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Braum Build Guide by Vasili Petrovich

Braum (analysis no. 2) - Vasili

Braum (analysis no. 2) - Vasili

Updated on August 13, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vasili Petrovich Build Guide By Vasili Petrovich 2,231 Views 0 Comments
2,231 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Vasili Petrovich Braum Build Guide By Vasili Petrovich Updated on August 13, 2015
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In the simplest terms, Braum is one of the most innate tanky supports throughout League of Legends. His kit performs mainly in defensive situations, but can push to offensive quite easily. The learning curve is easy; however, high level plays will need a bit of experience on the champion and his role in fights.
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Lane Phase

The pressure that Braum can enforce in lane is mildly decent, his shield and jump can protect any carry, while his Q can punish overreach and zealotry. Be sure to save the shield for pressure and defense, for an ill-timed shield can set up a simple gank onto both you and your ADC. Along with good lane control and defensive basics, Braum can easily sustain an ADC to level 6 and beyond before a back to base. The main point of I have learned playing with Braum is always put yourself last: not only are you support, but your passive and CC can push back multiple aggressors in which other cases could plow down carry players. As with a Thresh, one can save the defensive sustain for being pushed under tower; put up a shield to get a relic proc and stay healthy, while defending the tower against enemy atuo-attacks. One should always be on the back-foot with Braum, a quick turn can stun lock an enemy before they have any chance of escape. Always keep the defensive capabilities in mind before offensive, the shield and Braum passive can help control any lane.
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Picks, Skirmishes, and team fights

Picks: With Braums passive, major plays can be made prior to taking any objectives. A 2 v 3 can change tides with a proc of the Braum stun, and a pick can easily be made with the slightest of observation. Turn a fight from a 5 v 5 to a 5 v 4, and push enemies off with a huge shield and a few Q's!

Skirmishes: Braum has major peel and decent engage potential, be sure to protect a carry over getting major CC (unless their is a hyper mid carry with huge CC as well, ie: Yasuo). Stun major threats while pushing for a small advantage.

Team Fights: Braum's major CC output in a team fight can change the tides of war with good timing in all abilities. Be sure to block major CC projectile damage with your shield, holding off enemy carries with stuns and auto-attacks. A well timed ultimate can split and group enemies together, knocking a few up in the chaos. Not only will this knock-up be key in catching enemies, but it once again gives time for you and your team to quickly pop and enemy carry. The major part of this role is knowing when to engage and when to pull back and protect (a good defensive is the best offense).
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Braum can influence the wage of war and help control fights like no other support. Be sure to be mindful of your actions and always protect and peel for your carries.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vasili Petrovich
Vasili Petrovich Braum Guide
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Braum (analysis no. 2) - Vasili

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