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Briar Build Guide by Zero macro

Jungle 🩸Briar Jungle Guide (All Champion Matchups)🩸

Jungle 🩸Briar Jungle Guide (All Champion Matchups)🩸

Updated on December 15, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zero macro Build Guide By Zero macro 61 13 196,906 Views 4 Comments
61 13 196,906 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zero macro Briar Build Guide By Zero macro Updated on December 15, 2023
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Runes: Stat Check + Conq

1 2 3
Legend: Bloodline
Last Stand


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)


1 2 3 4
Flash + Blue Smite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Gustwalker Smite

Gustwalker Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

🩸Briar Jungle Guide (All Champion Matchups)🩸

By Zero macro
Briar Abilities
🩸 🩸
Introduction, Google Document.
🩸 Hello Everyone, I'm Zero Macro (She is Hungry). 🩸

🩸 I peaked Challenger soloq in EUW server and I play LoL since the end of Season 3. 🩸

🩸 Google Document for my Briar Jungle Guide: 🩸

🩸 🩸

🩸 Some Matchups still in progress. 🩸

🩸 Logs: 13.23 updated 🩸

🩸 I hope that this will improve your Briar Jungle ! 🩸
Explaining the main part of Briar, 🩸Berserking🩸
🩸 Berserking forces Briar to attack her closest enemy, during this action you cannot control her movement nor her basic attacks. Champions have priority over minions and monsters. 🩸

🩸 Stopping the Berserking;
- Briar can use her (E).
- All viable targets that get fixated on have to die or/and enter stealth/camouflage.
- Briar died.

🩸 There are several actions you can still control during the Berserking;
Briar’s Q can only be used whenever a unit is in range. This will Swap Briar’s main target during Berserking(This can even prioritize Monsters / Minions).
Briar’s W(1) can be used during Hematomania from Briar’s R, this will allow her to dash
Briar’s W(2) can be used on command against the fixated target.
Briar’s R can be used during Blood Frenzy during Briar’s W ---> This will make Briar swap targets to the one tanking Briar R missile.

🩸 Items / Summoner spells / other effects that work during Berserking; 🩸
🩸 All Item-actives are usable.

Those Summoner Spells are usable during Berserking;
Heal, Ghost, Barrier, Cleanse, Flash(This will Swap Briar’s main target during Berserking)all types of Smite , Ignite, Exhaust.

🩸 Those/this Summoner Spell(s) are NOT usable during Berserking;
It is NOT possible to Recall during Berserking.
Most important Fact(s)
🩸 Fact 1:
Briar Passive is a stacking bleed caused by autohits and abilities, capped at 9 stacks.
Briar Passive increases healing from all sources on Briar, depending on Briar's missing HP.

🩸 Fact 2:
Briar Q is a short leap that can be used on allies and enemies, thereby reducing enemy armor for 5 seconds.

🩸 Fact 3:
Briar W can be used to hop over walls and/or seek for champions that are not in sight.
Briar W(2) is an extended range autohit buffer, which deals more damage to lower HP enemies.

🩸 Fact 4:
Briar E Channel cannot be stopped, however Briar can still be affected by knockback effects and other movement changing effects.
Briar E full Channel will knockback enemies, whenever they collide with Terrain ---> They will take maximum damage and are knocked up into stunned for a long period of time.

🩸 Fact 5:
Briar R is a global skillshot with sound announcer.
Briar R interrupts ongoing channels and grants true vision of her targeted enemy.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zero macro
Zero macro Briar Guide
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🩸Briar Jungle Guide (All Champion Matchups)🩸

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