleet footwork. If she has ult, parry that damage. Try to stop her from free farming. Pre 6 she is a melee champ so make sure you punish her for ever stepping up.
Try to dodge her Q or parry it if you don't plan on going in on a fight. DO NOT Q if she uses her W (gold circle). You can bait her knock back by hugging a wall, and riposte to stun. You can also Q+W her W to stun if you are outside her circle. This is a tough matchup as once she has bramble/ tabis it is not worth fighting until you finish your mythic.
Do not chase him for long. Watch for him proxying in the early game, you should be able to kill him early if he does this. Try to poke vitals without getting caught in his gas. His throw is what you want to parry. Easy tells of this are when he is running straight at you, or if he has his grounding pool on you. You win early game against singed and get used to his patterns of throwing you as each player is different.
You beat him immediately at lvl 1. He doesn't do a lot of damage and once you hit lvl 2 the lane is over for him. Look to parry his Q if you are going to kill him while he is CC. You can also look to parry his 2nd W bite but he shouldn't be an issue in lane at all. If he is running grasp, parry his grasp early in game to negate his healing and damage. This matchup is all about cooldowns. Take note of when he uses his E shield as it does a lot of dmg early.
Parry his Q if he often charges it or his health bubble. You can also use it on his Ult if he uses it poorly. If he has ult and you are winning, try to position yourself on top of him towards his escape route so he cant ult away. If you land your riposte early game when he wastes Q, you should win as his attack speed is already fairly slow. Take note of his W shield cooldown and play around it when possible as it can turn 1v1s.
Fun matchup for Fiora. Try to parry his 3rd Q as it is predictable and does a lot of damage. You can also engage (if you are ahead) by riposting his W pull into him and Qing him while dodging his Qs. You will want to build executioners calling if you are behind. You can easily beat him with good movement combined with your Q as he needs to hit you in those sweet spots for maximum damage.
Abuse her early game when she does not have her passive stacks from Qing minions. You want to parry her E stun as it is very obvious and if you land this lvl 2 you auto win. Be careful of her dodging your riposte by Qing to a minion or behind you. After lvl 6 if you dont riposte the stun, you can riposte her ult, or the q after her ult to negate her resetting Q.
Another fun matchup for Fiora. lvl 2 you win, parry the second part of his Q to stun him. He needs to get in melee range so watch out for his jump to try to make you miss the riposte. You basically auto win this lane if you understand how to play around him and Skaarl. You can also parry his ult. Be careful of him kiting you when he is not on skaarl as he can bait you into a fight that you cant win.
Poke him the entire lane. Do not let him step up to farm, if he does, then punish him. Freeze the wave whenever possible. Riposte his Q damage, or his W if you can predict it. DO NOT fight him when he is in his ult. Make him use it then back off. In this match up you sadly have to mirror him the whole game to deny him from farming and scaling.
lvl 2 you win. Look to parry his W auto attack, but be careful as he can hesitate to make you waste parry. You can also look to parry his E charge, or the knock up from his ult. If you know he is going to ult, then save your parry for his ult as it does a lot of damage, applies the knock up auto attack passive, and keeps you vulnerable for an even bigger follow up. Also be careful after he builds bramble.
Level 2 you win, get Dorans blade and try to abuse him early game. He is hard to lock down if he grabs phase rush. He will scale hard so just try to abuse him and dont let him get free poke on you in lane.
Wait till lvl2. Riposte his first Q auto attack with Grasp proc. This is his core damage. If you are confident in parrying his taunt, go for it. If not, stick with Grasp proc parrying. You cant hit vitals in his W so dont aa. Try to abuse him early before he gets bramble. His taunt is his escape so if he uses it poorly and you can win, chase him down.
Easy match up but can be hard when ganked. Abuse him early and riposte his stun which is very predictable. Keep your eye on jungle and you should be fine. Your riposte is on a longer cooldown then his stun so becareful when riposte is down and dodge his stun with your Q. He heals a good amount in his ult so if you are behind executioners could be a good idea.
This is an easy lane if you land riposte. Be careful that he can windwall your riposte. If he is good he will try to dash from your riposte but try to read him. Predict his Q tornado and his E Q dash knock up on you to riposte and deny him his ult. If you are losing lane rush tabis or even executioners if he is building Shieldbow.
Dr. Mundo
Riposte his q into him to deny slow and damage and try to time your Qs to vitals with his Q to dodge his damage. Get executioners calling. When he ults, disengage and try to kill him after his ult. Try to win early game as he will be a pain to kill late game.
Do not fight him lvl 1 as he can chase you down with Q and the minions will eat you alive. lvl 2 get your parry and you always want to parry him when he Qs. It is pretty obvious when he is going to do it as well. Constantly Q to not let him heal from his passive. Make sure when you are low that you dont hold riposte for his ult, as his Q will silence you so that way you cant riposte in time. When he is Eing (spin) run away to disengage, and reengage afterwards as that is the majority of the dmg.
You can Q poke her lvl 1 if she takes Q. Dodge her W with your Q to not heal her. She is fairly predictable as her Q can be easily parried and so can her E. If she did not use E, do not ult and hard engage as she can escape with it. Your riposte is strong early game so do not miss it! You can also riposte her Ult, but only use in sticky situations. Primarily riposte Q2 or E.
Jayce is a big lane bully and will punish you if you let him. Either parry his knock back or when he jumps on you. A lot of Jayce players hold their knockbacks which can be tricky. You mainly want to farm this lane so take corrupting potions or Dorans shield and wait the lane out. You outscale him.
Do not fight him until lvl 3. You want to parry his lightning attack which is pretty fast which they usually use after one aa. If you land parry you win the trade. When Olaf ults, your riposte does not slow or lower attack speed so it is best to run if you cant kill him quickly. You out scale so if you are struggling, sit back and farm under tower.
Keep an eye on his empowering bar as his Q and stun will do a lot of damage. He is pretty predictable when using his stun or Q since the bar displays this to you. If you land riposte you win after lvl 3. You are also stronger lvl 6 so you can all in him. His W shield denies you vitals so move to his back side.
Take Dorans Shield. Dont fight until lvl 3. Let her get prio early, and when the wave crashes at the tower, look to gain prio and fight her back with wave advantage. Get used to her pattern of E to riposte and stun her. Aim your riposte in her current location as she will jump back to that spot. This is a learning match up and the more you play against Quinn, the easier it will be to riposte her E. After lvl 6 you dominate, but dont ult unless you are sure you can riposte E or its down. Beware of her roaming.
Do not fight him lvl 1, sit back and let him jump around. You want to parry his empowered Q and dont be afraid to chase him down afterwards to punish him. When he ults, parry as soon as he lands on you. You should win if you ult right after to finish the job.
Learn the timing of his fire and go in after it is completed. Its on a fairly low cool down so try to run out as fast as possible after doing your full combo. Parry his E to prevent his slow. lvl 6 you win as you can move out of his ult.
Do not fight lvl 1. Parry his Q as his stun is not too predictable early game and his Q does massive damage. You can also dodge his W with your Q. You out scale so if you are losing, farm under tower.
You win if you dodge his Q and land your Q pokes. Parry his stun which is predictable as he dashes right before stunning. If he steals your ult, hes trolling. You will hit the vitals faster and you know how they work. Get executioners as your second item to prevent his healing from his W and if he does complete your ult.
Start Dorans Shield. Wait till lvl 3 to fight, dont take free poke. Sit back. Parry his Q blind and you win. If you can get on top of him and parry his Q you will demolish him.
Parry his Q to deny massive damage and to slow him. When he ults, run away unless you can kill him fast. Give him ult respect throughout entire game unless you are really ahead.
Take Dorans Shield. Do not let her get free poke. Lvl 3 you can go all in and try to learn when she will use her knockback. In lower elos she is easier to play against and will most likely E after dashing. In higher elos they might hold their E and Q so learn to adjust.
Fairly easy if you avoid most Qs in lane. You want to parry is E if he uses it recklessly. He might use E to bait your parry so dont use it if you dont need to. You can use your Q to dodge his Q, remembering his CD is helpful. You can also parry his ult if you get a gank. Beware that your ult does not go into his ult, so if you ult early, save your parry to cancel his ult.
More of an annoying match up. You can parry his Q and his E to stun him. Beware of ganks often as Maokai is easy to assist his jungle. Maokai is fairly easy to kill early if you play around his grasp proc and stuns. After he gets bramble, just focus on farming and possibly freezing to get your jungle to secure the kill.
Start Dorans Shield. Q poke his vitals throughout lane, but make sure he uses his passive shots first. Riposte his E lunge (when you see a bubble shield around hip, parry). Avoid his Qs with your Q, or good movement and you should win early. You can also riposte his ult if need be. Lvl 9 Urgot has a strong power spike as he can toggle his W on and off. Urgot scales really well and will be an issue late game, so be careful in fighting him in the side lanes if you are not ahead.
Fairly easy match up once you buy Executionars calling. Q poke him early. Look to parry his E jump or the second part of his Q to stun him. Late game he will be harder to kill, but focus the squishes on the team first. Your ult does % health damage so he should not be an issue lvl 6+
Lvl 1 you win if you Q poke vitals and attack him when his Q is on cooldown. This matchup you need to mainly dodge his E, or parry it if you plan to engage. It is on a fairly long cd. Look to dodge E, then engage with Q, and parry Q. After 6 his ult gives him a lot of lifesteal, so buy executioners, or kill his ult full engage. If he gets ahead he can be an issue.
Tahm Kench
Don't fight him early game. This is not an enjoyable lane. Dodge his Q. Look to parry the final passive Q or W that he uses. This can be tricky but its the only real use of you parry in this lane. You win once you hit 6 and have tiamat. DO NOT DIE PRE 6.
Not a hard match up but if he is good then it can be even. Look to trade lvl 2 as your lvl 2 is stronger. Riposte his empowered Q or ult. Remember to riposte behind you if you are close to him. If you miss riposte, disengage as you lose the trade. You out scale so don't rush anything. Buy executioners calling.
He is really strong in lane and in team fights. If you ever fall behind you lose lane. Look to trade lvl 2 as you win this trade. Riposte his e dash onto you as it is easy to land since he is going straight into you, and it denys his aa speed and potentially his Q damage. That is the way to winning the lane pre 6. You can look to riposte his ult later on after 6, but if you miss your riposte you lose, so use it carefully. Remember, he has 2 ults :))
Pre 6 you should win easily by riposting her Q scissors. It is fairly easy to see the animation to riposte, but you can also predict her to use it when she builds stacks under her health bar with auto attacks. You win extended trades with vitals. After 6 you can riposte her Q or her 3rd ult of needles.
This matchup isn't too hard, but it can be annoying if you don't know how to approach the fight. Whenever possible, try to take out his turrets. Early on in the game, they are on a fairly long cooldown so you can kill them pretty fast if the Heim isn't good. If the Heim is playing very defensive, just look to take extended trades, as if you land your E it is hard for him to escape. If he ever uses his stun aggressively and misses, uses this time to engage on to him. If he is holding it, just try to look for the animation to riposte the stun. If he has ult, he most likely will use it to enhance his turret, if that's the case, just bait out his ult and then disengage until the ult is gone, then reengage afterward.
This match up can be annoying. I recommend starting D shield as Graves does early damage and has a significant amount of armor early. Try to poke his vitals early and stick in between your wave. If he trys to aa you and your minions are there, the minions will take the damage. Look to riposte his Q if he has a wall, if not, riposting an aa is fine as well. After 6, your ult is better, just make sure to apply your E slow, or Q+W to catch him after he uses his ult to escape. Be careful of his power spikes as well as he does do a lot of damage into the later stages of the game.
Use your Q to evade his Q (he slams down his arm forward, it is on fairly low cd). You can consistently dodge his Q when you Q to his vitals, and use spacing well. You can W his 3rd Q which pulls you in (almost like yasuo). Be careful as he can move so if you can not consistently and W on this ability, save it for his all in. Be careful of your position as his ult can carry you over walls to his enemy jungler. He is also very strong when near his turret so be mindful of positioning. Overall you win extended trades if you use your riposte properly. Wouldnt recommends engaging if he has over half HP in laneing phase.
This matchup is Fiora favored. Be careful of fighting him early as his damage is strong and he will heal it all back up. If you are non consistently Riposting his E fear you will lose the lane. After he is lvl 6 you have the option to Riposte this or his E. If you can not win the matchup, don't force anything and plan to outscale. I recommend taking Grasp into this matchup to have sustain to match his. If there are other enemies that heal a lot, look into buying executioners.
I would reccomend learning this champion prior to vsing him as he has a lot of abilities to look for. Try to pay attention to his paint brush color as when it is purple he will be using a stun or displacement. Riposte any of these for a stun, but realistically this champion doesn't pose much of a threat in lane. Recomend PTA runes as you will do more burst damage and since he has lower HP you wont be taking longer trades.
This match up is Fiora favored in terms of laning pressure and outscaling. The only real threats to be aware of are being baited and dying to a gank as Skarner is great at setting up tower dives. Pre lvl 6 you should look to take extended trades with conqueror runes. Avoid his 3rd auto attack with the Q rock in his tail. Use riposte when he is attempting to pin you into a wall with his E. You will out scale so no need to force anything under towers as this is where he is strongest.
This matchup is tough for Fiora. You have 2 options. Go grasp and look to win lane/have a safe landing phase. Go Conqueror and scale to the late game. The issue is that Gragas does a good amount of base damage while often healing with his passive. Do not waste gold on grievous wounds. Look to riposte his E body slam which can be quick if you are standing closer to him. He will tend to do this when you are attacking a vital or while you are mid-Q. Look to walk away from the barrels he throws on the ground. It is better to use Q for vitals or repositioning if you can walk away from the barrel explosions.
This match up is Fiora favored. Both champions scale into late game but Fiora should win lane phase as cooldowns/damage/mobility is higher. Try to avoid Aurora Q1 spell by walking but if you can not, then try to dodge while Qing to a vital. Once you close this gap immediately look to E slow. Once you close the gap predict Auora to E dash back, which you can aim to riposte to negate the slow, and potentially slow Aurora further.
This is a tough matchup for Fiora. Udyr has insane base damage and a versatile kit that allows him to escape/tank/heal/and damage his way through lane. Realistically you would want to play this match up to scale. If the Udyr player is bad you can still win this match-up. Look to take extended trades with conqueror. Try to ripost his stun (may need quick reactions as he can quickly stun if standing on top of you. Look for him to turn orange and into a ram). Most of the early damage will come from his R2 (the red magic circle) so try to fight once he has used this as it does a lot of base damage. You will outscale Udyr so you can always play safe and farm with Cull.
Try to predict her movement, similar to if you are chasing Kalista. Her directional changes will usually be parallel to your tower/her tower, so path according to her intentions (Chase you down or poke/retreat). Pre lvl 6 you will want to try and poke with your Q on vitals and Riposte her shielded W if she is engaging (it has the shortest and most visible dash). After lvl 6, her ult range is very long so if you are low HP try to predict it. If you predict succesfully, riposte behind you to stun her (similar to Yone Ult). Overall Riposte will make or break this matchup as your Riposte slows her passive attacks and dashes, but it is harder to land considering her dashes. Try to land Riposte early in lane before she can buy cooldown items.
Let Smolder push in the begining of the landing phase and crash the wave into your turret. Once you are lvl 3 and the wave is bouncing back, try to Q towards Smolder to make him fly away. Once his fly is on CD, engage again with Q+W to negate his slow and the follow up with E slow. Can take PTA into this matchup to get burst damage off in this trade. Dont take PTA if there are other tanks on the enemy team and plan on teamfighting. After lvl 6 this matchup gets easier as you do more damage, and the Ult gives you movement speed to continue closing the gap on Smolder.
Yuumi late game wants to stick to you as you will be shredding the team and can easily move yourself into positions for her Q and ult to be utilized. Be careful to not split with a Yuumi on you, as you will be sharing xp and you can not teleport both of you.
Lulu is a really strong champion as a whole, and when paired with a Fiora they are nasty. Lulu makes Fiora thrive in team fights with her shield, movement speed, ult, and polymorph any threats.
In the current meta Fiora is viable mainly on her sustain from lifesteal. Since bramble is very popular, your healing will be cut a good amount, but a soraka can help keep Fiora healthy overall. Fioras parry stun can be chained into soraka stun as well.
Ivern Shields/ Q/ Daisy knock up all buy you enough time to get pentas into the late game. This is one of the best junglers to enable Fiora to snowball in the game.
Yuumi late game wants to stick to you as you will be shredding the team and can easily move yourself into positions for her Q and ult to be utilized. Be careful to not split with a Yuumi on you, as you will be sharing xp and you can not teleport both of you.
Lulu is a really strong champion as a whole, and when paired with a Fiora they are nasty. Lulu makes Fiora thrive in team fights with her shield, movement speed, ult, and polymorph any threats.
In the current meta Fiora is viable mainly on her sustain from lifesteal. Since bramble is very popular, your healing will be cut a good amount, but a soraka can help keep Fiora healthy overall. Fioras parry stun can be chained into soraka stun as well.
Ivern Shields/ Q/ Daisy knock up all buy you enough time to get pentas into the late game. This is one of the best junglers to enable Fiora to snowball in the game.
My name is Alex (Anoying bro5/ Baguette Duelist), I am a Masters Fiora one trick and I've gotten about 6 million mastery points on Fiora and I have done extensive research on her mechanics and what makes her successful in the competitive scene. League of Legends has been a part of my life for about 11 years now and I have never been a one-trick before playing Fiora. My previous playstyle and champion pool were very diluted and I would find myself jumping from one champion to another which is highly ill-advised if you plan on climbing to higher ranks. My main goal in making this guide and streaming is to help others learn how to play Fiora better, as well as improve the general macro of my viewers.
Watch me Live and ASK any questions regarding Fiora or any macros.here. I answer all questions and give reviews of your gameplay. You can also get the opportunity for free coaching if you watch my stream!
If you are not interested in streams then you can check out my youtube channel here to see funny stream highlights, informational videos, or get the occasional coaching video!
If you want updates as to when I am live and talk with other Fiora members, feel free to join my discord server here.
Why Fiora?
Fiora is one of the best Top lane playmakers that can be very effective if used properly. If you combine experienced mechanics to position yourself around the enemy team in cooperation with a timely Riposte , you can 1v9 the enemy team even when behind. There are no hard counters against Fiora as she is very versatile based on her kit and potential to outplay her opponents. Not to mention that Fiora is very strong in the laning phase, but she also scales really well. Fiora will become unstoppable in the late game, allowing you to split push in the side lanes, applying pressure across objectives that the team will have to respond to with multiple enemies to have a chance at stopping you.
Difficulty-8/10 Fiora is considered to be fairly difficult as you need to use her Riposte at the right times, otherwise you will be heavily punished. Her W CD is fairly long for the majority of the game, and if not used properly, you will be punished. You also have to take into account vital positioning from Fiora's Duelist's Dance passive. You have to dance from side to side and around your enemies, which if overextended can be very punishing. Fiora is very mechanically inclined while also being conscious of proper positioning.
Fun Factor-9/10 There is no better feeling than getting into your opponent's head and predicting their hard cc or damaging abilities with your Riposte . Once you land those sick ripostes, combined with solo popping ADCs with your ult Grand Challenge in .23 seconds while your dashing vital to vital through their whole team, you will understand how fun this champion really is to play.
Viability-9/10 Fiora is very strong in the current meta based on the buffs done to the top lane. Ravenous Hydra & Death's Dance are extremely powerful, as well as the buffs to turret plating. In the current meta she is a MONSTER
Laning Phase-9/10 Depending on the matchup, Fiora wins most early level trades because of how powerful her Riposte is. Riposte applies movement speed and attack speed debuffs, with 110 damage. This combined with the slow of your E, Bladework and movement speed with vitals should secure you some early lane kills/ pressure.
Team Fighting-7/10Fiora excels in split pushing as she can defeat almost anyone in a 1v1 trade (assuming you did not fall behind). This does not mean the Fiora is useless in team fights, but it isn't always her best option. When in team fights, you will want to target the squishes and get your ult popped to heal allies, but Fiora can find herself hard CCD and killed easily if misplayed.
Pros/ Cons
+Crazy Mobility: Fiora does not require boots until later in the game because of the natural gap closing from her Lunge which is on a low cooldown after level 9, the movement speed buff from hitting vitals from Duelist's Dance , the passive movement speed from Grand Challenge , and the movement speed from Phage .
+High amount of damage: Combined with the current meta items such as Ravenous Hydra, Trinity Force and Death's Dance Fiora's output damage is extremely high. Not to mention the true damage from hitting vitals is devastating to many of the tank top laners you may face in season 10. The items mentioned above also allow for Fiora to sustain well in 1v1 or team fights, creating an unstoppable duelist.
+Very little counter threats: Although there are harder matchups against Fiora, there is no champion that shuts down Fiora completely. Fiora's survivability based on life steal, mobility and negation of damage from her Riposte makes her hard to lockdown and take advantage of. This is not to say that you should win every matchup, but with a skilled and experienced player, you can learn how to win in each scenario.
+Good early, mid, and late game: Fiora wins most early trades based on how strong her kit is. The early damage from hitting vitals is great, but the power of her Riposte can help you win early trades, determining the success of your lane. The base damage for Riposte is 110 which is incredible for level two, not to mention the slow and attack speed debuff can make your opponent look like a fool as they stare at you dashing around them hitting vitals like a french mad woman. Mid game can also be devastating as once you have completed Ravenous Hydra you will out sustain anyone who dares to cross your path considering its recent buffs. Be careful of your opponent's items, as Bramble Vest or Executioner's Calling while cutting your healing, so you might have to back off and attack minions to get some health back. Fiora scales well into the late game as her cooldowns overall decrees, allowing for swift movement between vitals. Both Duelist's Dance and Grand Challenge scale heavily with bonus ad so you will be able to pop adc's and other squishy champions in seconds.
+A Playmaker: Fiora has the potential to turn the tides based on how elusive and powerful she can be. She has many ways to outplay her opponents, often turning an enemy gank into an easy double kill to start snowballing. Single team fights can be turned and determined with a nicely placed Riposte and Grand Challenge ult.
-Need matchup game knowledge : Fiora is heavily based on matchup game knowledge. Knowing how to use your Riposte properly and knowing when to trade with your oppenent can hurt you in the long run if not done properlly.
-Mistakes are punished: If you miss a Lunge on a minion or champion, you are exposed. If you mistime your Riposte you are exposed and will die. Fiora is strong when timed correctly and calculating each engagement, but if you make a mistake, your opponent can capitalize easily and take advantage of the lane. Some might say her playstyle is a high risk, high reward.
-Wave clear pre- Tiamat : There are often times that you kill your opponent and you want to push the wave under their turret before they can Teleport back to lane. This can be a challenge depending on the location of the wave, but in most cases, this is the issue you settle with by playing Fiora
-Takes time to master : I say this in almost all of my streams, but the more you play Fiora, the more you get the " Fiora tingle". This tingle is close to Spider-man's spidey sense, in the way that you do not think about when you need to Riposte, but it comes naturally to you. You will begin to Riposte within .5 seconds of abilities not because you saw it coming, but because you felt it. Once you've reached this point (it will take some time), everything will click.
Runes : Refer to the runes at the top of the page and make sure to read the "Notes" section according to each rune page. Depending on your skill level and your matchup you will want to switch accordingly.
Summoner Spells : You almost always want to take Teleport as you are a split pusher and you want to apply pressure across the map whenever possible. This means if baron is up, you want to be split pushing in the botlane to force the opponent to respond to you on the opposite side of the map, leaving the enemy out numbered. If the person who matches you bot does not have Teleport you can then Teleport to baron to have the number advantage. Teleport is the second most powerful summoner spell (next to Flash) and if used properly can help you dominate the map from your island in the top lane. This being said, Ignite is a bit of a crutch compared to Teleport.
Ignite used to be used in certain matchups that didn't require you to take teleport, based on the enemy's summoner spells and abilities. In the current meta, it is almost always best to grab teleport so you can create side pressure, and if you feel you need to ignite, you can also take ignite WITH teleport. I personally like having the flash summoner spell so I have the ability to do a fast ult combo or flash to a vital that is hard to reach. Again, depends on matchups and your comfortability with making these changes.
Flash is taken on Fiora at all times as it keeps you alive and can be combined with your Lunge to give you a longer range on your kill pressure. I find myself Flash Lunge combing to hit hard to reach vitals all the time when my opponent does not respect my damage output, easily closing the gap. Flash is also helpful in getting to the backline in a team fight to pop the adc or support. You can also use a flash auto attack combo which we will cover in the combos section of this guide. Personally, I feel all of this is stronger than taking ignite with teleport, but that is up to your preference.
Exhaust is a viable option as well vs champions that like to all in and have good escapes. Examples of this would be Riven or Renekton. The best way to utilize this summoner spell is to make sure to use it right at the begining of the champions all in to lower the amount of damage they do. Usually these types of champions will ult right before all ining which makes this much easier to predict and capitalize on.
Abilities :
Passive: Fiora is built around her passive. This allows for the vitals to appear around your opponents so that you can position yourself around them to deal maximum damage. Upon hitting a vital you deal % max health damage based on your opponent's health, which also scales with your ad exceeding 100 attack damage. You also gain a burst of movement speed once hitting a vital, which combined with your Lunge can help you chase down your enemy, and reposition yourself to hit the next vital. There is a way to predict which vitals will appear next, but we will cover this in the tips & misc section.
Q: Lunge is what gives Fiora her mobility to chase down enemies and hit her vitals. As the game progresses, the cooldown will be exponentially lowered to about 4 seconds if you hit your target, as hitting a target lowers the cooldown by 60%. Your Lunge can be used to hop over walls and jump from minion to minion to chase down enemies, in the way Yasuo can chase down enemies in lane.
W: Riposte gives Fiora the ability to outplay her opponents as it negates all damage (except for turrets) and can be used to stun your target if timed with blocking an incoming immobilizing effect. This being said, there are a couple of combos that will be mentioned in the "Combos" portion of the guide that will cover how you can combine your Lunge with Riposte to push yourself through stuns such as Veigars cage stun or Caitlyns traps. This ability is on a higher cooldown so if not used properly you can find yourself in a hard position. The threat of having this ability up is sometimes more powerful than the ability itself.
E: Bladework is a very underrated but powerful ability as it applies a slow, increased attack speed, and a guaranteed crit from the second auto-attack. The majority of people tend to not give this ability much credit as they only focus on the auto-attack cancels that it provides. This will be covered in the "Combos" section of the guide as well.
R: Grand Challenge Is a very powerful ult, not only in 1v1 matchups because of damage, but the healing after completing the ultimate can be very beneficial for your team in team fights. It is important to remember that Grand Challenge also grants you movement speed so it can be used to run away from enemies if you need a little extra speed to escape. That being said the movement speed granted will allow you to hit those vitals combined with your Lunge to pop all four vitals. The time of the healing is expanded based on how many vitals hit before the opponent dies.
Match ups : Each match up is different into Fiora this is what makes her a harder champion. A game against a Darius is going to be drastically different from a game with Poppy. Because of this, you will need to practice each match up on your own to learn how to win each lane. Above under the threat and synergy columns, I have tried to give a helpful paragraph or so to give you what to look for to make your laning successful. Click the enemy above to read each description of how to play against that champion. It may be helpful to keep this page open and look at this page in the loading screen of your upcoming game until you get the hang of the match up.
Combos: Poke Combo: Q + Tiamat
It is very simple, you immidiatly Q a vital and activate your Tiamat or Ravenous Hydra to get a little more damage off. This is good when not planning on doing any extended trades as it gives some extra damage, at the expense of doing a longer trade with the auto-attack cancel from your Tiamat High Damage Combo : Q + AA + E + Tiamat + AA
This is the best combo for most output damage. This can easily be completed in about 1 second or less. This can be used after a Riposte or before a Riposte, based on the circumstance. Moving Parry Combo : Q + W
This may take some practice to pull off, but once completed you will be doing the Riposte animation while moving from your Lunge in the direction selected. This is very helpful when trapped in a Veigar cage or when a Caitlyn trap is on the ground so you can force a stun. This can also be done by moving yourself into knock-ups such as Cho'Gaths knock up. Flash Vital : AA + Flash
This one is a bit tricky for beginners, but what you want to do, is go for an auto-attack on your opponent, and before the auto-attack connects, flash to another side of your opponent. This is helpful for reaching hard vitals in last-minute situations. Fast Ult Combo (without the use of items) : W + Ult
If you combine both of these at the exact same time you will hit the Vital facing you immediately, slowing your opponent and allowing you to q, and walk to the next vitals to pop your ult efficiently.
Items :
Starter Items -
Doran's shield is a good item to take when going against ranged opponents who will be poking you in the early game. It is a very underrated item which is why I put it before Doran's Blade as many do not like the lack of early AD. It is good in matchups such as Teemo , Kennen, Urgot , Vayne, Quinn , etc. Shield can also be useful when combined with Second Wind rune to give extra recovery healing against heavy poke early game.
Doran's Blade is your ideal starting item with a Health Potion as it helps Fiora with her early game farming. Fiora is very strong early game so having the aggressive start with Doran's Blade can help get early kills and pressure.
I have been experimenting with cull over quite some time and if you can get a cheater recall early in the game then it is very beneficial to grab early for your economy. I would not recommend getting cull in lower elos if you are struggling in the lane and do not know how to farm properly, but the item is VERY beneficial in Plat+
Boots -
Fiora LOVE's tenacity so whenever your opponents have large crowd control, these are the boots that you want. Your parry is useful on Fiora, but its cooldown is extremely long for team fights, so when its down you're very vulnerable to large amounts of cc that render you useless. You can also take these boots into heavy AP opponents that may be an issue in the later stages of the game.
The main reason for grabbing these boots over Mercury's Treads is for heavy AD damage on the enemy team. If the opponents team has a lot of AD but also a lot of CC, it is better to go for the tenacity over Ninja Tabi. These boots may also be beneficial if you are laning against an AD champion and need an early defensive item, considering Fiora usually does not build defensive items until later in the game.
Specific Item Discussion -
Ravenous is a very strong item on Fiora as it gives Fiora much need push pressure when laning/splitting. Tiamat gives your auto attacks area of effect damage that damages a group of minions or champions around the target being attacked. This item has been nerfed pretty frequently and is not the most optimal item for Fiora in most builds currently, but can still be used to great pressure, get good AD, with a bit of lifesteal to heal off of waves.
Trinity is not the most optimal mythic for Fiora currently as there are other items that support Fiora's playstyle better. The main benefit of trinity is the attack enhancement from sheen, which can be obtained from buying Essence Reaver . The item is beneficial to Fiora players that do not use actives though, as this mythic doesn't require you to use another button
Deaths Dance is very strong for giving Fiora defensive stats, while also offensive stats. This item is so good you can get it as your second completed item for the main reason that it fits perfectly with Fioras playstyle. The item is great as the passive allows Fiora to mitigate a lot of burst damage and heal in time for the damage to kill her.
I have been experimenting with this item for some time now and the current state it is in it is very useful when looking for burst damage or playing into champions with large pools of health. It lacks the early game sustain from Ravenous Hydra but it gives much more damage and kill pressure with the slow passive. The other builds excluding BORK may be safer, but in side lanes and split pushing, or against a team with many high hp champions, this item is better.
Defensive Items -
This is one of the defensive items I find myself buying most as the extra health and passive gives Fiora a bigger area for success in team fights since she is very squishy. Steraks is good into almost all enemy comps as well which makes this item almost a go-to if no other defensive item is required.
Fiora wants this item if she is against a heavy AP team that is going to be an issue in the later stages of the game. It might be a good idea to get Hexdrinker early into the game if those AP champions are proving to be an issue. If you do get Maw, you won't be able to get Sterak's Gage as the passives do not stack together.
This item is really strong especially against teams that have a lot of crowd control. The movement speed boost from the active is really nice as well. If I am not getting BORK, I will often grab Merc Scimitar as it makes you almost unstoppable when you are ahead and you can run rampant on the enemy.
You only really want to get this item if the enemy team has strong AD and you are behind with no tank on your team. It is a situational item but it works well with Fiora in specific circumstances.
This is a good item if you know the game is coming to an end soon and you need to be alive for a team fight. Ideally Fiora does not want to be in team fights since she is a split pusher, but sometimes you gotta put the game in your own hands in team fights. If you use the passive in a team fight and the game isn't over yet, it might be better to sell the item and buy another defensive item. You only want this item as a last item build as well.
Levels 1-3
I'd like to start off this section by saying that Fiora is strong into a lot of matchups early, solely based on her Duelist's Dance and Riposte so it is really good to abuse this in most matchups (refer to matchup chart above to see specifics). Ideally you will want early lane pressure by having a healthier wave, so that way when you hit lvl 2, you can push your aggression onto your opponent who will still be level 1. If you get this early momentum you can make your opponent submit the lane early. The downside is, that Junglers love to gank Fiora's so if you have early pressure, look to be ganked around the 3-minute mark. It is always good to remember that Fiora scales, but she is also good in the early game, so dont force plays that dont need to happen! Fiora is very acceptable to make mistakes and be punished heavily so try to not over step your boundaries. The first levels and minutes of the game set the standard for the rest of the game. This is your foundation, try to utilize the most of it!
Fiora usually wants to start Doran's Blade but can also take Doran's Shield if against a ranged match up. You can take corrupting potions into some matchups (malphite for example) if you plan on just farming the lane, as there isn't a high chance of killing. Personally, I either stick with Doran's Blade or Doran's Shield as the stats are much more beneficial as the game progresses, and corrupting is useless once you get life steal. Make sure you take the right starting item per match up, otherwise you might get poked out of the lane, and that foundation you've been trying to build will crumble!
Levels 6+
As I mentioned above, Fiora is very matchup reliant so you need to know what to look for in each matchup, but there are a few concepts to think about. Your ult is REALLY strong and for the most part can stomp everyone in your lane. Grand Challenge does %health damage and true damage, so you can easily shred tanks, or anyone who stands in your path. If you have a lead in your lane, try to use your level advantage, and as soon as you hit 6, jump on them and try to finish them off before they hit 6. Your potential for pulling off a 1v2 scenario has also increased when you get your ultimate so if you are confident in your skills this can be pulled off.
Split Pushing
Whether you are ahead or behind, you want to be looking to split push when there are upcoming objectives on the map and your teleport is available. For example, if dragon is coming up in a minute, and the top wave is close to your tier two turret, you will want to push that wave to about where the enemy tier 1 turret is, and stay visible. This will tell the enemy, that they either have to forfeit their top tier 2 turret, or commit 5 man to the dragon. In solo queue, people panic and don't make the right calls most of the time. Now say they commit 5 man, to dragon and your team needs you. This is why you have teleport. The best part about being a split pusher is that you gain solo exp and gold while applying pressure to the map to carry objective management.
Now, a common question is "Well if I'm fed, why wouldn't I just be in team fights instead of split pushing".
Good question little Bobby. The reason is, that you still have teleport "in most scenarios". So if your team decides to run it down, you still have the option of being there. BUT, if your team isn't complete apes, you can split push and if anyone comes to match you, you will dominate them. THIS MEANS that they will have to send 2 people after you. If you kill those two people, then they will have to send their whole team. Now, you guys might be thinking, "bUt IvE sEeN hIgH eLo PlAyErS gO iN tEaMfIgHtS." You're right, you can. Higher Elo people know how to use their lead in team fights properly especially when smurfing. BUT it is at risk of throwing your lead, as Fiora isn't the best at team fights, but we will dive into that right now.
Team Fighting
There is no doubt that Fiora is better at split pushing than team fighting. She is best at Dueling people or a couple of people when ahead. That being said, there are points in wish you will be team fighting in your matches. A lot of people don't take the time to look at the enemy team and see how much CC they have. Most times than not, you don't want to be the first engagement. You want the team to begin, and you want to wait for the enemy team to use their stuns and slows. Then, it is most beneficial to hop in the backline and demolish all of the squishes (adc, supp, mid laner, or even jungler). If you need to flash q, that is fine, as killing all of these damage dealers, can most likely win the team fight for your team. ON THE OTHER HAND. If for example there is an engaging opponent who is really fed, and ults into your team, for example like sett, malphite, hecarim, galio, etc. You can ult them, kill them quickly and your heal will bring the rest of your team into the fight.
The best way to play around Fiora in team fights, is to focus the weak, create dueling scenarios where you arent being 5 maned, and play around your team.
Tips & Tricks
Fiora Q map
All of the locations marked in green are easily passable, while yellow and orange are much harder to Q through. There is almost no game where I am not dashing through walls to either engage on an opponent out of position or if I am trying to escape a team. Into the late game, your Q is on a really low cooldown, so you can zoom around the map using these locations.
Fiora Vital Mechanics
It is simpler to use a compass to display how Fiora's vitals work Duelist's Dance . The first concept to understand, is that there are a total of 4 possible vitals, and they are broken into 2 sections. One section is grouped with N and E on the image above, and the second section is grouped with W and S. This means, that if there is a vital on W, there is no way that a vital will apear on S. This works vice versa, where if there is a vital on N, there can not be a vital on E next. As of the most recent patch, Fioras vitals will always start on the opposite side of you.So if you are starting on blue side, then the vitals will either start on N or E. If you are on red side, the vitals will start on W or S. Knowing this can help you to predict where to position yourself for the next vital. There is also a way of "forcing" vitals. This can be done by hitting a vital on a corner. For example, say there is a vital on E. If you were to hit that vital closer to the N side, then the next vital will appear on S. The vital goes towards the opposite side of where you hit, so the farther on the side of the vital, the farther the next vital will appear.
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