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Strong Items
These are strong item picks for Nidalee.
This item is especially strong on Nidalee, it gives AP for your Swipe / Pounce / Javelin Toss and some AD.
This item is really strong. It scales well with her attack speed buff Primal Surge.
This item is so good on AD Nidalee, it will shred their armor giving more damage to your Takedown and basic attacks.
This is like Black Cleaver, only it ignores armor and doesn't shred armor, it is cheaper than Black Cleaver so you can swap it for this.
This item is good for baiting melee champions in a fight.
Viable Items
These are viable item picks for Nidalee, but I don't recommend them.
This item is very helpful in lane against an AD bruiser like Vi.
This item is pretty good on Nidalee because in cougar form she uses no mana so the active would be nice.
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This will help you get an itty-bit of sustain in lane since you aren't starting with Doran's Blade.
This quintessence gives a boost of AD along with your marks.
This mark is pretty self-explanatory, it gives AD.
This gives you extra armor against high damage targets, Example: Vi
This helps against an AP Top with high magic damage, Example: Elise
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