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Tristana Build Guide by Skiddo12

ADC Bronze (I'm Silver 4 but that's basically Bronze) Tristana G

ADC Bronze (I'm Silver 4 but that's basically Bronze) Tristana G

Updated on April 5, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skiddo12 Build Guide By Skiddo12 6 6 19,685 Views 0 Comments
6 6 19,685 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Skiddo12 Tristana Build Guide By Skiddo12 Updated on April 5, 2021
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Runes: PTA

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Guide Details

Le Champion
About the Champion
Combos and Tips
Stuff and ****
Pros and Cons
Team Comp



Hello! My name is Skiddo12, but you can call me Skiddo. I'm a Silver IV (which is basically Bronze) ADC/Supp main from NA. I've been playing League of Legends since March this year, so I'm quite new to this game. Though now I have a much more diverse champion pool, when I first started out, I almost exclusively played Tristana.
Whilst I don't play her nearly as much anymore, as I'm an AP Malphite support player, I still play her a good bit. I accidentally made this text too big.

This guide is split into some parts. Idk man. I'm not good at writing guides.

Anyway, enjoy.
I think this splash art looks funny. Her face is so ****ing blue.

Tristana - Jumping *****
Ranged, Bursty type ***** going in and out type *****.
Damage Type: AD (don't build her AP)
Speciality: Dealing big burst damage and then getting out.
Why play Tristana? Tristana is fun. She's also a little strong right now. Also she's fun. She benefits from the new items, specifically Kraken Slayer. Also she fits kinda in the Meta, as the Meta is damage and Tristana deals damage and that is good. Play her. I honestly don't know what to write here. Help me.

PASSIVE: DRAW A BEAD: Tristana's passive increases her attack range by 8 every time she levels up, allowing her to reach an attack range of 661, which can be extended to a range of 811 using Rapid Firecannon's passive. Additionally, Tristana's passive affects her Buster Shot and Explosive Charge.
Q: Rapid Fire:Tristana's Q, Rapid Fireincreases Tristana's attack speed by 50/65/80/95/110% for 7 seconds. The cooldown on this ability is 20 seconds at rank one and 16 fully leveled up. You're going to want to max this last, as you max Explosive Charge first (it's your main damage dealer), and Rocket Jump second. Because of its long(ish) cooldown, in laning phase you're going to want to try to reserve the ability and use it only when you engage or when you need it to CS. You're going to want to use it in association with your Explosive Charge for that sexy damage.
W: ROCKET JUMP: Rocket Jump is Tristana's bread. The butter is her Explosive Charge. Together they are her bread and butter... Sorry that wasn't funny. Tristana's Rocket Jump is what she's known for. Her Rocket Jump allows her to perform her iconic burst. Tristana's main combo is: Rocket Jump in, attach Explosive Charge midair, land on the enemy ( Rocket Jump damage stacks Explosive Charge), hit them three more times, get the Rocket Jump reset (when you get a takedown or fully charge your Explosive Charge, you get a Rocket Jump reset), and then jump out. Tristana's W deals magic damage, And slows enemies by 60% for 1-3 seconds. The mana cost is 60, which isn't a whole lot, but you can sometimes get caught out without mana. The cooldown is 22-14 seconds. Max this second.
Passive: Explosive Charge's passive deals Magic Damage in a 300-600 radius (I think). It does 55-155 Magic Damage (+25 Magic Damage each level) with +25%AP ratio. This passive makes CS'ing hard sometimes.
Active: Tristana's E, Explosive Charge, is the butter (haha. Callback) of Tristana's kit. Explosive Charge can be placed on all enemies and turrets. After 4 seconds Explosive Charge explodes, dealing a lot of damage. Explosive Charge stacks 4 times via abilities and/or basic attacks, each of which increases the damage by 30% on each stack. It deals: Minimum Physical damage 70-110(+10AD) and +50-150% AD (+25%AD) and +50%AP. Every stack does 21-33 additional AD and more stuff I'm too lazy to write. I should stop talking numbers. Also its damage is increased by Crit. Also the range is increased when used on towers, so watch out for tower agro.
R: BUSTER SHOT: Buster Shot is a good ability. In association with her W, she has escape. Buster shot knocks champions back and deals 300-500 (+100%AP). Idk what else to say. It's a good ability and it's not on an incredibly long cooldown. You can use her R as a finisher or as an escape.

COST: 210-230 mana
This is Tristana's main combo. The ult is not necessary and can kinda screw stuff over if you ult to early, but this is the thing you want to do when you engage.
Tristana's main combo, WEQR (you don't exactly need Q or R if you have hail of blades), deals a lot of damage. Sexy damage. Like you can oneshot. Early game the WE combo is really strong. If you're into a squishy botlane, try to push the first wave (as long as there isn't a twitch jungle), get level 2 first, and then engage. Tristana has literally one combo. Remember you can kinda cancel your W with flash, so Tristana has some insec potential. You would: W - E - Flash midair to get to the ground quicker - turn around - insec with ult.

Tristana really doesn't have that many combos.

Also remember your W reset so you can get out after. Also when you ult it will knock up for a certain amount of time. Even if you hit a will they won't die and E won't explode until the duration of your R is over.

TipsI got lazy and so i stopped formatting well
    - Remember that your w get’s reset off kill participation and fully stacked e procs. That can help you go in, burst someone down, and get out safely.
    - Tristana is a low range ADC, and struggles a bit against longer ranged ADCs. If you don’t get a good early engage, sometimes you won’t get rolling and the enemy ADC may get rolling instead. Remember you are one of the most powerful level 2 ADCs.
COORDINATE WITH YOUR SUPPORT Tristana is a great all-in champion, but in a 1v2 without an escape you can find some trouble. Remember to get your support to peel for you. It’ll be incredibly helpful.

Special mechanics/interactions:

E animation cancel
If you right click right after your cast time you can cancel the second part of the animation.
In order to execute this mechanic you have to auto-attack right when tristana begins to jump. That part isn’t part of the casting, it’s just an animation thingy.

W interactions
Tristana’s rocket jump have some weird interactions with some champions. First of all, if you time your w correctly, you can jump out of pulls and stuns: if you jump at the right time with a Nautilus auto, you can jump away and be stunned.
There are some weird w and flash interactions: You can w - flash - basically flashing and then jumping
Also cancelling jump with flash.

Ok that’s it.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skiddo12
Skiddo12 Tristana Guide
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Bronze (I'm Silver 4 but that's basically Bronze) Tristana G

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