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Master Yi Build Guide by kill4588

Jungle [8.15]Master Yi jungling new path and stuff

Jungle [8.15]Master Yi jungling new path and stuff

Updated on August 8, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kill4588 Build Guide By kill4588 21,342 Views 0 Comments
21,342 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kill4588 Master Yi Build Guide By kill4588 Updated on August 8, 2018
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  • LoL Champion: Master Yi
    A bit tanky Yi

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Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Ultimate Hunter


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Many Master Yi jungle player's game start like this: Red-Wolves-Blue-Scattle, with their rune press the attack & the following precision's tree then the sorcery tree. Their stuff are very similar too: Skirmisher's blade with bloodrazor enchantment, BRK then Guinsoo. To be honest, i don't really like this stuff and path, especially in the new meta. Because you are too weak at the 2nd items spike and your path strategy could cost you too much gold than someone who is starting making scattle just after his 1st camp. So let me talk you my strat on this Yi.
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My rune is pretty axing on damage and there are just too much thing that makes me taking this kind of Runes. Let's have a look.

I choose the conqueror for counter tank and skirmishes. The True damage that gives this rune can give you a better way to take down tanks and the bonus attack damage gives you much more capacity to turn an early skirmish on your favor, first because the true damage, secondaly most of time your opponent don't expect you having too much damage at like lvl 2 or 3, i could give you an exemple.

In one game, i meet a Gragas on the scattle crab spot at lvl 2, he is much more tanky and have like 20% more actual HP than me( you will understand why after), we are all at lvl 3. with just an easy combo, he shut me down under 10% HP, and i immediatly meditate for regen and tampo, how ever, meditate 4 second when an ennemi is attacking you active your conqueror then you activate your wuju style, you will make nearly 60 true damage per auto and with the activation of your passif with the meditation, you will just hit like 4-5 time in time of 2 seconds: 300 true damage on lvl 3? That is very huge and very surprising. so finally i kill him before he get his CD back.

the Coup de Grace instead Cut down just makes you more easier to take down the backline of your ennemies when you are teamfighting, and the choice of domination branch instead the sorcedry branch is because i find the domination runes more usefull than the sorcery's on yi, i take sudden impact for the lethality, that will grant you more facilities to kill someone after alpha. Then ultimate hunter for the CD reduction: (+/-20 seconds of CD remain if you maked a pentakill).
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Creeping / Jungling

My path is very unusual but very effective.
Don't need to say all the advantages, that is efficient at all.

You have gold advantages, xp advantages, gank facility etc etc, and if you meet you opponent jungle on the scattle spot and succes to kill him, you may have possibility to counter jungling, all you need is maybe the cover of your teammate on your blue.

I wrote a question mark under each "gank" because there are not always the opportunity to have a gank, so if you haven't the posssibility, just passed your way.

I choose to do the golem as the 2nd camp because that allows you getting lvl 3 after the scattle camp and if the camp was taken, to getting lvl 3 on the orther camp and by the way steal a little amount of xp when you passing accros your midlaner's lane XD, however, danger, you have probably less hp than someone how has making scattle on second camp, so be carefull.
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i really like the Tiamat on Yi because that item gives you a high damage for not very high cost, combine with the reset-auto, you can 1v1 the most of chamions on the early game.
and accoring the situation, this item can makes you or bruiser or tank, with it's 2 ups, instead the BRK don't allows you having tankiness. And the most important thing on my eye, the capacity to taking jungle camp mort faster and the capacity to having a more agressif split push strategy because all the wave of minions will just die on 2 seconds.

The Essence Reaver is very strong on Yi, imagine that you can make alpha each 2 or 3 seoonds without killing someone (your passif "double strike" poke on this item) , and with the Ultimate hunter, you can poke this item's passif more frequently.

the bonus mouvement speed on the Stormrazer can just subtitute the Minbus Cloak on the rune, why i'm nt using the sorcery tree.
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Team Work

In team fight, you can choose various strategies, you can just go in and trynna killing the tank because you have pretty much true damage, or go in on the backlane to killing adcs or mages, this stuff makes you pretty strong on 1v1, maybe you can split push when your teammates are fighting ortherway
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Ranked Play

Yi is very difficult to playing on the high elo, but still one of the stronger champions on the low elo, much of time due to an leak of communication and vision on the ennemies' team. however, on the high elo's game, the strategy of split push sound one of most winning strategy for a Master Yi, with this stuff where your dmg is very high on the 3 items spike (jungler item, ravenous hydra, Stormrazer, the boots), you can nearly crush all the champions on the same situation.

On low elo, one thing you need to now that's: don't be greedy, yep, seems your teammates are lazy to put down some vision, you need to get sure the the guy you are chasing can't have help from orther champs, because if there are some good duo like caitlyn-morg and you are chasing one of them, get sure that the orther is busy or unable to come to help his mate, because you will just get CC chained and die in the orther case.
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Objectif Secure

Yi is one of the champions that moving faster and have one of lowest jungle cleaning time, it's not uncommon that you are the top farm on your team on low elo games.

He's capacity to stay long time on the jungle thanks to his Z, combine with his fast jungle cleaning time give you more time than the orther jungler to gank and secure objectifs.

For me, i always back before i beginning my second rotation of camp, as you can one shot the Skirmisher's blade and 2 daggers, get the refillable potion and makes you 2nd or 3rd scattle then getting your lvl 6, you can nearly beggining the dragon solo at the lvl 6/7 and as this tempo is usually the backing time for the duo bot as they will get their lvl 6, you can maybe get the dragon.

For the herald, i always done it arround 13-14'th minutes, when i'm reaching lvl 10/11 and push it when mates will get their lvl 2 ultimates, that can snowball and sometime leads to get an hinibiter at 15th minutes.

for the nashor, samething with the orther junglers, get sure that the jungler, or the tank or the dps putter is down on the ennemie's team.

When you have the nashor buff, go to split push, with the stuff i recommended, you are so strong that will be really hard for the ennemie's team to prevent these tower die if they aren't comming more than 2.

The elder dragon is very stronng on yi for it's true damage buff, that makes yi a lot more stronger.
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Pros / Cons

The difference between the 2 kind of stuff that what players usually use and mine is not very similar, let's get a look by the practice tool.

My Stuff:
DPS: arround 2250

My stuff's advantage: yes, you get 1 more reset-auto with the Ravenous Hydra, and some AOE damage, 450 dps on aoe damage is really good

The "normal" stuff: dps: arround 2900, this stuff is a bit better when 1 v 1 because you dealt more critical damage, but your damage is not very flat and you have less sustain & CDR thus you can less tempo

Against Tower:
My stuff: 292 dmg per auto: 2.5 seconds faster than the "normal" stuff
The "normal" Stuff " 201 dmg per auto

Against neutral objectifs:
My stuff: (beginning on 20:06, finished on 20:25 delta t: 19 sec)( as i have 20% CDR, my ult is already poped with some 68 seconds of CD, however with the "normal" stuff, i get something like 85 seconds, and as i'm on the practice mod, i have any stack of bounty hunter, that mean if this is a real game, i can get 15% more CDR on my ult, that will reduce my ult's CD to some thing like 55 seconds of CD)

The "normal" stuff (beginning on 20:16, finished on 20:42 delta t: 26 sec)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kill4588
kill4588 Master Yi Guide
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[8.15]Master Yi jungling new path and stuff

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