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Ezreal Build Guide by zulacecek

AD Carry BURSTREAL (AD carry version)

AD Carry BURSTREAL (AD carry version)

Updated on February 27, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zulacecek Build Guide By zulacecek 1,616 Views 0 Comments
1,616 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author zulacecek Ezreal Build Guide By zulacecek Updated on February 27, 2015
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This build is made to be very bursty in late game. Build comes out from bluezreal, but has various itemization changes. I had big success with this build from early to late game, since your first item is standart Triforce.
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Support choice

Ezreal is very agressive adc so support choice is derived from that style. Leona-ezreal is great combo, with leona burst whatever you want early game. Leo's ult is also great combo with yours. When you see her casting it, you cast yours and burn your target.
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Early game

Keep harrasing with your Q. Buy your sheen as soon as it is possible to boost your damage high. Your first item is going to be Trinity force. Which will provide you enough damage to succeed in early fights. After Triforce you should upgrade your boots to cd reduction one. After boots upgrade buy tear of goddest to start stacking it up.
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Mid - late

This build is made to be mid -> lategame powerhouse. In mid keep farming, call for objectives and if there is a possibility you can end the game easily. In late you will have great burst onto the table.
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Wait till any of your teamates engage and try to use ult on as many enemy players as possible. Then your work is mainstream. Activate Muramana and just spam Q. E can provide you great mobility, you can move around very fast and with CD reduction on spells hit its cooldown is very low.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author zulacecek
zulacecek Ezreal Guide
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BURSTREAL (AD carry version)

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