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Cho'Gath Build Guide by Zhytwos

AP Offtank Cho'Gath semi in depth guide

AP Offtank Cho'Gath semi in depth guide

Updated on March 19, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zhytwos Build Guide By Zhytwos 2,402 Views 0 Comments
2,402 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zhytwos Cho'Gath Build Guide By Zhytwos Updated on March 19, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


- introduction
-Skill sequence
-Ranked Play
-team work
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Hi guys again this is zhytwos a platinum 4 play in league of legends PHProof xD.
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Pros / Cons

Strong CC
Instant Silence
Good Passive
Can Carry Games
Can steal baron
can burst squishes

Q is hard to land
Can easily get countered
If "R" doesnt have a stack pretty squishy
Team reliant
Cant carry super noob team
R losses half of its stack
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Ranked Play

During rank games. avoid using cho if you already have a ap midlane so that the enemy wont build MR to counter you guys. and you can also choose cho if your team lacks CC.

I will be uploading a rank game with cho'gath after a couple of days using this tutorial so stay tuned :)
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Creeping / Jungling

Keep farming till you reach level 6. Once you reach level 6 you can go to the crab/frog and farm those 2 guys and eat the big crab this would give you a huge exp and gold advantage and a stack for your "R"

if you see your lane mate gank to the midlane you can proceed to farm and try to push the lane as fast as possible. and if it is too late. go ahead and use your teleportation spell but if it is in CD the moment you see the enemy jungle go to the midlane or missing to your lane you can go ahead and gank their midlane.

always respond to your team mate if they are asking for assistance.

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Team Work

During large team fights.
you can front for your team if you have a healer.
if not if there are other tanks let them front and you stay behind the main tank in order to support them with CC,
Avoid dying and don't hesitate to use your flash and use your SS on the enemy damage dealer his would give your team a very high advantage in winning that clash.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zhytwos
Zhytwos Cho'Gath Guide
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Cho'Gath semi in depth guide

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