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Soraka Build Guide by Kayaos

Aggressive Soraka

Aggressive Soraka

Updated on April 8, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kayaos Build Guide By Kayaos 27,301 Views 0 Comments
27,301 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kayaos Soraka Build Guide By Kayaos Updated on April 8, 2014
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Hey guys! I hope this guide helps you to be a beastly Starchild! May you forever carry your teams with grace :)
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So the runes featured here are the runes I personally use for any of my AP champs. The scaling is absolutely beautiful for late game and you get a butt-load more AP than if you just used flats.
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This build will make you half tanky. Soraka is extremely mana hungry, so try and stack up that tear ASAP. Your RoA should be next, followed by Spirit visage. The build order after that really just depends on your play style and what's currently going on in the game. If you're having issues chasing down some speedy opponents, it might be wise to throw in a Rylai's to give you that extra chase opportunity.
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Skill Sequence

Poke, poke, poke! Spam those Q buttons early on for an almost blissful laning experience. But don't forget that heal! Usually it's helpful to level out your Q and W evenly (your heal maxing out first), but if you're going support, try maxing out your W first then max out your Q and E as needed. And as always, put points into your R at levels 6, 11, and 16! :)
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Pros / Cons

Pros: Nice early game poke with crazy OP heals late game. Great wave clears.
Cons: Squishy at first. If you're going support, it's difficult to poke with your Q since it wipes out entire minion waves.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kayaos
Kayaos Soraka Guide
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Aggressive Soraka

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