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Zac Build Guide by phayilgaming

Jungle [9.9] Big Green Man

Jungle [9.9] Big Green Man

Updated on June 2, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author phayilgaming Build Guide By phayilgaming 19 2 49,976 Views 3 Comments
19 2 49,976 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author phayilgaming Zac Build Guide By phayilgaming Updated on June 2, 2019
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Font of Life

Absolute Focus

+8 Ability Haste
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Champion Build Guide

[9.9] Big Green Man

By phayilgaming
Hi, my name is Phayilkid. I have only been playing League of Legends for around a year, but I thought I would make a little guide on how I play Zac, as I feel that he is such an underrated champion.

I am hoping that this guide will inspire some summoners to give Zac a try, as it would be great to see him out on the rift some more.

+ Tanky Champion
+ Can Gank from unexpected positions
+ Let's Bounce! can change teamfights
+ No Mana!
+ Underestimated


- Slow
- Doesnt do High amounts of Damage
- Not great 1v1. Needs backup to fight.
- Passive can be useless in some situations
- Stuggles to clear dragons solo with any real speed

You are the jungler, so obviously you should take smite. It allows you to buy the jungle items, and helps clear out camps quicker.
Pretty standard spell to take on most champions.
If you are feeling brave, you can take Ignite instead of Flash. Zac's Elastic Slingshot is basically a flash, so it can get you out of sticky situations.
Zac's passive is pretty much a build in Guardian Angel. Early level it can be very hard for enemies to kill all your blobs in time, especially in a 1v1 fight. If you can, wait till you have it up to fight.
This ability took my a little while to get the hang of. When you use it on an enemy or monster/minion, you will then have to Auto Attack another enemy/minion to smash them together. It also applies a slow on the initial attack and also after smashing them together.
This abilities helps Zac sustain in jungle. Its an AOE attack, which will drop a blob each time it is uses. Remember to pick these up as they restore health and reduce the cool downs on his abilities.
This is Zac's signature move. At Max rank, it has a huge range and you can gank from all sorts of places. It can also be useful for getting you out of trouble as it can jump over walls.
His ultimate is pretty unique and can change a team fight dramatically. If you manage to Elastic Slingshot on the Enemy ADC and then Let's Bounce! them into your team, they will die and you should then win the fight.
You want to get this jungle item first and in every game that you play as Zac. It gives you a nice 300 Health, but most importantly it give you +15% bonus health.
Next up I go straight into Warmog's. By the time you have enough money to buy this item, you should have enough health to proc it, especially with the Cinderhulk and Overgrowth. Once you get to this stage, you should be really hard to kill!
Next up are boots. I always get the Ionian Boots of Lucidity. They give good speed and 10% CDR on abilities and Spells.
Next up I always buy Thornmail. Its great for combating their ADC as they will be damaging themselves with the passive. It also give a huge 250 health and 80 armor.
My next item on Zac is Locket of The Iron Solari. It gives 30 Armor and 60 MR. It also allows you shield yourself and nearby allies. The shield scales with the caster health.
And finally to complete your I WILL NEVER DIE build, I get Gargoyle Stoneplate. If you manage to activate this with 3+ enemies around, it will double your health. With this build, that will get you over 10k health!!!
If you want to deal some damage, but want to still remain tanky, Liandry's is a great item. It gives you 75 AP as well as 300 health. It also increases the damage you deal the longer you stay in battle, as well as burning enemy champions.
Again a similar item to Liandry's Gives you AP without sacrificing the health. You will want to buy this early on though so it has the time to fully scale.
This is a really fun item to buy on Zac. Like Liandry's and Rod of Ages, it gives you AP and Health. The fun with this item is that is slows enemies when they are hit by your abilities, making it even harder for them to get away.
Jungle Pathing

I start of by taking Zac's W, Unstable Matter. I always start at my Red Buff for the extra damage and the health regen. Next up I will take my E, Elastic Slingshot and head to my raptors.

Elastic Slingshot into the middle of them, and then W, Unstable Matter as soon as you hit the deck. Pick up your dropped goo and you should be able to Unstable Matter again. Attack the big raptor and the little ones should die from the Unstable Matter and the burn damage.

Head to your Wolves and kill them, and level up and take your Q, Stretching Strikes. Next up is your blue buff, followed by the Rift Scuttler. From here you should be able to then make your first gank depending on which lane is pushed in most.

Above I have marked where I think are the best places to gank from using your Elastic Slingshot. Green being best, and yellow being good. The great thing about Zac is that he can gank from pretty much anywhere.
09/05/19 - Added some more Synergies and Threats.
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