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You cannot wish to anything better than this guy. He uses his turrets to farm and push? No problem. Kite off his turrets and he will pose no threat to you.
Easy lane, she must poison you inorder to do her combo? Well my friend you got your mobility skills and I would avoid her Q skill and she runs out of Mana pretty fast. Try to poke her constantly Pre-level 6 before she manages to buy her Mana items.
Just ignore him.. He will never die and constantly heal back all of his damage. This is rather a farm-fest. Only gank him when there is some help from your jungler other than just ignore him.
Final Boss, eh? Completely easy to trade-off with him, you deal more damage than him in early game. You can poke him all day during Pre-level 6. Avoid getting caught in his Event Horizon and you should be good with all your mobility skills.
This Birdie here can be your worst nightmare after level 6. She also got her Passive Rebirth.. Ask for gank from your Jungler. Other than that it is easy to poke her and push her lane during Early game.
This Birdie here too can be rather annoying with his mobilities. He could bite you out and send his soldiers towards you. A good Azir will be able to predict your bursts. Try to trade-off when he uses his Q, since it has a long cool-down during early game.
A hard match up, She will constantly try to Q+W you the entire game, you have to be careful and try to dodge her W with your Arcane Shift. Play safely and farm, that is main goal. Rush Rylai inorder to make her slow and aim your skillshots towards her. She usually do not build Health or MS and you will be taking advantage of it.
I love Ahri, I really do, but she is a pain in the fuzzle! She can simply force you back to your turret. When facing her, try to aim your True Barrageshot to her and avoid the Charm and you are good to gank her down. Ask your jungler for help, she is not an easy match-up!
This witch here seems like an easy target to wipe out! Believe me, she is not. Her Dark binding has almost NO COOLDOWN, her Tormented Soil is also an annoyance as she can force you back to your turret. She will also shield herself up if she is about to receive a fatal blow.
I love Ekko! It is a rather easy match up, considering you deal more damage than he does, you have to watch out for him not to gain any stacks from his Passive and you are easy to gank him. Do not bother to face against him if he has his ultimate up, just poke him constantly and force him to either retreat or use his ultimate and that is when you have to use True-shot Barrage and pick off the kill.
Enough said.. He can Windwall all your skill-shots. During early game, most Yasuo players seem to have alot of confidence and try to take the first-blood. That is where they are wrong. Always Autoattack Yasuo if you are trying to take on him, use Mystic Shot first, since the mana-cost is pretty low, bait out his Windwall and go fullburst into him. Beware there are not any minions around so your he does not use them to dodge your skillshots. In Teamfight, warn your team to take on him first since he can easily Windwall your Ultimate skill and the Teamfight is a loss. Get rid of him first then perform your magic on his allies.
Easy lane.. You can poke her with your AA during Early Game. Try to grab the first blood or make her difficult to farm. After level 6, do not bother to stay near her or the minions as she could easily get close to you instantly. She wont likely get a kill from you. Remember to warn your teammates if she leaves your lane.
Well.. She is a pain in the ass.. I can tell you that. Avoid getting hit by her spells, try to farm safely and rush Rylai and this will be a piece of cake for you. You will be slowing her alot and keep kiting her. Aside from that Early game she might be an annoyance and drag you to farm under tower. You must survive and grab your core items.
Twisted Fate
This Pokemon Trading Card Master will not be a huge threat to you if you manage to avoid his Yellow Card, other than that, you can erase his existance quite easily. Since he relies deeply on his Card stun to deal a fatal blow. If he manages to throw his Yellow card towards you make sure not to Arcane Shift the direction he is facing against, try to dodge it side-ways.
In Early game all she can do is get her Q skill on you and then do her combo pre-level 6. If you manage to avoid getting hit by the Q you are good to go, but must warn your teammates if she happens to roam, she wont be able to finish you off. In Late game, when she is doing her Ultimate you can just use your ultimate and follow it up by Essence Flux, you will erase her existance.
You can poke him down constantly pre-level 6, after Zed has reached level 3 becareful.. He is a lane bully. Do not stay in lane witb low health since he can easily AA with his passive and Ignite you to your death. There is a rule in this gameplay against Zed- Always rush Zhonya.
I have played with Jhin mid once. As long as you dodge his 4th shot, you can survive. Avoid standing close to minions with low health, watch out for his snare. Most Jhin players use their ultimate in teamfights to deal extreme damage, but that means Jhin will not be able to move while he is performing his Ultimate, simply fire your Ultimate against him and do your full combo.
You can poke him all day.. There is none simpler than Fizz during early stage, He is a Melee champion. Try to constantly use Esscense Flux whenever he tries to AA minion. When you see him with low health go full combo against him. Make sure his Trickster is on cooldown, since it can negate all your damage.
I do not like Lulu, nearly impossible to gank her, neither can she. This is a farmfest. But beaware she can constantly push your tower and force you to farm under turret, she is going to roam alot, warn your teammates if she leaves your lane.
You can push his lane, and poke him constantly most Gragas players rush Rod Ages first, which means he will not deal that lots of damage upon you. You can also dodge his skillshots with your Arcane Shift. He will not be able to kill you, but you can. Focus on farming while poking him with your Q or W. Also warn your teammates, since he knows he can not gank you, he will roam.
Another version of Akali, she is easy to poke and even get early kills during early game. But after level 6.. becareful and try not to take on her, if you are 100% certain you can burst her down.
Annoying champion.. Avoid standing alone, since his Q will deal double damage to single targets. He is going to force you to farm under turret. Ask your jungler for a gank early to burst him down. Avoid taking on him if you got low health since his Passive will allow him to take revenge.
Skill match-up. All you have to do is focus on farming to get your core items. If he catches you with his Ultimate, Combo and Ignite you are dead. So be cautious. Also avoid standing close to minions he has cursed.
Another version of Zed, the worst part is he can appear behind you when you are trying to burst him down and finish you off with ease. Play cautiously and avoid letting him roam. He will not be able to kill you, since if he tries to Ultimate you, you can Arcane Shift away from it + Flash if you need further distance.
This Mechanic Scientist can be your worst nightmare. He will force you to farm under turret, even poke you from there. He will mostly roam as well. So be cautious and warn your teammates.
This guy.. Will negate all your damage during early game with his Q. Your attacks will barely scratch him. Try your best to burst him down Pre-6. After Pre-6 it will be hard to beat him, since he got so much mobilities with his Ultimate.
I felt I had to add him on the list.. "Stand Behind Braum" his Shield will completely negate all your damage. Really hate to be Ezreal when I have Braum as an enemy team.
Huge burst damage in Teamfight
Can easily pick up kills with E
Able to assist teammates after lvl 6
Enjoyable to play and fun
Super Snipe 360 no scope
All Skillshots, can boast if you play well. ;)
- Very Squishy
- Farming problems
- Mana Issues
- No wave clear
- Can provide no CC
- All skillshot, if you miss it means no damage at all
Your Q skill will be your starting spell, as you would use it to farm safely and last hit minions with it during the early game stage. You can also use it to poke the Enemy champion you are facing against if they keep pushing your wave by too much. It does not scale much damage, but it is enough to last hit minions with it. Its power will start to shine after you have gotten your Lich Bane. It is also quite useful to use it as often as you can during mid and late game as it slows your cooldowns with 1.5 second with each completed hit, let it be either enemies or monsters it still counts!
This fizzle right here! Is your main OP Damage. It scales 80% AP and it is your main skill you have to rely deeply on. First of all it boosts your allies Attack Speed and also deals a huge amount of damage. I normally use it on my allies only if they are AD Carries Ex. Marksman, Top Laners. Also a quite nice skill to use to quickly wipe out Turrets, baron or Drake. In Teamfight I always try to get this skill with many enemies as Possible. I wait for them to gather in the middle which mostly do during teamfights, So I wipe out my Ultimate Skill along with Essence Flux and watch their HP drop by alot. You can either finish them off yourself or let your allies do it. ALWAYS MAX IT FIRST.
Oh baby! This skill is OP one. Always good to snipe off targets with it from a distance and also quite useful to wipe minions away if your lane is being pushed. I also use it when I see my bot laners being pushed or top lane being pushed. If you might get lucky you might pick off Baron or Drake last hits with it. I happen to pick off Drake kills with it along with some kills often, but Baron will be a bit hard during Late game, but if they manage to pick off Baron during mid-late game feel free to use it, you might get Baron along with some kills as well.
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