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Anivia Build Guide by FearFactory

AP Carry Anivia - The tanky AP Carry

AP Carry Anivia - The tanky AP Carry

Updated on December 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FearFactory Build Guide By FearFactory 2,265 Views 0 Comments
2,265 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FearFactory Anivia Build Guide By FearFactory Updated on December 29, 2012
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Hey Dudes,

first: I'm sorry for my bad english, i'm from germany. But now, i will explain, why i wrote this guide.

I played Anivia a long time and didnt know, whats the perfect build. Many builds here are very good and better then mine, but this guide should be for the guys, who want to build Anivia tanky and with AP.

So pls dont flame and cry, it's just a other playwise.

Have fun and good luck!

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The first item is for mana. Anivia need's mana and the blue buff, but mostly, the jungler takes the blue buff first. So we need a mana item. Now we'll build this to Rod of Ages, it will give u HP, Mana and AP, a great core item. Now we buy boots, Anivia is soooo sloooowmooootiooon...

But... We need AP... For this we will buy Rabadons, a great DMG Item. After this , Void Staff and Rylis.
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Our DMG Skill is "E", but when we'll initiate a fight, first use "Q" for stunning the enemy, then "E" and "R". Or you can initiate with "R", stun with "Q" and cast "E".

E is a great Skill and scales with Ap sooo nice, but with the debuff ( from the stun or the ulty ) it will do DMG x2.

Our Ulty is great for farming, but you need the bluebuff.
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Pros / Cons

- Great and unique Champion
- Strong DMG
- A 2nd life
- You're a bird!
- A good Wall can save people or kill enemy guys

- Mana hungry
- Squishy @ Early Game
- Hard to lasthit pre lvl 6
- Needs blue buff
- The slowest bird ever seen
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Team Work

In the teamfights, you can stun the team with your "Q" and slow them with "R". It's very hard CC and you can safe lifes. You can do your wall between one enemy and the team, so you can focuse the dude and initiate 5vs4.

Bonus: In the teamfights, you'll get for everyone a assist, cause you'r ulty.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FearFactory
FearFactory Anivia Guide
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Anivia - The tanky AP Carry

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