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Cho'Gath Build Guide by Toastytoast47

Jungle Cho'Gath Jungle S4 - The Void and You

Jungle Cho'Gath Jungle S4 - The Void and You

Updated on July 2, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Toastytoast47 Build Guide By Toastytoast47 2,989 Views 0 Comments
2,989 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Toastytoast47 Cho'Gath Build Guide By Toastytoast47 Updated on July 2, 2014
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Hi! i'm Toast! I like to make a lot of guides and this is how to properly AP offtank (or tank) Cho'gath jungle. Cho'Gath is becoming progressively stronger due to his tankiness and loads of CC!
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Pros / Cons

- Loads of CC
- Tanky as hell
- Fun! nom nom nom
- Strong pick
- Scales well
- Good all game
- Never banned

- Hard to learn
- You're either good or bad
- Can fall behind hard
- Ganks are skillshot reliant
- Relies on Blue buff
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For runes I recommend Magic pen marks, Armor seals, and MR Glyphs. For your quints you could take Movement speed for sticking, or AP Quints for more damages.
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I have notes explaining most of the items. Make sure you build accordingly to your role and the enemy team.
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Skill Sequence

Always max your Q first.
You can max your W or your E second.
W if you're doing good / ganking a lot.
E if you're farming jungle a lot.
Prioritize R ofc.
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Always take smite.
I usually use flash.
You could take ghost if you don't have MS Quints, or if you prefer it.
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I always start Blue as Cho'gath. He is very mana dependent; Especially early game. I clear Wolfs after then go to red. From there you can gank or keep farming jungle.
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Team Work

Cho'gath works well with a teamfight composition. He works extremely well with Yasuo, and people with snares, roots, or stuns. In a teamfight, your job is to output and take as much damage as you can. You are the CC warehouse and if you hit a 5 man silence or knockup, that fight is yours.
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Cho'gath jungle is getting very strong. He is very underrated but I hope that changes. He can be a very strong pick, but if you pick him at the wrong time, you're useless. His CC allows him to easily 1v1 and change tides of teamfights.
TL;DR Cho'gath is an amazing champ with much potential.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Toastytoast47
Toastytoast47 Cho'Gath Guide
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Cho'Gath Jungle S4 - The Void and You

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