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Relatively easy lane, zone him with barrels and keep your distance. If he gets close try to stay out of his spin and unload all your damage on him.
This will be one of the easiest lanes you will ever face. You outrange him and your oranges remove his wither debuff. He gets pretty hard to kill post-6, so farm up and deny him stacks as much as possible.
Not too hard provided you can use your remove scurvy at the right times to prevent getting stunned. He is very squishy, so when his energy bar is down, proceed to blow him up with barrels. His only escape is his e so try to bait it out before a gank.
Hard lane, he has a ton of sustain and damage with his w. He also has good survivability with his passive and his q. Play passive and farm with barrels and q from afar.
Very hard lane. His passive gives him sustain, and post-6, if he lands the q knockup-w silence/slow combo, your pretty much dead. Just try not to give him kills because he can easily snowball with feast stacks.
You outrange him quite a bit, but if he pulls you in early game, you are in trouble. Save remove scurvy for the w slow and keep in mind his q only does additional damage and heals if the target is caught in the outside of the axe. If he gets 5 stacks on you, back off no matter what.
Dr. Mundo
Killable pre-6, post-6 just bully him out of lane and dodge his cleavers.
He is very mobile and bursty but if you can control the lane you outrange him which allows you to abuse the fact he is a relatively squishy toplaner by blowing him up with barrels and parley. Post-6, he is unkillable when he has ult up. Keep an eye on the ghost so you don't fall for the "thread the needle"-basically following him on low health only to have him ult back, and finishing you off with a q-e-aa burst.
She can easily parry your barrels so play passive and use remove scurvy for either a parry stun or an e slow. Watch where your vital is and fall back if it's in a bad spot.
Like all mirror match ups,whoever gets their core first and makes the least mistakes wins lane.
Blow him up when he is mini-gnar and back up and harass when he is mega-gnar. If he ever manages to land the mega-gnar cc combo wait till the last stun he uses to remove scurvy. Against mini gnar, dodge his q slow and dont let him chase you and stack his on hit passive. His fury bar lets you know when he will turn into mega gnar so keep your eye on that.
Difficult, he can bully you out of lane and has plenty of sustain with w. He isn't good in extended duels so if you keep the fight going you will eventually come out on top.
He is very annoying in lane,denying you farm and poking you down, but that's about it. He is only useful mid-late game in either sieging your towers or defending his own.
Illaoi's biggest weakness is her lack of gap closing abilities. So harass with barrels and q and stay behind your minions so she can't e you. If she lands her e on you, dont just run outside the zone. You can still win the trade if you get some barrel combos on her while shes standing still attacking your spirit. And if she ults, get out of it as fast as you can.
Not played too often anymore, and you outrange her. She has a lot of kill pressure if you are low in lane, so be mindful of this especially post-6.
Jarvan IV
Meh. He is pretty tanky and has a good engage on you, but you outrange him and should be able to win trades provided you have good barrel positioning and use remove scurvy at the right times. J4 is much better in the jungle tbh.
Impossible to itemize against because he deals hybrid damage and synergizes with tankiness also. Save oranges for his e stun and dont even try to trade if he has passive/guinsoos stacks up. His ridiculous amount of attack speed allows him to take your tower the moment you leave lane for too long.
Very easy lane, just dodge his skill shots and he has nothing to attack you with.He is super squishy and has few escapes other than his knockback, so abuse that high kill pressure you have against him. If he decides to go for the hammer combo, all in because he has made a huge mistake.
Annoying. She has sustained damage with e and has plenty of survivability with her w and ulti. Save your oranges for the slow on her q. She can easily take down your barrels if she has e up, so make sure you place them strategically so you don't give her free gold.
Lee Sin
He is very slippery so killing him is difficult, but he wont win trades as long as you can unload all your damage before he dashes back to his minion wave.
You win lane easily but as long as he can farm decently his teamfight potentional is incredible. So watch out for that. Let your team know to either avoid teamfights or to not group up in teamfights.
Basically a weaker malphite who might build some ap instead of full tank.
Brolaf is a hard lane for gangplank, mostly because olaf's gap closer, his q, can continually be applied as long as he picks up the axe, negating your remove scurvy. So keep your distance. If he plays passive (which he shouldn't) feel free to push him into tower and harass.
One of gangplank's true counters, this guy can get you to half health with one w-e-q combo. You can't even trade back because he can just aa to get his passive up. Use remove scurvy for either his w stun or to survive q execute crits under tower. His ulti gives him good roaming potential, so ping when he isn't there. Your barrels go through his passive, so max them rather than parley. Only go for parley/trial by fire poke when his passive is down.
Difficult. You will barely scratch her because she is so tanky. Stay away from walls to avoid her chain cc combos. You do outrange her, so harass and farm from afar with barrels and parley.
She is pretty squishy but has good kiting potential with e and remove scurvy doesn't get rid of her q blind, so if she lands that on you, back off. Post-6, she will look to snowball with roams if she is losing lane so ping missing and push up when she leaves.
Stay away from the bushes. That's it. He is squishy as an assassin, so when he bush jumps to farm, harass him with barrels and q. Keep an eye on his ferocity bar, he can use it to sustain, root or burst you down. If your midlaner is someone who is squishy and immobile, he will look to roam with ulti, so ping missing whenever he isn't in lane
The definition of a lane bully, Renekton is mobile and has a ton of burst damage, keep your distance and farm. Save your oranges for his stun and keep an eye on his fury bar, when it is full he will look to trade.
If you lose this lane you need to practice Gangplank more. Riven is very easy as you can shrug off her stun and knockup with remove scurvy and blow up her health with barrels and parley, as she is relatively squishy.
Shouldn't be too bad, if he gets ahead early hexdrinker will help. Just don't stay in melee range too long or his flamethrower will shred through your health. Save oranges for his e slow and try not to trade when his flamethrower is up.
This lane could go either way, and due to the absence of good Ryze players in solo queue, it will usually be you. Remove scurvy his root and unload all your burst before he does.
Remove scurvy his taunt, dont stand behind him or you will be bursted by his q. If he throws down his w, don't trade until it's gone. If he roams with ulti, either follow with your tp(leaves you at a summoner spell disadvantage) or ult the lane he went to and shove lane hard.
I really hate Singed. Your tower will virtually disappear because he can wave clear super fast. He is super hard to gank as chasing him will get you and your jungler caught in his poison trail setting up a perfect countergank or just escape. He is also very good at setting up ganks with his flip and slow. Use remove scurvy for the slow.
You outrange him and remove scurvy counters his slow, knockup and ulti, so why is this not super easy? He's very tanky and can set up ganks very well because he has three forms of cc.
Tahm Kench
Definitely not a super hard lane as long as you save remove scurvy for his three stacks-devour. Try not to get hit by his q because it is basically a permaslow. He has decent roams with ulti so ping constantly.
Very annoying lane, you are constantly slowed and debuffed and he can easily recover health with his passive. If he ever ults in a trade, run.
The only way to counter this crit hypercarry is to go hard on him early on. Deny him his fury bar and you will win trades. Use remove scurvy to either remove his w slow or to survive if he towerdives you with ulti. He has so much survivability with his ulti, e and q, so unless he makes a stupid play you won't kill him.
You can't kill him (usually) but he can kill you post-6, so early hexdrinker is highly recommended so he can't just dive tower when you are low, ulti, and casually blood pool away. He doesn't use mana
Tankiness, burst with w, a flip/gap closer with q, and a passive that makes him virtually unkillable. Try to not push the wave up or he will just freeze lane and you will be one xp/gold starved pirate.
Bursty, insane teamfight potentional, and synergizes with tankiness, this guy is annoying. He has the tools to engage and disengage easily without taking any damage in return. Careful of the w-decoy mind games.
I have had unusual success against yasuo in both top and midlane when i play gang. A bread and butter tactic for countering his "e through the minion wave q/aa a couple times then e back and wind wall" is aaing him to get rid of his passive-place a barrel down-parley-aa to proc thunderlords-another barrel where he is running to-aa original barrel. Don't waste parley on dropping his passive unless you think you can just kill him with a barrel combo. Also, remove scurvy cancels his ulti on you, so he has little kill pressure on you post-6.
Xin Zhao
Good sustain and one of the best single-target engages in the game(other than vi). You do outrange him so just harass him with barrels and parley. Don't get e-q/w comboed and you wll be fine. Save oranges for q knockup
Parley goes through blinding dart. Buy a sweeping trinket to get rid of his shrooms and he has nothing against you.
Hi, I'm TFD Jehovah, i main toplane and gangplank is one of my favorite champs to play at top. I will make an actual guide for the saltwater scourge when i have time to, so for now just check out my build, upvote if you like it =).
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