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Aurora Build Guide by Laimaudeja

Middle A Rough Introduction To Aurora

Middle A Rough Introduction To Aurora

Updated on September 15, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Laimaudeja Build Guide By Laimaudeja 15,701 Views 2 Comments
15,701 Views 2 Comments
League of Legends Build Guide Author Laimaudeja Aurora Build Guide By Laimaudeja Updated on September 15, 2024
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Runes: Use Ability Order [1] or [2] - Chef's Special With Mana Aid

1 2 3 4
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+65 Base Health


1 2
The Safe Option
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

A Rough Introduction To Aurora

By Laimaudeja
[This guide is up to date as of Patch 14.18]

I'm Laima, also known as CLUB UNREALITY in game, and I'm a pretty consistent Master player since 2023.

At the time of writing, I have played over 100 games with Aurora and developed my personal rune and item loadouts that I hope can be of use to newer players.

This guide will primarily be written with the assumption that you are using the "Laima's Signature Dish" item set.

CLUB UNREALITY's Aurora winrate, 2 weeks after her release.

Flexible playstyle
Fast waveclear
Fantastic teamfighting
Effective roaming
High assassination potential

Team reliant
Low range
Weak to crowd control
Extremely fragile
Lacking sustained damage

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Aurora is a mid-range burst mage that excels in teamfighting and executing high priority targets with her high burst damage. She also possesses some of the strongest waveclear a mage can have in the early game, being able to pull off very powerful roams onto the sidelanes with her ultimate, Between Worlds, forcing out opposing
Flashes, if not their lives.

Unfortunately, her extremely low effective range outside of her ultimate makes her very prone to being bullied in lane by higher ranged champions, with certain artillery mages such as Ziggs or fellow burst mages like Orianna or Syndra giving her the most trouble due to her being unable to retaliate against them in short exchanges. She also struggles really hard without a frontline or 'engager' on her team, due to her being innately more fragile and prone to burst, so it is very difficult to get into the backline without someone attracting all the attention to themselves before you. Due to these issues, I wouldn't advise picking Aurora blindly in your ranked games, preferably trying to hold your pick until later to see how the draft shakes out on both sides before deciding if Aurora is a good pick in that match.

Damaging an enemy 3 times with abilities or attacks exorcises them, dealing magic damage to them that is equivalent to 2.5% (+2% per 100 AP) of their maximum health and, if they were a champion, frees a spirit that follows Aurora for 4 seconds, granting her 3 - 20 (+2% AP) health every second as well as Realm Hopper, which increases movement speed by
5 - 9% (+3% per 100 AP).

For every spirit following Aurora, Realm Hopper's bonus movement speed is increased by 2% (+1.5% per 100 AP), up to a maximum of 8% (+6% per 100 AP).

Magic damage against monsters cannot exceed 100 - 180. Aurora can have up to 4 spirits following her at once.

Spirit Abjuration adds a little kick to your short trades, as well as a way to combat tanks, but its spirit related effects are quite negligible until you've amassed several of them during extended trades or skirmishes. The healing doesn't typically amount to anything significant in teamfights, but the movement speed can be very helpful when disengaging from a fight after a successful skirmish.

Fire cursed energy in a direction, dealing 40 - 140 (+40% AP) magic damage to enemies and cursing them for 3.5 seconds.

RECAST: End the curse, drawing back part of the enemy's spirit to Aurora, dealing up to 60 - 210 (+60% AP) magic damage to affected enemies based on their missing health. Damage beyond the first hit is reduced to 20%.

The base damage of Twofold Hexes recast is equal to its initial cast. Recast deals 40% damage to minions and monsters.

Twofold Hex is your bread and butter, being your main waveclear tool as well as your main source of damage. Due to its function as an execute, it's best to hold the recast for as long as possible so you can weave basic attacks and other spells such as The Weirding in while trading blows. It's also worth pointing out that in skirmishes against multiple champions, you should take your own position into account when recasting, so as to affect one champion with several pellets for additional damage.

Aurora can recast a Twofold Hex applied on cursed minions to chip away at unsuspecting foes.

Hop in a direction, and if you do, enter the spirit realm upon landing, becoming invisible for 1 - 1.6 seconds
and gaining Realm Hopper.

Scoring a takedown on an enemy champion refreshes this ability's cooldown

Across the Veil is Aurora's primary defensive ability, being your most reliable disengage tool amongst your basic abilities, though extremely unforgiving in the face of crowd control as any immobilizing effects can completely screw you over before you land, failing to turn you invisible, and leaving you wide open for the incoming barrage of attacks. It's also worth noting that if you hop into a wall of convergence Between Worlds you will be completely invisible while traveling from one edge to another, being able to keep people of your trail very effectively once its cooldown refreshes on a takedown.

This spell can also be used aggressively in various ways, because it applies Realm Hopper, the additional movement speed can be just enough to get in range of your lane opponent to start a fight. If used well and outside of the opponent's vision, the invisibility it grants can result in your opponent not being able to see you as you run up towards them.

Note that crashing into a wall counts as landing on the ground, being able to turn you invisible significantly faster than by using it normally, which can be useful if you're in a hurry when playing around an objective.

A map of terrain that Across The Veil can hop over.
There are walls, such as parts of the Raptor nests that can be crossed, that have been omitted due to unreliability.

Converge the realms, sending out a blast of spirit magic dealing 70 - 230 (+80% AP) magic damage to enemies in the area and slowing them by 80% decaying over 1 second, then Aurora hops backwards a short distance.

The Weirding is Aurora's consistency tool. It is the significantly easier basic ability to land between Twofold Hex and itself, and is what reliably triggers your Spirit Abjuration and Electrocute (or Arcane Comet, should you choose to focus on this spell instead of Aurora's regular playstyle).

The slow and hop prevent your opponent from retaliating but it is also a double-edged sword. The slow would theoretically make Twofold Hex significantly easier to hit, but the jump back pushes you out of its effective range, making it practically impossible to start your exchanges with The Weirding until you have accrued a lot of movement speed from your items.

A small trick worth noting down here is that The Weirding hops back just far enough that you can traverse
Between Worlds twice in quick succession, by jumping Across the Veil into the backline, then using
The Weirding to hop backwards into safety. The dash can also jump over some walls, such as the thin walls in the midlane, or some sections of the drake pit, but they are inconsistent enough that I wouldn't really advise trying it.

Aurora can use Flash during The Weirding's cast time.

Leap in a direction, converging the realms upon landing and sending out a pulse of spirit energy that deals
200 - 450 (+60% AP) magic damage and slows enemies hit by 30% for 2 seconds.

The area of convergence stays active for 1.25 - 2.25 seconds, doubling Realm Hopper's movement speed bonus and allowing Aurora to warp from one edge of the area to another. Enemy champions attempting to enter or leave the convergence are slowed by 75% for 1.5 seconds after being knocked back from the border.

RECAST: Close the convergence.

Between Worlds is basically Aurora's sales pitch, as this is the main reason you are choosing to play Aurora over anything else. Its massive area of effect is guaranteed to affect several champions each teamfight, and them being unable to leave the zone makes it an amazing teamfighting tool in various situations, like being used in conjunction with Miss Fortune's Bullet Time, or giving more immobile champions, like Garen, an opportunity to get onto the backline. It also temporarily removes Aurora's 'low range' characteristic due to how much distance you can traverse within it, being able to close the gap towards unsuspecting carry champions as you melt them with your high burst damage.

While it could be treated as the primary engage tool in a pinch, it's significantly stronger when being used as a secondary engage or follow-up to another champion's engage, like that of a Rell or Jarvan IV, or when it's being used as a surprise infiltration into the backline over a wall, similarly to Fiddlesticks' Crowstorm,

Between Worlds is very versatile, being also usable an escape tool, a spell to avoid crowd control, or to dodge tower damage by warping within the convergence.

Press On The Corresponding Keystone!

Electrocute is Aurora's most used keystone, and for good reason. It works best with her short trade patterns in lane and adds much needed burst damage to soften up fragile champions before blowing them up with a spell rotation.

This is my preferred keystone of choice, and you could probably stay with it forever without feeling like you're playing Aurora 'wrong'.

Arcane Comet promotes a more passive playstyle for Aurora, by putting points into The Weirding in the early levels instead of Twofold Hex, best used against champions that outrange you and beat you in short trades, like
Syndra and LeBlanc, since triggering Electrocute becomes a lot more difficult during laning phase.

I haven't personally found a lot of success with it, but I believe it may have some merit in those 'difficult' lane matchups.

Fleet Footwork is Aurora's best keystone for extended trades, due to the Movement Speed it grants, being amazing for dodging abilities or chasing fleeing foes. The movement speed can also be used by attacking a minion in lane, walking up to an enemy and chipping away at their health and backing off without letting them retaliate, though you lose a lot of important burst damage you would otherwise have with alternative keystones.

I used to be a big Fleet Footwork fanatic, but I moved away from it after I developed my personal, more burst focused playstyle. The keystone is by no means bad, however, so you're free to use it if it's more fitting for you.

Press On The Corresponding Path!

I generally wouldn't recommend playing Absorb Life and especially not Presence of Mind, but they are the 2 most viable runes to choose should you play with Fleet Footwork.
I prefer Absorb Life due to the fact that it makes it much easier to get through her relatively weaker laning phase with Fleet Footwork, letting you scale safely into the mid-to-late game. While Presence of Mind may be great for extended brawls in the later stages of the game, I do not believe that an Aurora should be in such a situation in the first place, as she prefers fights ending quickly before her kits flaws are exposed to true fighters and such.

As secondary runes, however, I would skip over them and just play Legend: Haste and Cut Down as they have amazing synergy with Aurora's kit, reducing the relatively high cooldowns of her basic abilities as well as injecting a lot of burst damage to melt fragile marksmen from full health with a spell rotation.

Taste of Blood adds some sustain to Aurora's laning in more difficult matchups, but the amount of damage that Sudden Impact can provide over the duration of a game is immaculate, so I wouldn't normally pass on it unless the matchup is a massive struggle to get through. Should you play the Domination path as your secondary, I would recommend Sudden Impact to be one of the runes.

Eyeball Collection is generally the most consistent rune to play out of this row in your ranked games, as Zombie Ward and Ghost Poro are much more difficult to make use of in such an uncoordinated environment. Naturally, the higher up you go in the ladder, the more you could consider these alternatives, but I generally wouldn't recommend it.

Ultimate Hunter is amazing for Aurora, whose entire strength is concentrated in her ultimate, Between Worlds, so it's practically a must play as part of your primary or secondary path.

The path of Sorcery is generally quite underwhelming as Aurora's secondary path, so most of these suggestions are built upon the assumption that it is your primary path in conjunction with Arcane Comet.

Manaflow Band is just generally amazing mana sustain, especially on a champion that struggles against champions with higher mana pools, so it's practically the only choice here. Should you play against certain burst magic damage focused champions like LeBlanc, you could also consider playing Nullifying Orb.

Transcendence has extremely high value for Aurora, being free ability haste that affects ever her ultimate's cooldown, as well as a bonus effect that reduces cooldowns based on takedowns, playing into the snowballing fantasy that Across the Veil's cooldown reduction effect encourages. Absolute Focus is just a generally decent effect, especially due to the high Ability Power ratio that Aurora's combo has, so if you want to maximise the damage you deal, this is a solid pick.

Scorch encourages more lane-focused play, which is fine, but begins to lose power around 20 minutes relative to Gathering Storm. This rune choice mostly depends on what you perceive your win condition to be. Do you think you need to snowball the early game and end the game quickly before the opposing teams carries reach their powerspikes? Or is the enemy team's composition skewed towards the early game and stalling the game out to 30, even 40 minutes, guarantees you a victory?

The Resolve path is generally quite middling for Aurora, but if you must go through a laning phase preventing your own death as much as possible, you may consider either Second Wind or Bone Plating with Overgrowth.

Demolish is quite anti-synergistic with what Aurora's gameplan is, and the healing Font of Life or Revitalize provide are too weak to be worth playing, so I do not recommend them.

Inspiration has some very powerful runes for Aurora, reducing the cooldown of her Flash with Cosmic Insight letting her create high range plays with Between Worlds more often over the duration of a game, as well as giving her some relevant mana and health sustain with Biscuit Delivery.

If you find one of these runes to be quite unnecessary in your game, you may exchange them with Cash Back to accelerate your gold generation and item power or Magical Footwear to access more of that hard-to-obtain
Movement Speed stat, though I personally find that purchasing boots and their corresponding upgrade within the first 12 minutes is way too important to pass up on.

Press On The Corresponding Shards!

The offensive shards are all great fits for Aurora, with the Adaptive Force easing up certain waveclear thresholds while laning, the Attack Speed letting you weave in more basic attacks to trigger Spirit Abjuration, and the
Ability Haste letting you execute combo rotations sooner.

My personal shard of choice is usually the Attack Speed one, fitting into my trade patterns the best, but you are free to experiment with the additional Adaptive Force encouraging a more roam heavy playstyle, and the
Ability Haste boosting a more battlemagey one.

Both additional Adaptive Force and Movement Speed are very useful for Aurora. Additional Adaptive Force eases up waveclear thresholds, especially if you use 2 Adaptive Force shards, while Movement Speed gives you much needed mobility to have an easier time reaching champions with your low effective range as well as making your roams more effective.

My personal shard of choice is the Movement Speed one, as I value the mobility very much on a not-so-mobile and low range champion. It also increases the dash speed of The Weirding by a tiny amount!

Either of the health options are fine, and obviously mostly depend on the lane matchup, but I typically lean towards the Flat Health one, as it lets me play the first 6 Levels a bit more aggressively and force leads while laning with Aurora's high burst damage in the early Levels, especially with Electrocute.

Don't forget to consistently use your Stealth Wards and maintain safety with vision! You should also keep in mind to position yourself on the side of the map that you have the most vision of, or if you can't, the side of the map where your jungler is or where you know the opposing jungler isn't.

Below are some common ward spots for you to use in mid lane.

Aurora's waveclear is one of the best among her class, and this partially extends to Level 1, where I strongly advise using Twofold Hex to curse all 6 minions and gain a quick lane priority advantage, so as to try and get Level 2 before your opponent and beat them in quick trades with a temporary level lead.

You can also try and engage in a short trade with your opposing laner if possible, ideally when they burn their own spell on the wave of minions, with a simple Twofold Hex - basic attack - Twofold Hex recast combo.

By Level Two, you would unlock The Weirding, by which point you can cast it in quick succession after
Twofold Hex, giving your opponent a very small window to react in.

If you've snuffed out that you'll have trouble hitting Twofold Hex on your opponent due to their high range or mobility, it's equally valid to just use two basic attacks on your opponent, then disengaging with The Weirding. This still ends up triggering Electrocute, which also triggers Sudden Impact for maximum value.

At Level 3, it's wise to hold off on upgrading any specific ability until you've engaged in combat, as you might be suddenly attacked by the opposing jungler or support, which would demand you to use Across the Veil to escape. Should the coast be clear, you're fine to upgrade Twofold Hex to empower your short trades and bully your lane opponent even further.

By Level 5, you've accrued enough skill points in Twofold Hex that you can kill Caster Minions with just a combo of Twofold Hex and The Weirding after softening all of them up with 1 basic attack each (or you have accrued 60-70ish
Ability Power, in which case you do not need basic attacks here), giving you immensely powerful waveclear to push out waves and attend Neutral Objectives like the Elemental Drakes before your opposing laner can, or just to get significantly better Recall opportunities.

By Level 7, you've unlocked Between Worlds and your Twofold Hex is powerful enough that you can kill Caster Minions with it and The Weirding with only 40 Ability Power, while also halving the health of Melee Minions, giving you some of the best waveclear in the game at this point in time. This is the perfect time to begin roaming in earnest, trying to hunt sidelaning champions down with your ultimate burst combo, or just securing objectives like the

Aurora is a pretty poor duelist and splitpusher, so I wouldn't advise spending much time in sidelanes if you do not have vision of your opponents, especially if your Between Worlds is currently on cooldown, as it's your only reliable escape tool in sidelanes.

I would mainly recommend clearing out waves as they come and leaving to hover around your fellow teammates within the fog of war or inside bushes just in case of a brawl breaking out.

It wouldn't be far fetched to say that teamfighting is Aurora's specialty, with her ultimate being as warping as it is, but correctly using her ultimate is another question entirely.

Effective ultimates can be created by various situations, such as being used in conjunction, or as follow up, to another champion's (eg. Rell's) engage. You can also use it similarly to Fiddlesticks' Crowstorm, scaring the living daylights of an opposing carry as you jump them from the fog of war. It's also important that you use your ultimate to complement your teammates, like locking up several champions in the convergence for a Samira to clean up with her Inferno Trigger.

Don't forget to line up your Twofold Hexes and The Weirdings in a way that hits multiple targets to maximise your damage!

Practically any of the Lost Chapter items are viable on Aurora based on the gamestate and what you want to accomplish in that game. Luden's Companion leans into a more burst-centric, almost assassin-esque, role while
Archangel's Staff and Malignance lean into more team-reliant roles. Archangel's provides more survivability to survive burst without being forced to opt into Zhonya's Hourglass, and Malignance tries to promote teamfighting with more uses of Between Worlds.

I believe that Luden's Companion is the most fitting of the three for one's ranked games, as the damage that
Malignance's Hatefog does is quite miniscule in comparison, and its ultimate haste becomes progressively worse as you accrue more stacks of Ultimate Hunter in such a chaotic environment.

Aurora has a pretty wide array of different second items that are all decent on her, but my personal favourites are Stormsurge, Zhonya's Hourglass, and Liandry's Torment.

Stormsurge is just the highest damage burst damage Aurora can purchase in her second slot, being able to easily trigger it with just Twofold Hex and The Weirding, letting her do massive damage to weaklings without having to commit Between Worlds. Zhonya's Hourglass provides really useful survivability when engaging with Between Worlds, while still having decent damage due to its high Ability Power. Liandry's Torment is just generally a very strong item due to its passive effects being out of this world, so you can't ever really go wrong with it, even if the alternatives would've been better in theory.

Trying to maximise the burst damage you deal on Aurora would result in having to purchase Shadowflame, Void Staff, and Rabadon's Deathcap after your initial items.

It should be noted that if you purchased Zhonya's Hourglass over Stormsurge or Liandry's Torment, purchasing Void Staff over Shadowflame 3rd would result in more damage, though Rabadon's Deathcap would always be optimal purchased last. Also, should you need to get an additional defensive item like Banshee's Veil or Zhonya's Hourglass, the least necessary item in the build path is Shadowflame.

If you concede maxing out on burst mage damage due to the opposing composition being too tanky or due to falling behind and needing to support your teammates, purchasing Cryptbloom over Void Staff becomes a lot more justifiable. Another item slot may be consumed by Cosmic Drive due to its great stat spread for Aurora, providing a lot of movement speed and ability haste to empower her ultimate. You might also alternatively consider buying Malignance if you hadn't already.

In the case of conceding your role as a carry, it might become your responsibility to purchase anti-heal in the form of
Oblivion Orb and Morellonomicon based on the opposing team composition.

Similarly to playing for utility, Aurora can be very effective at applying various debuffs like Abyssal Mask's Unmake or Frozen Heart's Winter's Caress by jumping into the backline with Between Worlds. You could also consider other supportive items like Shurelya's Battlesong or Locket of the Iron Solari for your engages if you've fallen behind in gold and exist just to support your teammates with your ultimate.

12/09/2024 - Updated the duration of Between Worlds to match her 14.18 nerf.
09/09/2024 - Finalised the post-lane and item overview; added rudimentary threats & synergies.
08/09/2024 - Finalised the rune overview, and laning phase sections.
07/09/2024 - Finalised the spell overview section.
26/08/2024 - Pre-emptively released.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Laimaudeja
Laimaudeja Aurora Guide
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A Rough Introduction To Aurora

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