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Recommended Items
Runes: Scaling
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
General Ban to fight darius you have to change your entire playstyle and even run phase rush. the matchup is winnable but it's not worth the effort when he can win games off your team giving a late game reset to him.
Champion Build Guide
About Me
Hey I'm Relise (also known by my ign Wrath OP.GG). I am a Grandmaster Poppy/Riven top player that peaked Rank 1 Poppy World on League of Graphs.
I also upload some gameplay vods on my youtube channel so check that out if you're interested
I also upload some gameplay vods on my youtube channel so check that out if you're interested
Season 2025 Changes
There is not many changes to Poppy specifically other than small nerfs to unending despair but it does now have armor and mr. This may make it a good core 3rd item even with the passive damage nerfs.
also new walls with Atakhan spawn so that could be funny.
Will keep this updated as the meta develops, enjoy the new season!
also new walls with Atakhan spawn so that could be funny.
Will keep this updated as the meta develops, enjoy the new season!
Early Game
Poppy is extremely strong early game with her Q Hammer Shock and passive Iron Ambassador combined with Grasp of the Undying. Most people will underestimate her and not keep track of her passive Iron Ambassador coming up.
Her basic trade pattern is to poke at max Q Hammer Shock range which procs Scorch keeping your Grasp of the Undying active then throw passive at them.
You want to keep in minion aggro or auto minions before passive comes off CD so you have Grasp of the Undying ready as soon as it's ready. If you need to stall more time use Q Hammer Shock on the wave to extend grasp.
Make sure you at least get Tear first back but try to get enough to also get bami or ad components. Then use bami(if you are going tank) to keep grasp up in minions to make your passive poke more punishing. With sundered build you have to spend more time autoing minions to keep grasp up but you have more threat without grasp since you have the extra ad.
Only all in with E Heroic Charge when they are low or miss step by a wall.
In some matchups you need to save E Heroic Charge to use on a minion to escape certain spell such as Olaf Undertow.
(you don't need to focus as much on CS, getting grasp poke is more important if possible)
Her basic trade pattern is to poke at max Q Hammer Shock range which procs Scorch keeping your Grasp of the Undying active then throw passive at them.
You want to keep in minion aggro or auto minions before passive comes off CD so you have Grasp of the Undying ready as soon as it's ready. If you need to stall more time use Q Hammer Shock on the wave to extend grasp.
Make sure you at least get Tear first back but try to get enough to also get bami or ad components. Then use bami(if you are going tank) to keep grasp up in minions to make your passive poke more punishing. With sundered build you have to spend more time autoing minions to keep grasp up but you have more threat without grasp since you have the extra ad.
Only all in with E Heroic Charge when they are low or miss step by a wall.
In some matchups you need to save E Heroic Charge to use on a minion to escape certain spell such as Olaf Undertow.
(you don't need to focus as much on CS, getting grasp poke is more important if possible)
Mid Game
As poppy you want to look to start fights with your jungler. Make sure to contest grubs or red/blue buff.
Poppy is extremely strong at disrupting and is very annoying to deal with as the enemy.
When plates fall make sure you are actively grouping for every dragon and doing your best to peel your ADC. It's almost always best to Teleport back to lane from dragon than to dragon, the team needs you to clear space and be a threat.
Poppy is extremely strong at disrupting and is very annoying to deal with as the enemy.
When plates fall make sure you are actively grouping for every dragon and doing your best to peel your ADC. It's almost always best to Teleport back to lane from dragon than to dragon, the team needs you to clear space and be a threat.
Late Game
Late game on Poppy is all about grouping and finding picks. Any stun into a wall with E Heroic Charge and you can lock them up with R Keeper's Verdict + W Steadfast Presence then slow them with Q Hammer Shock and team will be able to follow up.
In teamfights you want to front to back and peel your carry. Stay beside them until the enemies use all their engage.
*Sometimes you can engage if you find a great flash E Heroic Charge stun on the enemy carry but it's rare, don't be looking to flank very often.
In teamfights you want to front to back and peel your carry. Stay beside them until the enemies use all their engage.
*Sometimes you can engage if you find a great flash E Heroic Charge stun on the enemy carry but it's rare, don't be looking to flank very often.
Tips + Tricks
When using Poppy E Heroic Charge she will try to auto that target so make sure to click elsewhere while using E Heroic Charge as a gap closer to hit passive on another target.
You can use recall to cancel Poppy's R Keeper's Verdict charge up and reset the CD.
Use W Steadfast Presence into instant R Keeper's Verdict to hide the initial animation of the R Keeper's Verdict charge up allowing you to get to knock back charge without them being able to react.
When you have a Sheen item make sure to Q Hammer Shock or W Steadfast Presence while your passive auto Iron Ambassador is in air so Sheen will proc. This is especially good with Iceborn Gauntlet to allow Poppy to slow enemies and have a bigger impact at range/when chasing.
Tank Poppy is very low econ and is good at 2 items anyways, 3rd is a luxury in a lot of games so make sure to give farm to your carries. On the other hand if you fall behind you will always be useful, keep good mental and group/play fights smart!
You can use recall to cancel Poppy's R Keeper's Verdict charge up and reset the CD.
Use W Steadfast Presence into instant R Keeper's Verdict to hide the initial animation of the R Keeper's Verdict charge up allowing you to get to knock back charge without them being able to react.
When you have a Sheen item make sure to Q Hammer Shock or W Steadfast Presence while your passive auto Iron Ambassador is in air so Sheen will proc. This is especially good with Iceborn Gauntlet to allow Poppy to slow enemies and have a bigger impact at range/when chasing.
Tank Poppy is very low econ and is good at 2 items anyways, 3rd is a luxury in a lot of games so make sure to give farm to your carries. On the other hand if you fall behind you will always be useful, keep good mental and group/play fights smart!
Poppy Mains Discord
If you have more in-depth questions or want to discuss Poppy with some really great players join the Poppy Mains Discord. I am very active on there and there is a good amount of high elo and knowledgable Poppy OTPs.
Example Gameplay
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