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Runes: Against Assassins
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
Personal go to ban. He's extremely hard to play against because his Null sphere cancels your ultimate. His low cd ultimate also means you can't hit him with q most of the time. If I'm ever against a Kassadin, I start doran's blade and can out trade him with autos. If he ults on you, he probably also used all his other abilities in the process and you can engage on him for a short while because he has no way of fighting back.
Champion Build Guide

Hi I'm myhg121212 (myhg was taken at the time -_-) an

In lane and post six, this will be the combo you'll use the most. It will proc electrocute and do a sizeable amount of damage. Sometimes the auto can be done after

auto >

This is for when your


All in combos

This is a combo for when you know you can hit

If you aren't sure if you can hit

If the enemy is too far away, flash then wall them, as the wall has more range than your other abilities, allowing you to catch up. You can also switch the order of

More advanced all ins

This is a more advanced combo because of

Other interactions
You can hourglass/go into stasis with ultimate


Are you against a melee champion? Look to poke and lower their health early. If you can get them low enough an all in with electrocute and ignite will most likely kill them, giving you the lead early. Poke them with autos and

If you took electrocute against a squishy, you have some early pressure. A

As support, you are extremely squishy early game. Try not to take many risks - Anivia has one of the lowest base health in the entire game. Disengage with

If however, your team is behind and defending, you should have no problem placing down your

Always remember to ward - an enemy flank can be devastating.

If the enemy frontline engages, you can use

If you want to kill the enemy backline, the optimal time to do so is after they have used key abilities such as sivir's

- Anivia is best picked into team comps with a good frontline like

- try to use

- if you take



- against some walls,

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