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Braum Build Guide by Blubtastic

Jungle Braum (for import

Jungle Braum (for import

Updated on January 17, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Blubtastic Build Guide By Blubtastic 1,386 Views 0 Comments
1,386 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Blubtastic Braum Build Guide By Blubtastic Updated on January 17, 2022
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Champion Build Guide

Braum (for import

By Blubtastic
This guide is made to import into the LoL client. By doing so you can see this build in the ingame shop when playing.
It was made to show all you need within one screen in the shop window, no need for scrolling.

1. Copy this guide's link
2. Paste it here:
3. Copy results into client (COLLECTION -> ITEMS -> "import item sets")
Your item set will now be available ingame in the shop under the "items" tab.
Challenger Replays
Coming soon...
First clear: only do single-target camps (Red/Blue/Gromp/Scuttle). Once you buy Bami's you can do AOE camps. Once you get Turbo Chemtank AOE camps you can do AOE camps fast.

Good vid:
Download the Porofessor App for Windows
League of Legends Build Guide Author Blubtastic
Blubtastic Braum Guide
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Braum (for import

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