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Gragas Build Guide by kelloggsbb

Other Critmeister Graggy

Other Critmeister Graggy

Updated on August 2, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kelloggsbb Build Guide By kelloggsbb 2,198 Views 0 Comments
2,198 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kelloggsbb Gragas Build Guide By kelloggsbb Updated on August 2, 2014
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hello it is i, kelloggsbb, the gragas champion of the world here to teach you a thing or two or just one because two sounds like a lot of work

gragas is a very versatile champion. he can jump over walls and his you in the face with alcohol

i am here to show you the best way to hit people in the face with alcohol

let's take a ride
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runes are very important. these runes will up your early game chance to win trades which are important to win so you better crit them or it's game over man

the seals though
they're a whole different story
atma's baby
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please do the masteries i put here they're very important

that's all i have to say about that
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this item build is non-negotiable. any other build will be your death

don't forget to hang ooto those avarice blades as long as possible. they give you gold
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Skill Sequence

press w
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heal is important for the not dying thing. please pick that and whatever else u want with that
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Pros / Cons

    you do a lot of damage
    someone may get mad at u for being too hella
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kelloggsbb
kelloggsbb Gragas Guide
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Critmeister Graggy

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