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Caitlyn Build Guide by Rap4NoReason2

Jungle [7.6] Caitlyn Jungle - The New Meta

Jungle [7.6] Caitlyn Jungle - The New Meta

Updated on March 29, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rap4NoReason2 Build Guide By Rap4NoReason2 19,637 Views 0 Comments
19,637 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rap4NoReason2 Caitlyn Build Guide By Rap4NoReason2 Updated on March 29, 2017
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Caitlyn
    Caitlyn Jungle - Glass Cannon
  • LoL Champion: Caitlyn
    Caitlyn Jungle - Bruiser


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Work In Progress

So, my name is Rap4NoReason. Can't remember my old username information for Mobafire, but I made a Thresh adc guide at some point. ANYWAYS, we're moving onto Caitlyn jungle now. Caitlyn is a weird mixture of graves/kindred. It's something you'd have to experience and try out a few times. I've tried this in ranked and it works pretty well when your teammates actually work with you.
Don't be the guy who complains from the time someone locks that in to the end of the game. I've had a few of those and man, they are irritating, tilting, and really just make it hard to actually play. Some of them are so clouded in self loathing that they miss out on great opportunities at ganks.
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Jungle Route

Before I tell you what to do, honestly REMEMBER TO WARD AND HAVE YOUR TEAMMATES WARD. People will try to invade you because, well it's Caitlyn Jungle. You are squishy early and there's only so much you can actually do yourself.

Preferred routes are:
*Starting Red Buff*
Hard leash Red Buff - Wolves - Smite Blue Buff - Gank if you can - Scuttles/farm up

*Starting Blue Buff*
Hard Leash blue buff - wolves - smite red buff - kill scuttles/get fruit - Look for gank - Farm up
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Pros / Cons

- Amazing Mid/Late Game
- Good ganks if your lane has any sort of cc
- Ult can add just the right amount of damage to gank from afar
- Ult can kill under tower
- Passive adds a lot of damage
- More versatile in the build than most would think
- Great clear
- "She can't beat me in a 1v1, she's Cait!!": - WRONG
- Easy to catch up if behind
- Glass Cannon
- Players will think you're trolling
- Instantly tilts others
- You'll probably get verbally harassed
- Squishy Early Game
- Not as good against cc - Honestly, Yi is harder to play with a lot of cc than Cait. You still have options and you aren't an adc anymore, but you still aren't immune to cc
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The "Bruiser" Build is more focused on AAs and late game, so fervor is optimal.

As for "Glass Cannon" Caitlyn, if you think you will not be invaded, use fervor. It's strong late game. Otherwise, TLD is the the safest bet that adds a reasonable amount of damage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rap4NoReason2
Rap4NoReason2 Caitlyn Guide
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[7.6] Caitlyn Jungle - The New Meta

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