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Damnation (PASSIVE)
Thresh Passive Ability
Why Hello Reader, you must be here for the following reasons
If your like me, I embrace the power of supports
Secretly these are the most op champions if you are not familiar with me yet
you can see the power of the Banana'sHere...Anyway I don't want this to be long
what you basically are is insane early game poke and late game one shots.
Anyway here my Guide to
If your like me, I embrace the power of supports
Secretly these are the most op champions if you are not familiar with me yet
you can see the power of the Banana'sHere...Anyway I don't want this to be long
what you basically are is insane early game poke and late game one shots.
Anyway here my Guide to
Deaths dance: Life steal and CDR I see myself take this as an alternative to BTORK
Essence Reaver: Now I take this a lot because of the Crit chance you have from Statik Shiv and IE pair it up with Ghost blade or maw for Almost max CDR.
Maw of Malmortius: take this if they have an Ap heavy team
Last whisper: Armour shredder
The Black Cleaver: This is a pretty good choice for armor shredding too it gives AD HP AND CDR. Also Known As BBC BIG BLACK CO-CLEAVER
Trinity force: Spell blade is good for this land a hook pull in doo 700 dmg charge up "E" with the movement speed and hit again it also gives mana and HP attack speed and CDR.
Youmuu's Ghostblade: lethality and chasing with a touch of CDR
Guardian Angel: take this if you think you really have to be the main carry, therefore, you are being focused by them and AD thresh need loads of peel.
Edge of Night: Good for going all in and lethality.
Blade of the Ruined King: Alternative to Deaths Dance but this time you have attack speed instead of AD.
Phantom Dancer: Bread N' Butter for the ADR build
Essence Reaver: Now I take this a lot because of the Crit chance you have from Statik Shiv and IE pair it up with Ghost blade or maw for Almost max CDR.
Maw of Malmortius: take this if they have an Ap heavy team
Last whisper: Armour shredder
The Black Cleaver: This is a pretty good choice for armor shredding too it gives AD HP AND CDR. Also Known As BBC BIG BLACK CO-CLEAVER
Trinity force: Spell blade is good for this land a hook pull in doo 700 dmg charge up "E" with the movement speed and hit again it also gives mana and HP attack speed and CDR.
Youmuu's Ghostblade: lethality and chasing with a touch of CDR
Guardian Angel: take this if you think you really have to be the main carry, therefore, you are being focused by them and AD thresh need loads of peel.
Edge of Night: Good for going all in and lethality.
Blade of the Ruined King: Alternative to Deaths Dance but this time you have attack speed instead of AD.
Phantom Dancer: Bread N' Butter for the ADR build
So how do you play Thresh AD?
In lane you will just walk up to them in lane once minions are there and give em a smack
it should chuck them you will display your dominance in lane invoke fear in their hearts to not engage you
When ever you see thisyou choose cs or give em another smack
early game you will have trouble cs'ing
But thats early game in a nut shell wait for red give em a smack or take Cs
In lane you will just walk up to them in lane once minions are there and give em a smack
it should chuck them you will display your dominance in lane invoke fear in their hearts to not engage you
When ever you see thisyou choose cs or give em another smack
early game you will have trouble cs'ing
But thats early game in a nut shell wait for red give em a smack or take Cs
Dealing with ganks
If you get ganked your best bet is to go into a bush
hook onto a minion and fly to it
if you are confindent you can kill both of them
you book it to a bush and play around it
remember early game your damage comes from your E Passive
So you will run in and out of a bush until your passive is red or orange and give em a smack
hit the one that does more damage first to stop them from attacking and have them run then you can deal with the other one with ease
dealing with ganks close to tower
What you wanna do is to hook the stronger one fly to them then flay them into tower they shoud tale 2-3 shots then you will be able to get under tower if they are greedy and stick around give your jungler a call he should come around pretty quick
heres his number or you can hook them then flay them into tower once more that should secure a kill with a charged up auto
Receiving ganks
Very simple it's just like playing thresh in his "Actual" role Pffft only noobs play thresh in support you hook on them give the jungler a lantern and you both go onto him
try to save your auto for a "Kill secured"
If you get ganked your best bet is to go into a bush
hook onto a minion and fly to it
if you are confindent you can kill both of them
you book it to a bush and play around it
remember early game your damage comes from your E Passive
So you will run in and out of a bush until your passive is red or orange and give em a smack
hit the one that does more damage first to stop them from attacking and have them run then you can deal with the other one with ease
dealing with ganks close to tower
What you wanna do is to hook the stronger one fly to them then flay them into tower they shoud tale 2-3 shots then you will be able to get under tower if they are greedy and stick around give your jungler a call he should come around pretty quick
heres his number or you can hook them then flay them into tower once more that should secure a kill with a charged up auto
Receiving ganks
Very simple it's just like playing thresh in his "Actual" role Pffft only noobs play thresh in support you hook on them give the jungler a lantern and you both go onto him
try to save your auto for a "Kill secured"
Thanks for all the veiws on my Soraka guide Hope Y'all have a great day
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