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Choose Champion Build:
- 8.6 Rageblade Master Yi
- Crit Master Yi
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Don't try to 1v1 early-mid game , when he uses ult , use your w.
Introduction and Basics
Conqueror is a great rune in my opinion , cause it gives you a lot of true damage, the problem is it takes 4 seconds to activate , you can stack it on minions though.
Press the attack is another great rune , it gives you a lot of dmg and also makes the enemy champion take more dmg.
Personally I do not like lethal tempo , so I don't recommend you using it either.
An amazing rune , can save your life and put you back in team fights easily.
These are situational , if you don't know what to pick just go with alacricity, if you need lifesteal go with bloodline , if you are going up against a team with lots of crowd control go with tenacity.
Just amazing , gives you a lot of dmg.
A very good rune , the other 2 can't compete.
An insanely good late game rune , ESPECIALLY WITH THE NEW RAGEBLADE.
Pros+ Has an amazing "does everything ability" alpha strike. + Very good skillset + The skins are pretty good looking , and he has plenty of them. + INSANE LATE GAME DPS. + Medium Early, but great Mid and Late game damage + Low to High Skillcap depends on what elo you play. |
Yi's Strengths |
Master Yi |
Cons- No Crowd-Control - Difficult to master xD - Have to know when to go in teamfights. - INSANELY Squishy. - Highly focused - Needs Core Items ASAP |
A very good Passive ability , gives you a lot of extra damage and procs additional on-hit effects, works really well with rageblade.
An amazing ability , I recommend always maxing it first , you can dodge opponent abilities with it , cancel turret aggro , do additional damage and so on. Basic attacks reduce the cooldown on this ability so with attack speed builds you can use it very often.
You should basicly ALWAYS max this last , but it's still a very good ability , when you use it , it reduces the damage taken , which is VERY handy , it also heals depending on how much health you are missing , so a great ability overall and can help against some of master yi's counters like Jax.
Max second , gives master yi a lot of ad , works great with the new rageblade , you can output insane amounts of damage.
Now his ultimate is an amazing one , it gives you attack speed , movement speed , he becomes IMMUNE TO ALL SLOWS!!!! , while active Champion kills and assists reduce the cooldowns of Master Yi's other abilities by 70%, SO MAX IT WHEN YOU CAN!!!!.
Master yi is one of the fastest camp clearers and objective takers in the game , only a few champions can actually beat him , other than that just go the usual optimal jungling path which are:
Blue side: Red>Raptors>Blue>Gromp>Scuttle>Gank
Red side: Blue>Gromp>Wolves>Raptors or Red>Red>Gank
Take dragon either early with team or after you get enchantment:bloodrazor you can take it solo quite quickly.
Blue side: Red>Raptors>Blue>Gromp>Scuttle>Gank
Red side: Blue>Gromp>Wolves>Raptors or Red>Red>Gank
Take dragon either early with team or after you get enchantment:bloodrazor you can take it solo quite quickly.
There are 3 main summoner spells you can consider
Smite is an essential summoner spell for jungling , there should be no need for explaining , but you can take objectives with it faster , get jungle items , use it on camps for health.
Basicly the most used and in my opinion the best summoner spell in league of legends, it gives you great escape potential , chase potential if you gank early and the enemy is about to escape you can flash for the kill.
Great with predator , I still prefer flash though , it gives you great chase potential and has lower cooldown than flash.
Smite is an essential summoner spell for jungling , there should be no need for explaining , but you can take objectives with it faster , get jungle items , use it on camps for health.
Basicly the most used and in my opinion the best summoner spell in league of legends, it gives you great escape potential , chase potential if you gank early and the enemy is about to escape you can flash for the kill.
Great with predator , I still prefer flash though , it gives you great chase potential and has lower cooldown than flash.
This is my very first guide , it will improve with time , right now I have no idea how to code and my grammar is not very good. But I still wanted to make a guide for my favorite champion , I know A LOT of people don't read the guides , and only use the builds , but for those who read this guide , thank you and please comment on how I should Improve it.
"Watch, and learn."
-Master Yi.
"Watch, and learn."
-Master Yi.
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