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Amumu Build Guide by MrFakeHero1

Jungle Amumu doesn't cry, enemies do

Jungle Amumu doesn't cry, enemies do

Updated on April 25, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MrFakeHero1 Build Guide By MrFakeHero1 1,648 Views 0 Comments
1,648 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MrFakeHero1 Amumu Build Guide By MrFakeHero1 Updated on April 25, 2019
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Runes: Primary runes set

1 2
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak
Absolute Focus

Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Amumu doesn't cry, enemies do

By MrFakeHero1
Pathing + Ganking successfully (bot side red leash)
To fully make use of this build is maxing W Q E in that order. If your are getting a leash bot side red, then right after red, go raptors, top side scuttle, blue, gank top/mid (if possible). If it is not, clear until you have enough gold to buy a bami cinder. Bami cinder + W and you can solo drag lvl 5 and you will have be ahead in level than the enemy jungler 90% of the time following the right paths. Use plants to launch you when applicable to save on time getting to next destination especially if it's on the enemy team's side of the jungle to hinder low enemies from escaping and so they can't use them to move around faster in the jungle.
Pathing + Ganking successfully (bot side blue leash)
To fully make use of this build is maxing W Q E in that order. If your are getting a leash bot side lbue, then right after blue, go wolves, raptor top side scuttle, red, gank top/mid (if possible). If it is not, clear until you have enough gold to buy a bami cinder. Bami cinder + W and you can solo drag lvl 5 and you will have be ahead in level than the enemy jungler 80% of the time following the right paths.(slower clear because lack of ed buff early). Use plants to launch you when applicable to save on time getting to next destination especially if it's on the enemy team's side of the jungle to hinder low enemies from escaping and so they can't use them to move around faster in the jungle.
Items I choose for this Amumu
The reason I choose Cinderhulk rush into Rylai's and Liandry's is because of how fast Amumu can clear and how healthy it is. With these item choices and maxing W, Amumu can clear dragons and herald really quickly before the enemy even notices. The only draw back is if the enemy team is playing someone that can dash through walls/just really mobile, it can be susceptible to being stolen, but because this build will almost always ensure that you are up in level, you will have the advantage of smite.

You also can back less often because you will almost never be low enough to have to back unless you have been getting kills and have enough gold to buy items. If you do however get really ahead early on, I recommend building Liandry's first over Rylai's because of clearing purposes. As doing so will allow you to snowball harder.

Thank you guys for reading this guide. I hope you guys have fun and enjoy the freelo
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