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Although he is very squishy, his E is very annoying and he outscales you.
He can poke you alot but if you manage to reach him, it is an easy kill. This is more of a skill matchup.
Dodge her E and you win every trade. Try to roam because you can clear waves faster than her.
She can one shot you if she has full stacks on her passive. Try to kill her a few times before level 6. If you are having trouble with Annie, clear wave and roam or buy Mercury treads.
Easy matchup. She cant run away and she is squishy. You can dodge her skill shots easily with W. Keep on trading because you always win.
Morgana will root you and W. She can use her black sheild to avoid damage. Build Mercury treads first item and communicate with your jungler.
She will only one shot you if she lands her Q. Try to dodge and you can kill her. Have vision control because she is good at setting up ganks.
Aurelion Sol
Asol has no escape from your combos and does not do enough damage to win trades. You will beat him 9/10 times. Watchout when he roams because he can snowball of other lanes.
Diana is very annoying with her constant Qs and her huge gap closer. Use your range to an advantage and bully her with auto attacks pre level 3.
Lissandra counters you in everyway. Roam and snowball off other lanes.
He has lots of MR and a magic sheild. It will be hard to kill him because of his tankiness but he can't kill you either. Roam or ask jungler for ganks.
He can dish out alot of damage quickly and if you waste your W to clear minions he will combo you to death. Buy MR.
He has no escape and squishy. Try to avoid his poke and stay healthy.
His E can make you miss your whole combo and he wins trade. Only trade when Electrocute is up. ( Ban him )
Skill Matchup. You win trades but she has a better impact in team fights. Only team fight when neccesary.
She is very immoble and easy to kill before level 6. Becareful when when she Ults because it will prevent you form killing her.
Although he is very squishy and immoble, he always wins trades and gets ahead in CS. Ask jungle for multiple ganks.
Skill matchup. Dont trade with her when she has 5 stacks on her passive. Avoid her E and you can kill her. She will most likely buy MR items like wits end and it will be annoying.
He is too tanky to burst. KIlling him will be hard but he wont likely kill you. Get ahead in CS or roam.
Easy matchup. You win trades. He is very immoble and squishy.
Twisted Fate
Simmular to Viktor, he is immoble and squishy. Watch out when he is about to use golden card.
He is very annoying and takes up the whole lane. Ask jungler for ganks and level 6 all in him. ( take teleport )
Laning phase is easy. You win trades and get more CS than her. Poke her so she can't CS. Follow her when she roams.
Easy. He is so squishy but avoid his Q on the ground.
Even though she is very squishy and immoble, her passive gives her a free revive if you can't brake her egg in time. Ask jungler too gank.
He will poke you like crazy. Wait for his mana too run out or all in him when he least expects it to secure a kill.
You can win trades as long as you dodge his E stun.
He is very annoying with his constant poke and can E too escape you. Ask jungler too gank or roam.
Dodge his E when you geet close and you can one shot him. Start Corrupting Potion because he will poke you alot.
You win trades. Watchout for his ult.
Although you outscale him, he is very annoying in laning phase. He can prevent your Q and E with his windwall. Use your W wisely or he will kill you.
You win trades but her shroud is very annoying. Try to E her before she hides in her smoke because it gives you true sight.
Harras him with your auto attacks and Q but make sure he can't close the gap on you. Ping your teammates when he is roaming.
Easy matchup. Just make sure he can't silence you.
Leblanc is a very unique mid laners with 4 mini flashes built into her kit. She can be very aggresive and also be very safe. Leblanc is a good first pick with little counters. Leblanc thrives off mid game where she has enough AP to win many fights. She is an Exelent dueler and can win many matchups. Unlike many assasins who struggle early game because of their mellee status, Leblanc is ranged AND AP. Her kit is simple too understand but it takes many games to use it to the fullest.
Bassic Combos
AA>Q>W This is a great level too combo that can do alot of damage and proc electrocute.
E>Q>W Does alot of damage and will proc electrocute.
Q>W>E>AA>Ignite>AA This combo will kill enemies who are below 75% health.
Advanced Combo
This is my very first detailed guide and there are probably mant typos. I hope you enjoy my guide and hope you do well on Leblanc
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