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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Trial By Fire (PASSIVE)
Gangplank Passive Ability
I've been playing gp since season 1. I tried alot of stuff with him, but i think Gangplank is really a adc if you play him the way i'll write :)
Grog-Soaked Blade (Passive)
Gangplank's basic attacks and Parrrley apply a poison that deals magic damage each second and slows the target by 7%. Lasts 3 seconds and stacks up to 3 times.
Parrrley (Q)
Gangplank shoots a target unit for physical damage. Gangplank gains extra gold if Parrrley deals a killing blow. This ability can crit and applies on hit effects.
Cost 50/55/60/65/70 mana
Cooldown 5 seconds
Range 625
Remove Scurvy (W)
Consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit which clears any crowd control effects on him and restores health.
Cost 65 mana
Cooldown 22/21/20/19/18 seconds
Range None
Raise Morale (E)
Passive: Gangplank gains attack damage and movement speed.
Active: Gangplank fires his pistol into the air, disabling his passive boost but increasing his attack da,ahe and movement speed and nearby allied champions' attack damage and movement speed by half that amount for 7 seconds.
Cost 50/55/60/65/70 mana
Cooldown 20 seconds
Range 575
Cannon Barrage (R)
Signals Gangplank's ship to fire upon an area for 7 seconds, slowing enemies in the area by 25% for the duration. Cannonballs rain upon the area, each causing magic damage.
Cost 100 mana
Cooldown 120/115/110 seconds
Range Global
Gangplank's basic attacks and Parrrley apply a poison that deals magic damage each second and slows the target by 7%. Lasts 3 seconds and stacks up to 3 times.
Parrrley (Q)
Gangplank shoots a target unit for physical damage. Gangplank gains extra gold if Parrrley deals a killing blow. This ability can crit and applies on hit effects.
Cost 50/55/60/65/70 mana
Cooldown 5 seconds
Range 625
Remove Scurvy (W)
Consumes a large quantity of citrus fruit which clears any crowd control effects on him and restores health.
Cost 65 mana
Cooldown 22/21/20/19/18 seconds
Range None
Raise Morale (E)
Passive: Gangplank gains attack damage and movement speed.
Active: Gangplank fires his pistol into the air, disabling his passive boost but increasing his attack da,ahe and movement speed and nearby allied champions' attack damage and movement speed by half that amount for 7 seconds.
Cost 50/55/60/65/70 mana
Cooldown 20 seconds
Range 575
Cannon Barrage (R)
Signals Gangplank's ship to fire upon an area for 7 seconds, slowing enemies in the area by 25% for the duration. Cannonballs rain upon the area, each causing magic damage.
Cost 100 mana
Cooldown 120/115/110 seconds
Range Global
+ Excellent Farmer with Parrley
+ Solid early game
+ Can harass with Parrley
+ Average lane sustain with Remove Scurvy
+ Global Ultimate
+ Skill set almost perfect to save allie's
- No natural escape
- Vulnerable to CC if Remove Scurvy is on cooldown
- No hard CC
- Requires practice to master Ultimate timing
- Ultimate has unpredictable damage
+ Excellent Farmer with Parrley
+ Solid early game
+ Can harass with Parrley
+ Average lane sustain with Remove Scurvy
+ Global Ultimate
+ Skill set almost perfect to save allie's
- No natural escape
- Vulnerable to CC if Remove Scurvy is on cooldown
- No hard CC
- Requires practice to master Ultimate timing
- Ultimate has unpredictable damage
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